A god of beauty

Chapter 236 Death Squad and Reserve Army

Chapter 236 Death Squad and Reserve Army


"Oh, thank goodness you're finally here."

"Without you, this battle is meaningless."

"Have you become a god?"

Several Avengers had different expressions when they saw Tony, who appeared in a somewhat handsome posture, but they all belonged to good aspects. The current foreign enemy needs everyone to unite.

Tony looked at Sol and shook his head, "No, I didn't become a god."

Sol looked at Tony: "Your breath is different."

Tony shrugged: "After all, after leaving for three or four days, the breath will change."

"Three or four days?"


Natasha interrupted Tony, frowned and said, "You've only been away for less than half an hour."

Tony was slightly taken aback: "Only half an hour?"

Natasha and everyone took a look, then nodded towards Tony with certainty.

Tony opened his mouth.

He didn't stay in the Starlight Road for half an hour. In fact, he stayed in an unknown space for four days, waving Merrick and chasing a suit of clothes all over the space. ...

"... Is it time difference again?"


Sol said next to him: "Many planets in the universe have different time flows, such as Asgard and Earth. For you, I have been away for a year, but Asgard's time is only a few days. It's been a day or so, but it's a good thing, at least Tony is here."

Everyone nodded one after another and stopped worrying about the time issue.


Since [-], the whole world has become very strange. For people like them, frankly speaking, instead of worrying about time, it is better to cherish the present.



The S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists who had also rushed over with General Ross’s troops earlier, who were in charge of testing the stargate and seeing if they could find a way to close the stargate, glanced at the stargate whose light suddenly expanded rapidly and turned their heads loudly towards the warehouse door. The Avengers of the strategic team shouted: "There is a change in the Stargate!"

The Avengers turned their heads and returned to the warehouse after hearing the sound.

The gears of the Stargate turned faster and faster, and even the voice, which was difficult and jerky at the beginning, has stepped into the current proficiency and smoothness.

According to the experience of opening the stargate twice, once the stargate gear turns and the sound becomes the same as when it was closed, then the stargate will open...

"Estimated opening time, countdown, 10 minutes!"


Steve of the US team listened to a scientist's reply, glanced at Dr. Shavig who was escorted by two agents and walked towards the outside of the warehouse, and was still shouting "The hour has come", and then looked at the Avengers Said: "Then follow what was said before, Natasha, Tony, Victor, and Hulk try to eliminate the Queen of Worms over there through the Stargate, and I, Thor, Susan, and Hawkeye are here Try to find a way to see if you can close the Stargate."


The US team Steve looked at Tony: "Tony, you lead the team."

Tony said lightly, "I thought I wasn't a soldier."

"you are not!"

Steve of the US team said directly, then glanced at Natasha and Victor, and finally glanced at Dr. Banner, who has not transformed, but has been called Hulk, and finally looked at Tony and said: : "However, you can try to learn how to be a soldier from now on. Remember, if the Queen of Worms is too far away from the Stargate, don't try to rush in."

Tony snorted and smiled: "Then what are we going in for?"

Steve's expression remained unchanged: "This is advice, Tony, we don't have any communication connection, once we find a way to disconnect the Rubik's Cube and the Stargate, if you go far, for the sake of the earth, you may go back If you don’t come, even if you can come back, Sol also said before that the speed of time is different. Believe me, you will not think about seeing the world again after more than 60 years. Before you go to sleep, there is a world of war. After you wake up, the world has never changed. It seems that all your efforts are useless. The world is still the same world, and you have never changed."

Tony didn't speak.

at this time.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist shouted loudly: "Countdown, 5 minutes."


The Aegis scientists rolled up their equipment, quickly boarded the last evacuated jeep, followed the jeep to the military's well-organized underground base, where they will continue to find ways to Block the Rubik's Cube and the Stargate.

In a word.

Their war is in the rear.

In front of?
The New Jersey Army National Guard also came over, with long guns and cannons.


If this was happening in New York, could the heavy weapons be pulled out?


The real masters of this country probably think so too. They would rather rebuild New Jersey after the disaster than let the war spread to their mansions in Manhattan, New York and on Wall Street...


The thunder fell, and the umbrella in Sol's hand chopped to the ground. With a bang, Sol in the fighting state officially went online.

Cap pulled down his mask and held his shield.

Hawkeye stood on the commanding heights, and the explosive explosive arrows in his hands had already been hit.

Susan pushed forward with both hands, ready to follow the instructions of the US team Steve, to see if it is possible to cover the Stargate with a psychic shield. It is very convenient to send someone to stop at the Stargate, and whoever comes forward chops off the head.

This is the state of preparing to stay on the earth, which is commonly known as the reserve army.



The upgraded version of the hex cane in Victor's hand flickered with a fishy yellow light, and the next second, the [Full Metal Frenzy·Storm] weapon instantly condensed on his body.

If the previous Victor was an iron man.

So this time...

Victor is a robot.

The other three?

Tony and Natasha first set their sights on Dr. Bruce Hulk Banner, who looked shy while rubbing his hands.

Dr. Banner smiled shyly: "I think, if Hulk comes out at this time, I'm afraid, our defensive formation will be defeated directly."

Tony and Natasha looked at each other.

Makes sense.

The current Hulk is a double-edged sword. It not only kills one thousand enemies, but also damages itself by eight hundred. Forget it, Dr. Banner will not die anyway. When encountering a death event, Hulk will come out to cover the bag. If it doesn't change, it won't change.

Think about it.

Tony looked at Natasha and made a welcoming gesture: "Ladies first."

Natasha said: "Go ahead, my equipment is still being prepared."


"Yes... wait, the armament is on the line, change it together?"



(End of this chapter)

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