A god of beauty

Chapter 32 The S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 32 The S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just the smell is wrong.

The Medis, who claims to be a woman from Zeus, gave Victor the feeling of mystery, as well as that inexplicably superior temperament.

But these two people in front of me?

Temperament is also there, but at least it belongs to that kind of mortal category.

Coulson and Natasha walked to Victor's table: "Mr. Fang Du, hello."

Victor put down the knife and fork in his hand and looked at Coulson and Natasha.

Coulson took out his ID from his pocket: "Do you have time from the Department of Homeland Security? We have a case and would like your assistance."


Those from SHIELD also have capricious qualifications, not to mention the Department of Homeland Security, even if they are from the Taxation Bureau, they can produce documents if necessary.

Victor chuckled: "I'm having dinner with my girlfriend."

Ordinary people must be very flustered when they hear about various law enforcement bureaus, but Victor, he is from Wall Street. There is a saying in Wall Street that power is for capital.

Coulson still smiled: "Mr. Fang Du, we will only take a few minutes of your time."

For capitalists, the Law Enforcement Bureau has also summed up a set of rules for dealing with them. For these capitalists, you don't have to be tough.


Victor thought for a while, and wanted to send these two people away as soon as possible so that he could meet the Zeus who asked him out. Therefore, Victor wiped his lips and stood up, looking at Coulson and Natasha He said lightly, "You have five minutes."

Say it.

Victor gave his girlfriend a reassuring look, and took the lead to walk towards the stairs leading to the top floor from the roundabout restaurant.

On the top floor, Victor glanced at the night and the time on his watch, and then said to Coulson, "It starts in 5 minutes."

Coulson's expression remained unchanged: "It's like this, I heard that Victor Industries plans to sue Dr. Reed Richards?"

Victor glanced at Coulson: "This is a press conference."

Coulson said with a smile: "Because Dr. Reed Richards is related to national security, we hope that Mr. Repeatedly can drop the lawsuit."

Victor laughed out loud.


The face is so big, I will withdraw the lawsuit if you say a word?is it funny?This is Great America, a country where capital is king.

Victor smiled coldly, losing interest in the conversation, and was about to pass the two of them and walk into the restaurant.

Coulson seems to be well prepared for this: "If Mr. Fondo is willing to withdraw the lawsuit, there may not be 50 billion Franklins, but there are one billion Franklins."

Victor stopped and turned to look at Coulson.

Coulson felt that something was going on.


Victor said with a cold expression: "You two from the Department of Homeland Security, come to think of it, you should know the whole story of this matter."

Coulson nodded.

If they are not clear, they will come to Victor, and if they are not unconfident, they will be willing to take out a billion Franklin.

Reed Richards...


It was the Fantastic Four that attracted the attention of SHIELD. SHIELD wanted to absorb the Fantastic Four. Originally, when the Fantastic Four were in the limelight, SHIELD wanted to absorb the Fantastic Four as employees. A very difficult thing, they have already made plans to make good friends, but right now, the style of painting is changing too fast, after the internal process of S.H.I.E.L.D., it has become the current situation up.

But this is a good situation for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just like just now, a team of them has already gone to negotiate with the New York District Attorney's Office about Ben's conditions.

Ben's matter is easy to deal with, left and right are nothing more than criminal proceedings.

But Reed Richards side?

Dealing with capitalists has always been something that any law enforcement agency in the greater United States wants to avoid.

Coulson tried to say: "Mr. Fondo, Richards..."

Victor interrupted directly: "Sorry, there is no room for peace talks on this matter. Reed Richards must be responsible for what he did. 50 billion Franklin is actually not what I want for me. All I want is for him to spend the rest of his life in prison."

When you are in prison, it's time for me to give you a big meal.

Victor thought about the practices of some law enforcement bureaus, and finally said: "Also, don't think about using some means to fish him out, I will send someone to go to the prison to watch him once a day, as long as he disappears Yes, I promise, in an hour, this will be headline news across the country and around the world."

Say it.

Victor turned directly into the restaurant.

Coulson and Natasha stood on the top floor in silence for a while.

After a while.

Natasha, who was wearing a dress, shrugged, "I can understand this Victor Fondu."

Coulson looked at Natasha and said, "I can understand, but what happened to Reed Richards is what we want to find out. After all, there is a demigod from Outland in the Bureau."

Natasha nodded, and when the two walked towards the elevator over there, they asked, "By the way, where is that demigod?"

Coulson shrugged: "She is our partner, and, do you think our instrument can detect a god?"

Natasha nodded as if she had realized something and said, "Does the other team have any clues about the god who is suspected of being exiled in New York?"

Coulson shook his head: "No, over the years, we have basically investigated people in New York City one by one, and the origin of the results is very clear."


Coulson and Natasha entered the elevator.

Just as the elevator was going down, the moment the elevator stopped at the roundabout restaurant floor, Coulson saw a long purple dress full of eyes from the corner of his eyes.

Coulson was taken aback for a moment, and after recovering, he asked Natasha, "Did you see it just now?"

Natasha, who was arranging the Valoran Creation Bracelet in her palm, looked up and said, "What did you see?"

Coulson shook his head first, then frowned and said, "I just saw a woman who seemed familiar."

Natasha chuckled and said, "Your cello player is your girlfriend?"

"No, Audrey has a performance tonight."

Coulson shook his head and said, then seemed to think of something, and said to Natasha: "Do you still remember that we went to Queens to check the repair shop of the fake phone call? What's the name of that woman?"

Natasha looked down at the bracelet: "Mikaela Vickers, what's wrong?"

Coulson raised his head, braked the elevator, pressed the button to go back to the roundabout restaurant floor and said, "Is it possible for a girl from Queens whose father is still in prison to come to this roundabout restaurant with an average daily consumption of [-] yuan?" ?”

Natasha's complexion changed: "Of course it's impossible."

Coulson said, "Then, why did she appear here?"

Natasha smiled: "This is a good question, I think she should answer it for us."


 It's Friday, tomorrow is the weekend again, everyone, have you decided where to go to relax?
(End of this chapter)

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