A god of beauty

Chapter 26: On the Boundary Between the Hero and the Criminal

Chapter 26: On the Boundary Between the Hero and the Criminal

The Fantastic Four are up.

The Fantastic Four were accused.

This has been the headlines of the major newspapers in New York for almost half a month.

Uptown New York Courthouse.

As a member of the district attorney's office, the tall and ambitious Christie said to the bald judge sitting on the judge's chair: "Your Honor, the defendants have never been heroes, and they don't deserve to be heroes. In fact, they Responsible for the damaged Brooklyn Bridge and the four dead."

Standing next to Christie, who founded Thomson Law Firm single-handedly, Thomson, who has been in the court for a long time, laughed and said: "Your Honor, this is a joke. Who in New York knows that my client saved countless lives. , Now the District Prosecutor's Office actually wants to send the four heroes to prison, my God, is this trying to be famous and crazy?"

"Defendant's lawyer, I think you should figure out one issue, and that is the most basic causal relationship."

Without any hesitation, Christie took out a video tape that had been mailed to her home three days ago and put it on the bald judge's desk, saying, "Your Honor, the District Prosecutor's Office has sufficient evidence to express that Reed Reed Chaz, Ben Grimm, Susan Stone, Johnny Stone, were never heroes, nor did they deserve to be."

Where did the tape come from?

Does it matter?

For Christie, this is not important at all. What is important is that once she wins the case, her path as a prosecutor will turn from a small road to a grand road.


The bald judge who had finished watching the video tape looked up at Christie, who was sure of winning, and Thomson, who was expressionless. After a moment of silence, he announced that Thomson's request for invalid prosecution was dismissed, and the decision to officially start the trial three days later.

Thomson was silent.

He had no way to refute it. After all, this video clearly showed that if the stone man hadn't appeared on the Brooklyn Bridge, none of this would have happened.

It was the Stone Man who made the beginning.

However, it is not without room for manipulation. As a defense lawyer who has been in the court for a long time, Thomson immediately thought of three ways to deal with it.

Half an hour later, the Shangcheng Court officially accepted the DA, and the decision to open the court three days later was instantly known by countless media people.

And...the new superhero team, the Fantastic Four.

In Richard's apartment building, the atmosphere was strange.

Johnny looked at the lawyer Thomson who came to inform them that they were going to respond, and said absurdly: "What is the situation, we are superheroes, and we saved many lives."


Half a month ago, they were still superheroes, why did they suddenly become suspects who might go to jail now?
And still...

To use the words of the District Attorney's Office, there are still four terrorists.

Attorney Thomson said to the Fantastic Four in New York City: "...that's the best way."

Richard put his chin on his hand and said nothing.

Susan glanced at the silent stone man over there and said, "But, what should I do?"

Thomson spread his hands and said, "No way, DA has a clear video to demonstrate that if Ben hadn't appeared on the Brooklyn Bridge, none of this would have happened."

Johnny said, "But we saved a lot of lives."

Thomson shook his head and said: "In DA's eyes, you are not like this. DA only needs to stick to such a point of view. If you don't show up, none of this will happen."

Johnny and Susan glanced at each other.

Richard looked up and said, "So, Thomson, what's your opinion?"

Thomson said: "Christie is in charge of this case. That woman will not easily let go of such a case that can make her famous. If I guess correctly, the New York Police Department will come to arrest you soon. .”


"Arrest us?"

"We are superheroes."

The Fantastic Four were dumbfounded. In a word, life's ups and downs are too exciting.

at this time.

The phone rang, and Richard answered it. It was the management staff on the first floor of the apartment.

The administrator said on the phone: "Dr. Richards, people from the New York Police Department have already gone up."

Richard was slightly taken aback.

The doorbell rang.

After Richard opened the door, a group of policemen came in. The leader, George Stacey, flicked his right hand and showed the arrest warrant signed by the upper town court and hung it in front of Richard. The stone man next to him, Ben Grim, said expressionlessly: "Ben Grim, you have been arrested on suspicion of a terrorist act, please come with us."

The stone man Ben looked up.

Susan at the side couldn't help looking at the stone man: "Ben..."

Richard checked with Thomson, the lawyer he had brought over.

Thomson said that there is no way to stop this, it can only make the NYPD want to take Ben away, and then go to release Ben on bail.


In the New York Police Department, but when they heard that the amount of Ben's bail was set at 100 million Franklin by the Uptown Court, the three of them were not calm.


Is this crazy?
It is impossible to sell this slice for 50.

Thomson, who came out of the office, was a little suspicious, and said in a little surprise: "The Uptown Court has accepted the request of the District Prosecutor's Office to try Ben Ge on suspicion of terrorism, first-degree murder, and endangering public safety." Ram."

Richard and the Stone siblings were shocked and somewhat puzzled.

Didn't you say that the four of them were prosecuted?

Why did he suddenly become himself alone?
Facing questions from Richard and the Stone sisters, Thomson, who was the lawyer for the four of them, thought of a possibility and said, "DA wants to fight a battle with a [-]% chance of winning."

In a word.

If the District Prosecutor's Office prosecutes four people, it may be found loopholes. After all, the District Prosecutor's Office has only one point of view.

Everything is caused by the stone man, without the stone man, there would be no following story.


Compared with the other three, once the trial started, it was obvious that it was difficult for the stone man's strange appearance to win the jury's approval and sympathy.

In this way, rather than prosecuting three handsome and beautiful defendants, it is better to sue one weird-looking defendant.

Christie has a 100% chance of winning this war. Instead of adding unnecessary variables to his chances of winning, it is better to target one.

Thomson also understood the means of the District Attorney's Office, but he had no way to stop it.

For now, there is only one.

After leaving the police station, in the car, Thomson said to the three of them: "The situation is good and bad. At least DA is not targeting the three of you."

Susan seemed to recognize Thomson's voice-over: "What do you mean?"

Johnny said directly: "You mean, let's give up Ben?"

Richard: "..."

 Tuesday, please recommend, guys!

(End of this chapter)

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