A god of beauty

Chapter 219 Will eventually belong to the stars

Chapter 219 Will eventually belong to the stars
Of course Lake knew.

Everything that happened on the Road of Starlight, nothing will ever be hidden from Lake, never.



"You said that I have given them the authority of the Road of Starlight. Do you think they will still doubt me?"

"...Sir, you said that human nature is complicated."


On the beach, Lake nodded thoughtfully, looked at Agatha who was wearing a bikini in front of him, smiled abruptly and shook his head: "Investment is risky, the greater the return, the greater the risk, we can't just because Give up if there is a risk, at least, at this stage, I still have common interests with them."


Stars flickered in Lake's eyes, and the smile on his face was even brighter as he sensed the few people traveling through his omnipresent Starlight Road.

In a word.

After using my road of starlight, I will be a member of my group of stars from now on.


Death too!

Stuttgart, Koningstrasse.

Three bright beams of light fell directly from the sky, and landed on the crowd who ran out of the party in a flash. In an instant, they once again caused commotion among the crowd.


The three beams disappeared.


Coulson stood still and looked down at his hands: "I feel very strange."

Natasha next to her opened the bracelet on her hand, followed by a flash of light, and after warming up with a sentence in Zaun dialect, she was wearing a suspenders and jeans, with a bullet jewelry around her neck, holding something like Natasha with Gatling's weapon appeared in everyone's sight.


Natasha looked down at her current appearance, and couldn't help being taken aback. Without him, the appearance has changed. Just when Natasha was curious, the light flashed again...

next second.

Source Project Crazy Dress is back online, and at the same time, the voice of the diamond star, which is different from Agatha, rang at the moment when the goggles and Natasha were dressed: "Ms. In the process of dispatching, the estimated time of arrival is 24 hours on the special blue star, this is the greatest help you can give without taking action."


Diamond Star is offline.

Before Natasha wanted to ask anything, a naughty voice suddenly came from beside her: "Send Daxing, let's go..." Natasha turned her head and saw that Dr. Banner seemed to be taking Like [Suxiao Jiuxin Pill], he took out the mobile phone in his pocket and watched the cartoon inside, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Dr. Banner came back to his senses, smiled reluctantly at Natasha, and showed off his beeping heart rate monitoring bracelet.

Natasha would smile with a dry smile.

Poor Banner.

Cute Hulk.

at this time.

The antler Loki, who is driving people into a circle with phantoms, is about to show the majesty of the gods. He noticed the three people coming across the space, and grinned: "Look what I found, three alien gods running dog."


The weapon on Natasha's right shoulder lit up: "Loki, put down your weapon and surrender immediately..."

Not finished.

Loki's hand was originally the king's scepter, but at this moment, it was the mind gem inlaid with the infinite gemstone, and the scepter was renamed the mind scepter, and a ray of light shot directly at Natasha.

Natasha dodged directly to the side, and the weapon on her shoulder was instantly activated.

"Electromagnetic waves!"


Electromagnetic waves passed through Loki's body and hit the fountain behind him.

In the next second, the original fountain seemed to be disturbed by some kind of force, and the speed of the water became almost visible to the naked eye, showing a state of dripping water...


Loki's clone reappeared, one, two, three...

Natasha looked around: "I hate this kind of magic, where are you?"


"Hang on, Agent Romanov."


Natasha listened to the responses from Tony and Captain America in the headset, and shook her head inwardly. It's understandable that Old Antique couldn't accept this high-tech within a while.

But Tony...

Natasha understood it as suspicious. After all, this guy's attitude towards Lake was one of trust and suspicion. It was strange that Lake never seemed to mind this, which made Natasha a little curious.


Where is Victor?

And what about Ben?

We came here with five people on the conveyor, and what about them.

at this time.

"True power!"

"Sturdy as a rock!"



Two beams of starlight descended from the sky, and with a snort, a scarlet-yellow laser appeared in the sky instantly, accompanied by a voice of "accept analysis", in an instant, as many clones of Loki as there were, the scarlet-yellow laser beams were divided into as many blasts. On Loki's avatar.

next second.


Loki's clone disappeared in an instant, leaving only Loki who was flashing the crimson laser on their left side towards the back.

Natasha looked over to Victor and Ben late.


Natasha looked at the two people who had changed greatly and exclaimed, "Where did you go?"

Victor looked down at the [Full Metal Frenzy Suit] on his body and said, "It's been upgraded."

The stone man looked down at his green appearance, with a [clover] growing on his head and said in a low voice: "Obviously, it has been dyed a different color."

Natasha looked at the stone man with a forced smile and comforted her, "I think it looks better than before."

The stone man nodded and said: "Yes, the color I was supposed to give me was coral reefs."

Natasha was silent.

Coral reef?
The picture was so beautiful, Natasha quickly removed from her mind the picture that might cause a patient with trysophobia to become seriously ill.

"Look at you..."

Not far away, Loki directly used the spiritual scepter to wipe out the crimson laser and looked at the extra Victor and the stone man. It sounds good to say it to others, and he said in a flat voice: "Come again! I killed two lackeys of foreign gods."

Victor looked at Natasha: "That's the guy?"

Natasha nodded.

"Are you sure this guy is a god and not a psychopath?"

Victor complained, and in the next second, the Hex cane, who had just accepted the evolution on the Road of Starlight, waved directly at Loki who was not far away, and the singularity that could cause a chaotic storm suddenly unfolded in Loki. Above the head: "Reindeer, you heard what this lady said, put down your weapons and surrender immediately."

Loki's mouth curled up.

Victor nodded, very good, toasted without eating and fined wine, just at the moment when Victor was about to start the chaotic storm after the upgrade, Loki touched his golden king's armament, revealing his suit The leather shoes raised their hands towards Natasha, Coulson, the stone man, Victor, and Dr. Banner who was playing soy sauce with a smile on his face.

Natasha: "..."

Victor: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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