A god of beauty

Chapter 226 Steve's Worries

Chapter 226 Steve's Worries
"Retreat? Is it true or not?"

"Of course!"

Lake nodded, very serious, he doubted whether there is any untold secret of the angel family that can be used during pregnancy, otherwise, why doesn't his precious girl love red makeup and arms?
The stars are above.

When his daughter Selah was young, Lake was determined to train his daughter to be a lady of the family, but in the end, his daughter finally took a long and crooked path.

This time...

Lake stared at Mikaela's smooth belly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. This time, he will not repeat the same mistakes. He must cultivate a qualified daughter of stars.

The words are divided into two parts.

When Lake was chatting with Mikaela about his plans for his unborn daughter, at this moment, on the Helicarrier, the discussion gradually entered a critical point.

Steve Rogers of the US team folded his arms and shook his head: "I still say that, there is only one god in my heart, and that is God."

Tony, who was sitting on the sidelines watching the play, said: "In the hearts of Catholics, are all gods except God all heresy gods?"

Sol also looked at the US team when he heard this, and said in a low voice: "If we hadn't helped you defeat the Frost Giants back then, the earth would have turned into ice lumps, and, God? This is What?"

Sol said while looking at Tony curiously.

Tony shrugged and said, "A god who is widely circulated but deeply believed by people."

"Watch your language, Tony Stark."

Steve looked at Tony and said, "You don't have to believe in God, but you can't just insult."

Tony sniffed.

Can you not believe it?

He didn't believe it at first, and he went to hell. Mephisto also confirmed that the so-called God is a bubble, and that a god Sol is here to believe it or not.

If he exists and we veto it, that is called unbelief.


It doesn't exist in the first place, why believe it or not?
At this time.

Natasha, who was sitting in her seat and browsing the database of stars through her bracelet, came back to her senses and interjected: "Hey, gentlemen, this is not the time for infighting, remember? We are preventing a war."

Saul looked at Steve and said: "You have used the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is announcing something to other races in the universe, declaring that you earthlings are ready to join the universe and start advanced warfare. "

"We have to find a way to determine the location of the Rubik's Cube."

Tony looked at Natasha with his hands in his pockets and said, "Does Lake know the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube?"

Natasha nodded and shook her head: "I know, but you just heard him say that he won't be involved, at least not this time. He said that trust is mutual, not unilateral."

Coulson laughed: "This sentence should be used in love."

Everyone's eyes fell on Coulson in an instant.

Coulson was silent for a while, made an apologetic gesture and said, "I just want to liven up the atmosphere."

The US team Steve looked at Tony: "You believe in this god."

Tony was expressionless: "I speak with facts, not feelings."

Captain America got up and said, "So, we can't listen to his one-sided words."

"Now it's Loki who wants to invade Earth."

Tony covered his forehead and looked speechlessly at Steve who was holding on to [Whether Lake is good or bad] and said: "It seems that you haven't woken up yet, and you can't even grasp the key points. Even if Lake is an enemy, what can you do?" So, it is Loki who is going to invade the earth, not Lake, by the way, I haven't had time to congratulate you, you have thrown away our last card."

"We've had that lesson first hand."



Steve of the American team said that before World War II, Germany and the United States were not like this. Even, for the sake of God, more than half of the mustache's campaign funds were sent by the German oligarchs controlled by Wall Street.

The results of it?
World War II broke out vigorously, and the honeymoon was very good at that time, so the consequences were so serious.

In a word.

The United States was heartbroken by the mustache. We helped you get in the position, and you just repaid us. If you can’t talk, you can continue talking. It’s a big deal, everyone will share it [-]-[-]...

Tony was dumbfounded, and smiled happily: "You compare a god to a failed country on a planet?"

Steve said with a blank expression: "I'm just explaining one thing. For you, World War II may only exist in books, but for me, I have witnessed it with my own eyes, so I am wary."

Tony opened his mouth, and finally looked away directly: "We are not on the same channel, we have nothing to talk about."

at this time.

A thud.

The space carrier, which was originally parked at an altitude of [-] meters and was very stable, suddenly moved, and then there was a big jump directly.

A missile hit the air directly, and with a bang, everyone in the observation room was instantly slapped around by the sudden air wave.

In the space carrier, a dazzling red light flickered instantly.

At the moment when she was blown away by the blast, Natasha, who had put on her [original plan to go crazy], instantly took out an oval object from her waist.

When the object landed on the hole that was blasted into the shape of a morning glory, the light flashed, and in an instant, the air waves swarming in from outside stopped instantly.

Natasha landed steadily, looked at Dr. Banna who hit the floor heavily and said, "Dr. Banna, you should leave."

Banna clutched his sore right arm just now, listened to the rising heart rate alarm, got up with difficulty, and used his other good hand to take out the mobile phone in his pocket: "I still need you to say, I'll take a step first. "


Following the prolonged tone of [Hai...Mian...Bao...Bao], Dr. Banner supported the wall with his body, and quickly left the observation room. With a bang, the door opposite the observation room opened, revealing a Similar to the equipment used by the space station for landing.

next second.

Device disengaged.

Announcing Dr. Banner's withdrawal from the battlefield.

"Put on your battle suit!"

"I still need you to tell me."

Tony, who fell down with the US team, struggled to get up. Hearing what the US team said, he said something simple, and then he was stunned for a moment when his right hand was about to be stretched out. Then he got up and ran outside, saying: " I'm going to put on my battle suit."


Tony forgot one thing, Merlich is going straight. If Merlich is called here, there is no doubt that the Helicarrier will definitely crash.

The one that's set in stone.

Thor grabbed the umbrella that had just been hung on the wall, and with a sudden wave, the armor of the angel clan appeared in an instant. In the next second, Sol walked to the big hole and said to Natasha behind him: "I'll go!" Outside."

Natasha responded.

The air wave came again, and Coulson, who had just stood firm just now, was once again blasted by the air wave.

next second.


(End of this chapter)

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