A god of beauty

Chapter 30 Fantastic 4 Disbanded

Chapter 30 The Fantastic Four Disbanded

the next day.

New York is boiling again. For countless media people, this month has been a time of pain and joy.

Very simple.

Before, the Fantastic Four showed up, which led to a new topic for them to cover.

Just at the moment when the Fantastic Four were about to fade, the city of New York sued a member of the Fantastic Four, which once again ignited the originally extinguished flame.


While many media people were eagerly waiting for tomorrow's court day, Victor Industry's press conference once again provided a topic that could be written for ten days in a row, and then a column for a month in a row.

Victor Industries decided to file a lawsuit against Dr. Reed Richards, demanding compensation. This time, the damaged Victor Space Station and the losses caused by Victor Industries over this period of time, the amount of the lawsuit is as high as 50 Billion Franklin.


This time, the one who became a lawyer on behalf of Victor Industries was Ron Trotter and his assistant Tom Nick, the head of the TNT&G law firm with a nearly [-]% success rate in the New York legal profession. Sen is in charge.

When Ron Trotter and his assistant Tom Nixon appeared at the press conference, the media people present undoubtedly received a well-known signal.

That is, for this lawsuit, the leaders of Victor Industries and TNT&G have [-]% confidence that they can win.

Now the media is completely blown up.

Nothing makes the media revel and delight more than a plot twist.

A second ago it was the Fantastic Four.

next second?
One is about to be sentenced to life in prison by the District Attorney.

A Franklin about to bear nearly 50 billion in debt?

Good guy.

The faces of the New York media people were all flushed. They were so excited. Some of them couldn’t wait for the press conference of Victor Industry to end, so they brought their big bags and small bags with their assistants. to the apartment complex of defendant Reed Richard.


Before the media arrived at Reed's side, the official website of the New York Daily published this news article that had just been released without having time to check for typos.


Reed, who was alone in the apartment, smashed an expensive one-armed beauty statue of himself angrily, then grabbed his coat and walked out the door.

When Reed went out, he was overwhelmed by long guns and short guns in an instant.

"Dr. Richards, may I ask..."

"The New York Times, what do you think about being sued?"

"What do you think of the Fantastic Four suddenly being sued one by one."

"Dr. Richards..."

Reid, who was flooded with many reporters' questions, turned around and said to many reporters with a gloomy face at the moment he got on his bridge car: "This is simply absurd. Science investment is always venture capital. Questions about the space station , It’s written in the contract, I don’t understand it at all, Victor Industry is destroying the tacit understanding between capital and science.”

Say it.

The black limousine drove Reed Richards all the way towards Long Island, New York.

A few bright-minded reporters saw the direction of the black car, and seemed to think of something. They grabbed their assistants and ran towards their news car without saying a word. They could take the path, and then Take a strong position.

The reporter of the New York Times saw the news van of the tabloid office speeding away, and the corner of his mouth curled up, and he directly dialed the number of the station.

After the call was hung up, a helicopter owned by the New York Times roared past the reporters...

Journalists working in New York need to understand one thing on the first day of employment.

A very simple thing.

If you want to be a reporter staying in New York, what you need to do is not to arrive at the scene as soon as the murder occurs. You need to do it. It is best to assume that the high-definition video recorder is already on the scene before the murder occurs. Waiting for the murder to come...

Long Island, New York.

"Sorry, Mr. Fang Du doesn't want to see you."

The two bodyguards at the entrance of Victor's villa looked at Reed who came out of the bridge car expressionlessly and said, "This is private territory, please go back."

Reid looked angry: "I'm here to find Susan."

The bodyguard's face was cold: "Ms. Stone is the same, she doesn't plan to see you."

Reed said angrily, "You lied."

The bodyguard has no expression on his face, so what if he cheats?They were paid by Victor, and it was a high salary, let alone a lie, the boss was so strong that they could lie to God.

Reed yelled loudly toward the villas that were 100 meters behind the gate: "Susan, it's me, Reed!"

The expressions of the two bodyguards were suddenly angry.

Good guy.

Is this ignoring both of them?

The black-clothed bodyguard on the left put his right hand on his waist and warned Reed: "Sir, this is a private property, you need to leave."

The hand of the bodyguard on the right has also moved to his waist.

Fantastic Four?

Don't make trouble, Yixia is already staying in the court and prison because of the bail issue, waiting for tomorrow's trial.

Another hero?
If there were no accidents, this hero might completely become a homeless hero after the lawsuit is over.

As for the other second heroes?

Let's say that.

The bodyguard room where they lived was shaken for almost the whole night yesterday. If they were not wearing sunglasses, it would be easy to find that the eyes of the two of them were full of bloodshot red eyes.

There was a lot of anger on Reed's face.

He thought of the strange ability he had obtained to stretch himself and resist any physical attack.

Just when he was about to start.

Chu Chu Chu!
The overhead camera on his New York Daily News helicopter brought his sanity back.

It's not that he called Susan when he didn't come over, but unfortunately, this time, Susan's call was not unblocked to him, but no one answered.

Reed thought about Johnny, whom he spent time cultivating a relationship with.

next second.

Reed took a deep breath and looked in front of him. It seemed that as long as he dared to yell, the two bodyguards who would dare to shoot, turned around and got into the car with a gloomy expression, and dialed Johnny's phone in the car.

Johnny's phone was connected.


Chu Chu Chu!
Listening to the strong wind and sound of propellers on the phone, Reed frowned and said, "Johnny, where are you?"

Johnny, who was sitting on the helicopter and was about to play extreme sports in the Grand Canyon of Texas, covered his ears with one hand, and said loudly to the phone: "Hey, Reed, what are you talking about, hey, hey, I'm going to start skydiving, Going back to New York and talking about..."


The phone hangs up immediately.

A thud.

The driver of the bridge car raised his eyebrows and looked at the rear seat through the rearview mirror. Reed, who was holding a broken phone in his hand, was expressionless.


 Thank you for the 500 starting coin reward of [It doesn’t matter whether you are with me], and thank you for the 0 starting coin reward of [Everything 100 Revel], thank you very much...

(End of this chapter)

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