A god of beauty

Chapter 49 Reid Arriving at the Battlefield

Chapter 49 Reid Arriving at the Battlefield


Tony followed Pepper's eyes and looked at the gathered gentlemen and ladies: "Where is it?"

Pepper shook his head: "It's gone."

Tony: "..."

After the video playing and conversation in the basement, Tony engraved this name in his heart. Under normal circumstances, he would not remember a man's name.

But Zeus is an exception.

Tony wanted very much, not normally, to know who the man in the mosaic who punched his father five or six times in the face was.

Zeus is his only lead.

Tony ordered Jarvis to search all known databases, and even went to London to meet an elder he didn't want to meet very much.

But got nothing.

This is not.

This was the reason for this joint reception held with Victor Industry. If you want to meet Zeus, there is no doubt that going through Victor Industry is obviously the fastest way.

Lake was watching the scenery with a glass of bourbon on the railing on the second floor.


When Pepper, who was looking around from the bottom, raised his head, he extended his hand in a friendly greeting.

In a word.

As long as he doesn't speak, he will never reveal the identity that has just changed his face.

Time ticks away.

Lake looked at Victor who was about to give a passionate speech on the stage, holding bourbon in both hands: "Agatha!"

Agatha's voice sounded in her mind: "Yes, sir."

"How long will it take for the enemy to reach the battlefield?"

"Estimated time, 10 minutes."


Lake got up with a calm expression and found the safe exit, walked over and said: "Then let's sit down and enjoy this extraordinary battle, Agatha, are you interested in betting with me?"

Agatha's tone was light: "Sir, I have no entity, as you know."

Lake shrugged: "That's because you are not satisfied with my pinching skills."

Agatha: "..."

Come on, Lake is a god anyway, and he is also a supreme god. His cheap backstage can pinch planets. Lake thinks he can't pinch planets, but pinching people should be no problem.

It's a pity that Lake's aesthetics are fine, but there is indeed a gap in his hands. Obviously, Agatha doesn't like the appearance of her body with crooked eyes, slanted breasts, big buttocks...

On the stage.

Victor, who has gone through a series of upheavals at the moment, is on the stage in high spirits to deliver speeches to the Wall Street gentlemen and ladies who come tonight, saying that the memorandum signed with Stark Industries on the space field is a What an exciting and happy thing.


Everyone had different expressions, but most of them were also happy. After all, after Stark Industries and Victor Industries announced the tens of billions of Franklin cooperation, their stocks have appreciated a lot. Let's put it this way, It is more than enough to buy a yacht.


On a sky blue pickup truck.

Reed Richards, who was shrouded in a hood, stared at the flickering building in the distance through the car window, and felt a wave of emotion in his heart.

Especially after turning a corner, after seeing the statue of Victor facing him, the flame of anger in his heart was instantly ignited.

This was originally...

Everything should be his, and he has even thought about the name of the Victor Industrial Building.

Bash Building.


He had already thought of the name of his and Susan's first child when they both boarded the Victor space station.

Franklin Richards.


That's what he's going to name his future child with Susan, isn't it great?

From drawing a big cake for Victor in the Victor Building to lure him in, to the space station, and even after the explosion, everything is under his control.


When did the train suddenly derail?


It was from the moment I ran to the Brooklyn Bridge that I didn't know if my brain was out of control, the incident suddenly took a turn for the worse.

damn ben.

Reed, who pushed all the mistakes on himself, cursed angrily in his heart, because of Ben, he lost everything, the house, car, tickets, patents, but his reputation.

He has already been on the blacklist of Wall Street, even the blacklist of global entrepreneurs. He is a scientist, but there is no doubt that no one will sponsor a scientist who once framed his benefactor, even if this scientist is the best in the world. Not even the smartest.

His way forward has been completely destroyed.

Bearing a debt of 300 million, during the time in prison, he personally experienced how the outside world's evaluation of him changed from a wolf-hearted dog to a pig and a dog. Even if he can be released on bail, so what, now I'm afraid Even a hamburger restaurant wouldn't ask him to work part-time.



As he got closer to the Victor Tower, the anger in Reed's heart grew bigger and bigger. Compared with Ben, his hatred also included Victor and Stark who performed a big show in front of him.

All the scientific research of his life was taken away at once without spending a penny. After learning that there will be a reception tonight, Reed could no longer hide his anger.

He doesn't need to hide anymore.

Right now, he has nothing left, and he is not afraid of losing anything. He has already thought about it. After the revenge is over tonight, he will leave the United States and go to the East. Thinking about it, in this world, he is the only one who is not afraid of the hegemony of the United States. The only country left is the far east.


He can change his face and make a comeback.

In fact.

It's not just the people at the Victor Building who are busy tonight, but also Reed who is rushing there. The S.H.I.E.L.D. New York Operation Center is also busy.

Coulson stood with his arms akimbo and watched all the surveillance cameras near the Victor Building, checking for any suspicious cars and pedestrians.

Coulson was a little annoyed and said to an agent: "Why did we get the information later than those damn media?"

For God's sake, they arranged agents at the gate of Rex Island Prison. Once the work of Washington Sanfei was completed, they could take Reed away from the prison as soon as possible.

But what about the results?

Dude, they didn't know about it until the New York Journal reported that Reed Richards had escaped.

The detective who was questioned bowed his head and kept apologizing, just saying that it was a mistake in his work.

Coulson wiped his face, waved his hand at the agent, and then looked at the various monitors divided on the big screen and said, "Is there any news? Any one will do. Once Richards appears At the entrance of the Victor Building, I want an agent to bring him over as soon as possible."

The agent who was being questioned walked to the door, turned around and glanced at the angry Coulson in the hall, lowered his head, and whispered to a middle-level leader of the New York Operation Center who was passing by: "Nine heads Long live the snake!"

The middle-level leader's eyes twitched slightly: "Long live Hydra!"


 Strange, why the scheduled upload is not displayed!
(End of this chapter)

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