A god of beauty

Chapter 24 Johnny Transforms into Johnny Burning Man

Chapter 24 Johnny Transforms into Johnny Burning Man
"Do you like skiing?"

"That's it."

"You like to spy on people skiing?"

"……Why do you say that?"

Lake looked at Mikaela with some confusion, and the latter pointed to the ultra-clear and immersive Whistler ski resort scene projected on the wall: "This can prove it."

Lake stared at the red helicopter and said calmly, "You'll find out later."

Mikaela thought for a while, watching someone jumping off the helicopter on skis, and said, "Do I need to grab some popcorn?"

The bourbon in Lake's hand swooped: "I have wine."

Michaela: "..."

Johnny Stone, a very well-known person in the extreme sports industry, although his popularity cannot be compared with those of Hollywood stars, he is extremely famous among certain groups of people .

Without him.

Who made Johnny Stone have a handsome face that can remind some people of certain scenes? Otherwise, other brokerage companies have severely squeezed the artists under his name. Why is Johnny Stone Has Stone's agency let him go?

There's no question that it's Johnny Stone's face that makes a difference, and, once again, it proves one thing, it's a world of faces.

This is not.

After lying in the hospital for treatment for ten days, Johnny took the new third-line model with him to the Whistler ski resort to go skiing by helicopter.


Johnny stepped on the skis and jumped directly from the helicopter. After a strange cry, one after another gorgeous skiing postures came out alternately.



"Pay attention to collecting information. I want to know if that guy Brand is parasitic on this guy."


Mikaela, who took out a bowl of popcorn from the microwave, walked over and asked curiously, "Brand? Is he also a god?"

Lake snorted: "God, Mikaela, you really imagined God too cheaply. Brand is a god? At best, he is just a fool who lost his mind due to power."

Brand used to be just an ordinary person in the Freljord star field of the Valoran universe. Once Lake passed by there because Brand was disrespectful to him, and he was punished slightly. Lake forgot about this ordinary person Who knew that this guy held such a grudge, 100 years later, Lake knew that the Brand who ran up to him in the form of flames was the little guy he had long since passed 100 years ago.

It turned out that after being slapped in the face by Lake that time, Brand had always held a grudge. He killed his tribe members and robbed the fire rune that their tribe had always enshrined. In order to gain powerful power, he swallowed the fire rune , burned a hundred meters of their tribe, and turned into a vengeful flame soul, just to find Lake to avenge the slap in the past...


Did you get revenge?
When Brand turned into a vengeful flame soul and stood in front of Lake, and just said that he wanted to turn his Star Reese into a world of flames, he was sent to Hades by Lake and reported to Karl, the singer of death.

After Lake and Mikaela popularized Brand's background, he immediately said: "The gods control authority and power. We drive power and power, not the other way around."

Mikaela nodded: "So, this guy crawled over from your Hades again to seek revenge on you?"

Lake shrugged: "It's possible."

As he said before, every universe has a god of death. Death has the greatest authority, but there are advantages and disadvantages. At the very least, other gods can visit, but if the god of death visits the next universe, it will be mistaken for death. He wants to extend his power over death.


If Karl really sent someone, there must be no way to deliver people directly, and the only way is parasitism.

Like now.

At the moment when Johnny Stone is sliding down the Whistler snow mountain in the picture, a ray of sparks suddenly emerges from his body.


Agatha immediately caught the ray of Mars and began to analyze it.

Mikaela stared at Johnny in the picture where countless sparks began to grow, and he put the popcorn in his hand to his mouth and forgot to throw it in.

"Spontaneous combustion?"

"Do not."

Lake got up from the sofa and looked at Johnny Stone, who was gradually turning into Burning Man, with a blank expression: "This is the beginning of parasitism."

Michaela looked up at Lake.

Agatha said aloud at this time: "Sir, your guess is correct, this is the power of the fire rune."

The corner of Lake's mouth was slightly raised, looking at Johnny Stone who was completely transformed into Pyro in the picture, resembling Captain America: "Brand, it's been a long time!"

Whistler Snow Mountain.

At this moment, Johnny who turned into Pyro was already panicking, obviously he had already turned into Pyro, he could feel very hot, very scorching, but he was still fine.

next second.

Johnny didn't pay attention to a slope in front of him because he was absent-minded, and flew straight into the air, turned into a ball of flames and plunged into the snow with a plop.

in the snow.



"Like wildfire!"

"Lake Reese, are you ready to enter the world of flames?"

"The flames are endless, the revenge is endless, welcome to experience the fire of hell."


Lake stared blankly at the soaring pillar of fire in the picture, without any fluctuations in his heart. In a word, the defeated man couldn't bear his slap when he was alive, so what if he changed the universe and changed his body? ?
30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi?

Excuse me, that is the unique culture of oriental fairy tales. Here, how many mortals have you seen who can really kill gods?
But you can know by counting them over and over again. Those god-slayers write about mortals, but which one has the most fundamental mortal blood flowing in their bodies?
and so.

If you want to have a counterattack day, you have to go to the east. In the west, just dream.

at this time.

The screen is changing.

The soaring flames came and went quickly, and when Johnny reappeared in the picture, he was naked in the cave, looking at his new girlfriend with a blank face.

Seeing this, Mikaela said, "Substitution?"

Lake shook his head and said, "No, it's just parasitic."

Mikaela asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Lake's expression was light: "Johnny already possesses the power of Brand's fire, but he is not Brand yet."


Once the god of death enters another universe, it will be regarded as a provocation to the god of death in that universe, so if Brand wants to reappear in this universe, he can only take the parasitic route. Once the guy he parasitizes from When he was so confused that he accepted it, and then when he squandered and was confused by this parasitic force, then was the day when Brand was truly reborn.

at the moment?

It's just the first step of parasitism.


 On Monday, work smoothly and study happily!

(End of this chapter)

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