A god of beauty

Chapter 28 Return Justice to Victor

Chapter 28 Return Justice to Victor

Victor listened to the blind voice coming from the phone with a complicated expression on his face.

He thought of the time when he signed the cooperation agreement with Reed, and there was no doubt that it was indeed his idea to include the space laboratory among the investment objects.


The cause was Reed's words. At the beginning, he would rather invest tens of millions of Franklin to fund Reed and others to go to NASA's space laboratory than his company's space laboratory. He is not a fool, Vic The multi-space station is his company's number one product, and he has no reason to expose his prototype to all kinds of instability.

But because of Reed's words, he changed his mind. For this reason, his life and the future of Victor Industry were all put on the line.

If this experiment is successful, it will cure various diseases, prolong human life, and improve the quality of human life.

This is what Reed said, so if this experiment is done on the NASA space station, then his profits will be thin, so in order to be able to monopolize this benefit, Victor chose to let Reed Get on your own space station.


Ha ha.

Victor thought about what Mikaela said on the phone just now, and his face darkened involuntarily.

I'm afraid to think about anything carefully, because once I think about it, there will be various conspicuous flaws revealed.

After graduating from college, Victor and his girlfriend Susan, who was snatched from Reed at the time, established Victor Industries. Before that, Victor had never met Reed once. this time.

and also……

Since the accident, it was also Reed who suggested to go to his apartment to test his ability and think of a solution.


Do you need to go to the apartment for medical treatment?
Do you think the instruments in your apartment can compare to the various advanced treatment equipment in Victor Industry?

Victor thought, and called his girlfriend Susan.

The call is connected.

Victor said, "Where are you?"

Wearing a vest, Susan, who was looking at the data obtained just now with Reed, said, "In Reed's apartment, what happened?"

Victor thought about what Susan said before, and said directly: "I have invited several well-known medical experts to my villa, and I will pick you and Johnny back later."

Susan was taken aback and raised her head to glance at Reed who was in front of the computer.

Reed seemed to notice something and looked towards Susan.

Susan frowned slightly: "But..."

Victor said directly: "It's nothing but, Reed Richards is a scientist, but he is not a doctor. If this is a disease, it will only cause big problems if it is delayed. Moreover, I have also changed a little bit."

Victor at the moment is Susan's real boyfriend after all, and Susan was a little nervous when she heard that Victor had also changed: "What, you..."

Victor heard the nervousness in Susan's words, and he couldn't help but relax. Susan's nervousness showed at least one thing, that is, Susan was completely unaware of this matter. Make Victor a little happy.

Victor smiled and said, "I'm fine now, but we really need to do a good checkup. I'll pick you up and Johnny in half an hour."

Susan couldn't think of a reason to refuse, so she said, "Okay."

Victor hung up the phone.

at this time.

The computer on his desk beeped to alert him that an email had arrived.

Victor looked down at his watch.

Exactly 5 minute.


Victor walked over, looked at the garbled sender displayed on the computer, and sent a video attachment.

[Mr. Fang Du, after reading this, Zeus hopes that you can remain rational. After all, Zeus still appreciates you. 】

This is a message.

After glancing at it, Victor chose to download and play the attachment.


After the file was downloaded, a playback interface popped up, and Victor immediately knew where the address of the video was.

Reed's apartment study, he had seen it before when he sent his girlfriend Susan there, but there were still some differences.

Compared with the study environment I have seen before, the most obvious thing about the study environment in the video is that there are some more things on the walls.

Reed also had a sloppy beard, with his arms folded around his mouth, mumbling words, staring at the messy drawings on the wall.

"...This plan will definitely work."

"...I succeeded."

"Victor, you will fall into my trap."

"...Susan, I'll get you back."

The video is very short. In fact, it only lasts about ten seconds. The scene finally freezes at the scene where Reed seems to have thought of the camera on the shelf running over and reaching out to turn it off.

Beep beep!

Victor returned to his gloomy face and looked at the cell phone that rang next to him.

Still unknown number.

Victor connects.

Michaela, who was watching Victor in the Star Building, said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Fang Du, have you finished watching?"

Victor looked up at the empty office and frowned slightly: "How did Madam Medis know?"

Mikaela chuckled, looked at Victor who got up from his seat and said lightly: "Mr. Fang Du, don't be nervous, Zeus is your savior, isn't it?"

Victor said in a deep voice, "Then when will my savior meet me?"


Mikaela said: "Mr. Fang Du, you have to know that Zeus is a god, and that day will come soon. What Mr. Fang Du needs to do now is to tell the public that the space station of Victor Industries does not have any design and quality. The problem is, this is a man-made accident, and it is a vicious accident that has been planned for a long time, and someone must take responsibility for it."

Victor stared at Reed, who was occupying the entire computer screen, with twinkling eyes, and after taking two or three heavy breaths, he said in a deep voice, "I will."

Mikaela smiled and said: "That's good, remember, Mr. Fang Du, Zeus has been paying attention to you, and he has more expectations for you than this. Zeus hopes that after meeting you, he can make a decision. determination."

Victor asked, "Oh, what's that?"

Mikaela looked at Victor who was leaning on the computer desk and said lightly, "Zeus wants to grant you godhood, but first, you have to prove that you have the qualifications."

Say it.

Mikaela made a cutting gesture towards Agatha projected in mid-air.

next second.

Victor listened to the blind tone from the phone again, put down the phone, his face continued to be cloudy and uncertain.

After the projection disappeared, Mikaela turned to Lake who was still mixing drinks at the bar, thinking about the video file just now and asked curiously: "Is there really this file?"

Lake looked at Mikaela, smiled without saying a word.

Mikaela understood in an instant.


 Dear friends, this chapter is about, why are there so few all of a sudden, if you have any comments, you can ask, although my manuscript has been written to 120 chapters, but you can try it
(End of this chapter)

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