A god of beauty

Chapter 21 The Beginning of Fantastic 4

Chapter 21 The Beginning of the Fantastic Four




"Nine minutes and 47 seconds until the storm hits head-on."

The siren of the main program of the computer at the Victor Space Experimental Base was instantly remembered, and Reed Richards, who had achieved fame and reached the pinnacle of his life, was brought back from fantasy to reality.

Reed looked at the countdown displayed on the computer screen in shock: "How is this possible, there should be seven hours left."

What they want to observe is the nebula of life that can benefit mankind, prolong human life and improve the quality of life, which is rare in hundreds of years, not the number one killer in this universe, the huge and terrifying cosmic storm.

Of course.

This horror is relative to human beings.

Reid was eager to prove the system had gone wrong, but it was clear what could he have done with just nine minutes left?
Nothing can be done.

next second.

Reed ran out of the laboratory frantically, and found Susan, who was holding a ring to his childhood sweetheart and now Victor's lover, hurriedly said: "We made a mistake. He will come here in a few minutes, not Estimated hours."

Susan looked up at her former lover Reed, then at the ring in front of her, and finally ran upstairs.

Victor looked annoyed at Reed who happened to appear in front of him at this time.

Reed didn't realize it: "Victor, that storm is fatal, we must stop the operation immediately."

Victor put his hands behind his back: "Calm down, we ran all the way here, if there is a small problem, we will panic, open the protective cover!"

Reed pointed outside: "Ben is still outside."

Victor's expression was light: "Then take him in, we have a mission here, you'd better hurry up."

After hearing this, Reed hurriedly ran towards the command module.

at this time.

Susan, who was already in the command module, checked the computer and said through the headset: "Victor, Reed is right, we have less than 6 minutes."

at the same time.

Since then, the cosmic storm that has been shaken and swept over from the edge of the universe has finally approached the earth after a long trek through mountains and rivers.


Foreseeing danger is one thing.

Avoiding danger is another matter.

6 minutes, put it on the earth, there is no doubt that maybe a fierce battle can come to an end.

But in space?

In the face of this deadly cosmic storm, especially with a human walking in a clumsy space suit outside?
6 minutes?
Ha ha.

That almost announced a tragedy.


When he was looking at the Victor Industrial Building, which was only three blocks away from the Stark Industrial Building, from the floor-to-ceiling window, suddenly, Lake looked up at the distant sky, where the brilliance invisible to mortals shot straight at him. Earth.

no doubt.

The Fantastic Four were born.


The birth of the Fantastic Four means one thing, that is, Victor was completely pitted.


"Yes, sir!"

"How are you learning about the financial games of this world?"

"Perfect, sir."

"Very good, short the stock of Victor Industries first, and then buy me a lot. Victor needs a savior, and I am his savior."

"Sir, this is related to the hidden plan you made before..."

"Before it was before, Fantastic Four, hehe, Agatha, someone came to trouble me from a distance of several universes, I don't mind sending them a layer, and there are two ways to hide, one is to follow the blind The monks eat and eat raw, and the other is like me, living in the city."

"Understood, sir."

"...Wait, go short first, wait for my order to buy."


When Agatha was preparing to short Victor Industries, Lake turned around and smiled at Mikaela on the other side of the sofa, "You have something to do in ten days."

Michaela blinked: "...what?"

Lake smiled slightly: "Wait a minute, there are some things I need to confirm."

Michaela: "..."

Lake doesn't have a deep memory of the Fantastic Four movie, but the villains in it made him feel the values ​​of Great America for the first time.

In a word.

Because of my girlfriend, I put the future of the company on a rival who was not optimistic about NASA. As a result, the rival failed, and my company fell into an economic crisis. After that, my girlfriend was kidnapped by the rival. What happened?The down-and-out rival in love who caused me to fall into economic crisis and robbed my girlfriend turned out to be a great hero, relying on his sponsorship to reach the pinnacle of life with both money and sex, and me, I turned out to be a villain out of nowhere?

Is there any reason in this world?
Obviously, in the original plot, Victor has no place and no one to listen to and sympathize with his grievances and people.

But it's different now.

Lake is here, so, this time, Victor has something to reason with.


Lake even suspected that Reid did not miscalculate, but did it on purpose.

Do not believe?

Just look at how Reid is described.

Reed Richards, Mister Fantastic, has been hailed as a child prodigy since he was a child.

He has graduated from Caltech, Harvard University, Columbia University, Empire State University and other world-class famous universities, and has rich educational experience.

And what he's achieved is brilliant.

Earn Ph.D. degrees in engineering, mathematics, physics, and more.

In the original history, because many of his inventions were powerful enough to compete with the gods, he was called the most intelligent person on earth.

in this way……

Such a smart person would make such a low-level mistake as a calculation error?

Go cheat.

Lake, who has always liked to cross people with the greatest malice, is very suspicious that all this is the conspiracy of this conceited Mister Fantastic...

Victor's company went bankrupt.

His ex-girlfriend Susan is also back in his arms.


What a perfect plan, this is what a smart person should have. The so-called miscalculation is just an excuse.


Four hours later, the moment Victor Industries' spacecraft landed on the earth at a gallop, the accident that happened in Victor's laboratory above the earth began to spread like wildfire with everyone admitted to the hospital.

When this news reached Wall Street, everything changed. After all, in order to support Reed's move to heaven this time, Victor put the company's future on the line.

If it succeeds, Victor will naturally receive both money and sex.

But it failed, and the rich and the rich were afraid that Reed Richards, a genius scientist who still had time to care for Susan in the ambulance.


The market reacted, and the stock of Victor Industries suddenly stopped rising under a mysterious force that happened to enter the market and began to go downhill. At the same time, countless stock managers called their clients He signaled to sell Victor's stock quickly.

The stocks on Wall Street are actually the same as the houses in Dongguo.

In a word.

Buy up and not down.


 Please recommend, guys

(End of this chapter)

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