A god of beauty

Chapter 233 The Imminent War

Chapter 233 The Imminent War

A team of superheroes battles nearly 60 more soldiers.

Who has a higher chance of winning?
no doubt.

10 minutes later, the battle ended, and Victor, who was in [Full Metal Frenzy], was surrounded by thunder, holding an upgraded version of the Hex cane in his hand, like a god descending from the earth.

all around...

It was full of dead bodies.

Sol jumped straight to join the crowd. After glancing at the battlefield, he squeezed his hammer and looked at Captain America Steve and said, "So, I can't kill him, but he can?"

Captain America opened his mouth as he looked at the corpses all over the ground that had been chopped into charred black by the thunder.

Hawkeye retrieved his high-precision positioning arrow from a corpse and said calmly: "At least, their corpses are still there."


Susan couldn't help pursing her lips into a smile, seeing Steve and Sol looking at her, pursing her lips, and made an embarrassed, you continue gesture.

Steve shook his head and looked at the big iron gate in front of him, which was locked tightly. There was a buzzing and vibrating sound in it. It was the guarded warehouse of the first generation of Stargate...


Steve looked away from the big iron gate and looked at Thor, "It's your turn."

Saul, who raised his hammer and folded his arms, looked at Steve.

It is clear.

Saul is still angry that he is treated differently.

Steve said helplessly, "Please?"

Sol looked away.

next second.

With a buzz, Mjolnir dropped his hand, and with a bang, Mjolnir flew directly to the warehouse filled with blue light like a pen poking a big hole in a piece of paper.


Mjolnir flew back.

go again!

Almost within five seconds, the defense of the big iron gate, which claimed to be able to resist the tank's three artillery shots, was directly broken, and with a buzzing sound, Sol retracted Mjolnir and blew the blow hammer and looked at Steve: "You're welcome. "


Everyone enters.

The huge Stargate was already buzzing as the system was going online.

not far away.

Dr. Savig tapped on the keyboard with his fingers, facing the stargate, which was ten meters high and five meters wide, the faint blue light of the Cube Cosmic Rubik's Cube flickered on and off.

"call out!"


Hawkeye directly pulled out an arrow and nailed it directly to the computer screen in front of Dr. Savage. The latter was taken aback, but the scrapping of the screen did not affect Dr. Savage's hand speed at all.


Captain America Steve, holding a shield, looked at Dr. Savig who was still struggling to tap and said loudly, "Get off the computer immediately."

Dr. Savage turned a deaf ear.

The eagle eye next to him saw this, and in the next second, an arrow whizzed out, with a bang, accompanied by Dr. Savage's scream, the arrow was nailed directly to Dr. Savage's right leg With a bang, Dr. Savig knelt down on his right leg, and when he fell sideways, he pressed the Enter key on the keyboard.

In an instant.

The stargate began to operate instantly, and the speed began to gradually increase. With the operation of the stargate, the faint blue light of the Rubik's Cube directly opposite it gradually became larger.

Everyone was stunned.

Dr. Shaweige fell to the ground and looked at the people running over, with a strange smile that only appeared after being bewitched, "You are late, the earth is already an open book."


Hawkeye looked at the pitch-black computer screen. He didn't know what program was running on the computer screen. How to stop it?


Hawkeye covered his headset: "We're in big trouble."


Hawkeye listened to the blind voice from inside, froze for a while, and called the space carrier again, but it was still the same as before, and there was no answer at all.

The activation of the stargate began to affect the transmission of communication signals.

Hawkeye looked at Steve.

The latter is looking at the Stargate, which is about to enter the high-speed rotation mode, and the Rubik's Cube, which is about to start to bloom with blue light.

next second.

Steve speeded up, gathered his shield directly in front of him, and launched [American Team Collision] towards the Cosmic Rubik's Cube suspended in mid-air.

At the moment when Steve was about to hit the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the light of the Rubik's Cube instantly became brighter, and everyone couldn't help closing their eyes. When they opened them again, they saw Steve who was counterattacked and flew backwards with a bang. Hit the box.

Steve stood up.

"It's useless, it can't be stopped, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is launching its own energy to locate the Kirita galaxy, and when he finds it..."

Sol looked at the Rubik's Cube in operation mode and shook his head while talking, then pointed to the stargate that was buzzing and running and was about to spread light around and said: "Once the Rubik's Cube is successfully positioned, Once this door is opened, the entire universe will know that the war between the Kiritas and Earth has begun."


Saul sighed, turned and walked outside.

Steve was taken aback for a moment: "Wait, Saul, where are you going?"

Sol turned around, pointed at the stargate with a space singularity in the middle with a hammer, and looked at Captain America, Victor, Susan, and Hawkeye: "The war between Earth and Kirita has begun. If I intervene, the war will Will upgrade."



Sol said in a deep voice: "The universe has its rules. If this door is not opened, I can intervene. If Loki is on Kirita's side, I can still intervene, but right now? Sorry."

The current war between Kirita and Earth is hard to say. Although there is still some gap between the two sides, the level of war is still in the secular range after all.

For cosmic warfare, the universe has its own unspoken rules.

Once one of the secular-level wars has a god-level combat power, there is no doubt that the other party's god-level combat power will also make a move. In the end, there is no doubt that this war will eventually evolve into a god-level war... …

Steve frowned: "So, you plan to leave?"

Sol shook his head and was about to speak when Sol suddenly looked in the direction of New York.

next second.

Saul looked at Steve and the others with a dry smile and said, "Now I can participate again."

Victor looked at Saul: "Are you kidding us? Now is not a good time."

Sol waved his hand and said: "No, just now, the earth has returned to the embrace of the Nine Realms, so, as the future king of Asgard, your god, I can intervene in this war again, and there are very good reasons. "

Steve and the others looked at each other.

What Saul said was very mysterious, but Steve looked at Saul: "So, you can make a move?"

Sol looked at the stargate, which was starting to grow in a strange blue light, squeezed his hammer tightly, and looked at Steve: "Because you provoked it, Asgard will not intervene, but, I will , so, yes, how do we fight, Captain?"

Steve looks at the stargate.

at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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