A god of beauty

Chapter 241 Kirita Earth 2 Blooms

Chapter 241 Kirita Earth Blossoms

The atmosphere at the Jersey base is very dignified.

The four outer walls of the warehouse containing the Stargate have all been pushed down. Eight tanks are lined up, and the huge muzzles are staring at the quiet and huge Stargate like the blue water.

Thor held Mjolnir tightly and stood ready.

1 minutes.

5 minutes.


Sol looked at the quiet and unchanging Stargate and was silent for a while. The next second, Sol heard the movement behind him, turned his head and saw a group of soldiers armed to the teeth guarding this side Approaching General Ross.

General Ross wiped his face and looked at Sol: "Maybe I didn't sound good, but are you sure it's the people from Kirita who attacked us, not our invasion of Kirita?"

What about the enemy?
General Ross was speechless. The opening of the Stargate that was promised would be a showdown with aliens. What about the enemies?

Sol looked at the unchanging Stargate and was also a little speechless.

Even if the Avengers are very powerful, they will not be so strong that the Chirita Zerg, who had previously traversed the entire universe, counterattacked in an all-round way. There is no reason.

and also……

General Ross put his hips on his hips, with a serious expression on his face: "If the enemy is not here, there is no doubt that I need to face the entire anger of New Jersey. I have no intention of being a pawn."

Saul couldn't understand General Ross' words at all.

Very simple.

In order to welcome the alien invasion, General Ross directly took over here very simply and rudely. If the aliens hadn't come, guess who would the New Jersey state legislature take its anger on?

next second.

General Ross also shook his head simply, and made a tactical gesture directly towards the two teams of soldiers at the front.

The two teams of soldiers signaled to form a tactical formation and advance towards the Stargate.

"……and many more."

Seeing this, Saul spoke directly and looked at General Ross: "You are just looking for death when you go in."

Rose chuckled: "If there are no enemies coming, that is the real end of death."


With a wave of his soldiers, General Ross couldn't help but pull out a pile of corpses from it, and it would be easy to deal with, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stand the pot.

Saul was about to speak.

At this time, the blue color of the Stargate suddenly moved like a shimmering water surface, and in the next second, accompanied by a sharp cry, a Kirita Hydralisk with a size of more than 50 meters and a head that could be hugged by ten people screamed Blast out directly from the Stargate.

General Ross narrowed his eyes and quickly dodged to the side.

The Hydralisk directly crushed the two soldiers who couldn't dodge and blasted to the ground. Its long and thick body bombarded the surroundings recklessly. The tanks in the platoon burst into a ball of fire with a bang, and the tank that had been pierced through its fuel tank instantly burst into flames.

next second.



"hold head high!"

The Hydralisk, which was thrown not far away by Mjölnir, shook its head and let out a sharp cry. The next second, the Stargate shimmered again.

Then, an ugly worker bug from Kirita poured out of the Stargate, and after that, one, two, three... densely packed endless workers bugs rushed out.


The army has invaded.

In an instant, the entire Jersey base was in chaos, and then there was a second of silence, and then, gunshots erupted.


"Tu Tu Tu!"

Limbs and limbs screamed at the ground worker insects and rushed towards a soldier. Then, he was blasted into slag by the soldier's rifle in the air, and the green liquid burst out and splashed all over the soldier. Then, the soldier covered himself for a moment Corroded cheeks also screamed loudly...

Star Kirita!

"Walter gets Fuck!"


"Stop them."

"Damn it, Hulk, what did you throw in there?"

"Reincarnation desperate situation!"

The mace in Victor's hand, who turned into an iron man, slammed on the ground, and along with layers of dark mist, it quickly spread towards the Stargate to stop the attempt to pass through the Stargate. The Kirita Zerg who arrived on Earth.


There is still a gap left at the stargate, as long as Victor's dark mist rushes away, after a faint blue light flashes, the dark mist will disappear without a trace.

A thud.

Hulk jumped directly to block the gap, but, just like an elephant doesn't care about ants, but annoys them very much, the densely packed workers crawled all over Hulk's body almost without hesitation. The bugs stepped on the corpse and directly attacked the stargate behind Hulk.

It's crazy.

The meaning of the scream of the Hydralisk thrown by the Hulk just now is simple.

The earth is weak, come on!

Although the workers in Kirita were not wise, the other Zergs after breaking away from the workers were wise. It was only in an instant, after the Hydralisk conveyed this sentence, that they understood a little bit.

Those who dare to come to their planet are strong.

They are all vegetables!


Come on, hurt each other.

What the Zerg are most afraid of is hurting each other. As long as the female insects don't die, it doesn't matter if the worker insects die on a planet. These things are like consumables, and they are the cheapest and cheapest consumables produced every second.


Steve of the American team killed the workers who ran in one by one in Victor's [Nether Circle] and said loudly: "Where are Tony and Natasha?"

Hawkeye, who was copying his own bow and arrow and turned into a Japanese sword, raised his head, and activated his super vision: "Xie Te, what kind of monster is that?"

Everyone looked up, but they saw many densely packed giant floating objects floating from a distance above the bloody red sky that was the same color as the bloody red ground.

"King Worm!"


Steve, Hawkeye, and Susan couldn't help but look at Victor who spoke out. Victor pointed to the workers in the formation who were enslaved and controlled by him: "I just digested a little bit of their memory, king worm, It looks scary, but in fact, it doesn't have any fighting power?"

Hawkeye frowned: "Are you sure, then why are they here?"

Victor said: "The king worm is similar to our transport plane. The larger the king worm, the more worker insects are loaded in its stomach, and they are also responsible for taking care of the newborn worker insects."

The words fall.

Steve and the others couldn't help being shocked when they saw the scene in the sky.

on the sky.

The ugly king worms flying here from all directions suddenly opened their abdominal sacs under their tentacles, and in the next second, the entire sky seemed to be raining densely and invisible.

But it wasn't rain, but workers and insects that almost covered the entire sky.

For an instant.

Everyone was dumbfounded.




(End of this chapter)

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