Chapter 54
"I am Dr. Lightning!" "

the next day.

After the New Yorkers outside of Wall Street woke up, they fell into a sluggish moment watching the newspaper headlines that came a few minutes later than usual.

The headline on the front page of the New York Daily directly intercepted the high-resolution photo of Victor holding up the thunder pill with his right hand to call out a chaotic storm.

Ordinary people are eating melons.

Wall Street reacted quickly, and the stock of Victor Industries once again rose like chicken blood.

Major stockbrokers expressed that after the stock of Stark Industries, another stock that could preserve value was born. Numerous brokers told their clients that the stock of Victor Industries would become their family heirloom, and it was also a response to A great insurance against future economic crisis.

Star Building.

Lake sipped the coffee brewed with a branding iron, stared at the New York Daily in his hand, and looked at Victor, the silver character on the newspaper: "Times make heroes? Or do heroes make times? This set is outdated. Whoever the gods want is a hero." A hero, what do you say, Mikaela?"

Mikaela, who was sitting on the opposite side of the bar, resting his chin in his hands and watching various TV broadcasts on the wall, did not turn his head and said: "You are a god, you have the final say."

Lake chuckled.

Reed is dead, there is no doubt about it, the so-called Fantastic Four are like a flash in the pan, but the new Doctor Lightning will last for a long time, and the longer Dr. Lightning Victor exists, even if it is Dead Reed, his reputation will become more and more stinky until he is nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

Lake felt a sense of accomplishment at the moment.

The so-called one-handed overturning the situation is nothing more than that, he didn't even show up, he disrupted the situation, and turned the former villain into a decent one...

In a word.

In the eyes of the gods, or in the eyes of Lake, there is no right or wrong, only likes and dislikes. What he likes is justice, and what he hates is evil.



"Zack's source hasn't been caught yet?"

"Unfortunately, sir..."

Agatha showed her figure and said: "We missed the opportunity at the beginning. Zach has already hidden in this universe. If he does not appear again, I will not be able to locate him."

Lake smacked his lips, and looked down at the coffee in his cup. It was also brewed with a flat iron yesterday, but Lake was sure that yesterday's coffee had no smell of engine oil.

Mikaela, who was watching the TV on the opposite side, didn't look sideways, holding her own coffee and watching the TV over there, but after catching Lake's movement from the corner of her eye, the corner of her mouth inadvertently curved up a bit.

Lake looked at Agatha and shook his head and said, "Forget it, let Zach hide if he wants to hide, anyway, he is the least threatening to me."

Agatha had no doubts.

After a while.

Lake got up, stretched his waist and said: "Okay, the strong enemy in front of me is solved. After waiting for the last five months, my stars will arrive. It's time to give myself a vacation."


Lake looked at Mikaela: "What do you think of Texas at this time?"

Mikaela put down her coffee cup: "You want to go to Texas in November?"

Lake said with a smile: "Of course, if you don't go out to play now, I'm afraid someone will come to your door in a few days."

Victor blew himself up, and New York City had a carnival, but it was obvious that SHIELD was definitely not a member of the carnival crowd. It could not be said that SHIELD was going crazy at the moment.

But Lake thinks it's a good thing.

At the very least, after Victor's self-destruction incident now, if Tony blew himself up next year, he would have experience.

I am indeed a good god.

Lake secretly smiled and said to Mikaela, who was somewhat sensible: "You forgot, your face is registered with S.H.I.E.L.D.."

Mikaela lost her eyes: "Then whose fault is this?"

Lake laughed and said: "So, we can go to Texas, just right, first, we can see the Grand Canyon in Texas, and second, go to meet the hell lord here, if possible, we can do it with him A deal."

"The Lord of Hell?"


Lake's expression was calm: "Although I don't have divine power right now, my level is there. I think it shouldn't be difficult to ask him for a soul to come up."

Mikaela's expression changed slightly, as if thinking of something.

Lake looked at Mikaela with a smile on his face: "I sent him such a big gift, it shouldn't be difficult for him to send Meredith Vickers' soul up."

Meredith Weeks.

Michaela's mother.

Mikaela opened her mouth slightly: "Can you do it?"

Lake shrugged: "I am the supreme god, and he is the lower god. I can't think of any reason for him to refuse. If he refuses, I don't mind burning his hell when the stars return."

"No, I mean..."

Mikaela interrupted, covered her forehead, scratched her long hair and said in a puzzled voice, "Why?"

Lake smiled: "Because you are mine..."

Mikaela looked at Lake who was pretending to be at a standstill, and the emotion that had just surged in her heart was extinguished immediately, and she rolled her eyes: "If you don't want me to agree with you, I will never say it."

Lake laughed loudly: "Say what?"

Mikaela said unhappily: "You know, I, Mikaela Vickers, have no interest in sharing a man with other women."

Lake curiously said, "Then our time..."

Mikaela got up from the high stool: "I just want it, and you just give it to me. I don't like other people either. Tell me, what are you?"

Lake thought for a while: "...tool man?"

Mikaela walked up to Lake and kissed him, smiling like a beautiful fox: "What the Lord God says is what he said, but I didn't say anything."

Lake: "..."

As Lake said.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is in a frenzy.

Standing in the command hall of the New York Operation Center, Coulson, who was in the process of connecting with the black braised egg played by Washington Sanfei, was explaining to his boss what is called the black face of capital with a wry smile on his face.

To put it bluntly.

That is to say one thing and do another.

What he said was good, so he held a press conference according to the script he provided. As a result, when he arrived at the press conference site, he blew himself up.

good guy...

Did we, S.H.I.E.L.D., really think it's that easy to help people hide the world they don't know yet?Why can't you be more considerate and considerate?

This is just great.

You blew yourself up happily, what should we do?Just let S.H.I.E.L.D. make it public?Then what are we trying to hide for so many years?
Is it fun?
Coulson was thinking in his heart while waiting for instructions from his boss on the screen.

The whole person was in darkness, except for Nick Fury, who had only one glowing eye and big white teeth, looked at the latest information he had just handed over and said to Coulson: "Colson, we should focus on On that Queens girl who changed her name to Medis."

Coulson nodded.


 Wow, it's the last day of 19, dear friends, I beg for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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