A god of beauty

Chapter 59 I Am the Supreme God

Chapter 59 I Am the Supreme God


Mikaela naturally knows what this means, but she has seen people go to shopping plazas to buy department stores, and she has seen gentlemen on Wall Street go all the way to Queens to buy one night, but they buy one night. specific body, but also can be specially tailored?

Michaela is unseen and unheard.


All Mikaela can say is that the moment he didn't open the door on April Fool's Day, her world was nothing short of a shootout every day, but since she opened that door, and will be comatose at the door When her male god dragged her home, her world collapsed.


Alien God.

Guardian of the Earth.

Odin Court.


King of hell.


The afternoon sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows onto Michaela, who is sitting by the window, holding a spoon in her right hand and stirring the twelve-dollar coffee in front of her.

Jingle Bell!
Mikaela looked up at the coffee shop door that was pushed open not far away. From the outside, a middle-aged man with a cropped hair, glasses and a suit came in.

The eyes of the middle-aged man turned around the coffee shop that was not crowded early in the morning, and then fixed on Mikaela's table.


The middle-aged man came over: "Madame Medis?"

Mikaela looked at the middle-aged man, released the spoon with his right hand, and gestured: "Please sit down, Dr. Merrick."

Merrick smiled slightly, adjusted his suit and sat down on the seat: "Ms. Medis, you are younger than I imagined, and...very healthy."

Mikaela laughed, "It's unhealthy for the doctor to want his guests?"

Dr. Merrick shook his head: "No, on the contrary, I hope that my clients will live long lives, but scientific development requires funds, and I don't really like my company being swallowed by Wall Street sharks."

Mikaela was thoughtful: "You need investors, but what you need is investors who just invest money and don't need to ask questions. Obviously, unhealthy investors meet this requirement."

Dr. Merrick nodded: "They pay, I heal them, and then they can wait for dividends. I like this kind of transaction mode. Obviously, Ms. Medith is not such an investor."


Mikaela smiled and said, "Dr. Merrick is not going to accept my investment?"

Merrick nodded very frankly: "Sorry."

Mikaela waved his hand: "It's okay, since the investment is not accepted, then we can change the model. I want to be a customer of the doctor's company, and I will pay for what I want."

Merrick, who was about to get up, paused and looked at Mikaela: "Does Ms. Medis know what business I am in?"

Michaela smiled.

Merrick looked around the coffee shop, everything was as usual, and then sat down again, frowning slightly at the photo pushed in front of her by Michaela and a tube of blood.

Mikay pulled his long hair together: "Doctor, last November, the head of the Li family chaebol in the Bangzi Kingdom bought a perfectly fitting heart. Your quotation is 500 million Franklin. In March this year, the old king of the desert Organ failure, but it was completely healed when it appeared in front of everyone in April. Your quotation is 500 million. What I want is different from them. [-] million, one month, I want the woman in the photo reappear in front of me."

The voice fell.

Dr. Merrick's face was slightly stiff: "Sorry, Ms. Medith, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Mikaela smiled slightly, glanced at the untouched coffee, got up, and looked at Dr. Merrick with a flat expression: "Doctor, you can check your overseas account. Normally, shopping is paid when you see the goods, but In this case, Dr. Merrick, I've paid in full and you have one month."

Say it.

Mikaela carried the bag next to her and walked towards the door of the coffee shop.

Dr. Merrick lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to look, dialed the number of the overseas bank, and at the same time looked at the door of the coffee shop, but suddenly shrank his eyes.

Without him.

Merrick watched as Mikaela pushed open the door of the coffee shop and walked out, but that was all. The outside of the coffee shop was empty. It seemed that Mikaela pushed the door, but the world outside the door was different. Not the world outside the coffee shop.


"Dr. Merrick."

Merrick regained consciousness and listened to the voice on the phone and said, "I'm here."

The private consultant of the overseas bank on the other side of the phone repeated what he just said. Ten seconds ago, a transaction of [-] million yuan was generated in his account, which was income, not expenditure.

After hanging up the phone.

Dr. Merrick looked at the photo on the table and a tube of blood, thinking a little bit.

Although his mysterious island cloning company is on the bright side, no matter how capable it is, even the old president who has made an appointment for a heart transplant next month probably doesn't know that these people need organs that perfectly fit their own Not really cloned organs.


Dr. Merrick put away the things on the desktop, called his old friend at the National Security Agency in Washington, and asked them to help him find out about Medis.

The Prorot T20 roared and drove towards the Indian Grand Canyon, which was less than fifty kilometers away.

Lake, who was enjoying the driving experience, glanced at Mikaela on the co-pilot and smiled, "You're struggling."

Mikaela regained her senses and looked at Lake with a sideways face: "Of course, this is not an ordinary shopping. Dr. Merrick's incubator does not cultivate organs, but..."

Lake shrugged and said, "After all, you are a mortal, and you are still a woman. It's normal to feel this way. That's why I didn't want you to watch it before."

"But I did."


Lake sighed, let go of the hand holding the steering wheel, and the Prorot T20 automatically took over the control. Lake lowered the window and looked at the beautiful scenery of the desert road: "Those in the cultivation warehouse... are products, and someone paid for them. Then the products made by Dr. Merrick, in fact, this is another reason why I asked you to come forward, you need to ignore life, or in other words, a qualified god needs to treat any living beings reasonably."

People are people.

Animals are animals.

Human beings can distinguish so clearly. Naturally, in the eyes of gods, there is not much difference between human beings and animals.

Mikaela was silent for a while: "So... I am in your eyes?"

Lake laughed: "You are the goddess of the future, and you are my god. As the main god, I have the responsibility and obligation to make you a qualified god."

Although the reputation of my god name in the Valoran universe is not very good.


I am God, and I am God Most High.


hold on!


 Uh... Forget it, no spoilers, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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