A god of beauty

Chapter 208 Are You Ready?

Chapter 208 Are You Ready?

Lake hugged Zooey with a smile on his face.

his sister.

When Lake lived on the planet Reese, a meteor flew across and crashed into the Great Waterfall on the planet Reese. Afterwards, Lake met Zoe in this way.

At that time, Lake just happened to be in the time period when the five identities of 360 were in crisis, so Lake planned to do something for his own stars, so he had the angel of the Reese God Race, his sister Zoe...

Zooey looked up: "Brother, the big bug is coming."

"I know."

Lake smiled slightly, nothing that happened on his road to starlight could escape his eyes, Lake fondly touched Zoe's long purple hair: "It's been a while since, how did the hair grow longer again? "

Zoe, who was wearing the costume of the Guardian of the Stars, walked around in a circle, her long purple hair was very elegant.

Lake laughed and shook his head.

After a while.

Agatha brought Zoe, who was clamoring to stay here for a while, back to the main building of the manor.

Regarding Zoe's request, Lake just smiled and said nothing.

Let's say that.

Everyone else can come over, except for Zoe. In a word, Zoe is too playful. Lake knows that Zoe is not malicious, but simply likes to play pranks, but other people don't think so. Back then, Lake's notoriety, among them, Zoe almost contributed about 40.00%...


Lake turned his head and glanced at Zoe, who was well-behaved by Agatha in the main building. After smiling, he invited Natasha who came down from the cabin together to visit the garden.


Lake walked in front with his hands behind his back, and felt Natasha who was following him abruptly laughed out loud, "You didn't even learn to walk, so you want to learn to run?"

Lake wanted to laugh.

When he handed over the Stargate construction technology to S.H.I.E.L.D., he also thought about this issue, but he quickly rejected it.

the reason is simple.

If it is not the action of the gods, then the energy to open the stargate is huge, and Lake feels that after he told the temptation of the infinite gems to the creatures of the universe, it is estimated that no matter how ambitious people are, they will not rashly use the universe. The energy of the Rubik's Cube powers the Stargate.

But right now?
Lake suddenly remembered a classic quote.

This world will never be destroyed by war, but there is no doubt that it may be destroyed by the hands of mad scientists.

Right now seems to be the picture of it all.

Do you think I'm joking?

Lake thought curiously, then turned his head to look at Natasha next to him and said, "Natasha, I told you about the significance of the Infinity Stones to some people in your universe."

Natasha nodded back.

Lake was a little puzzled and said, "Then, why do you use it rashly?"


Natasha was slightly taken aback, and frowned, "When did we use it?"

This time it was Lake's turn to frown.

Without him.

Natasha did not lie, but told the truth.

The lying of mortals can be trained and skillful enough to deceive the so-called lie detectors, but this method is a joke to the gods.

Could it be that the so-called lying with eyes open can deceive the gods?
Lake was lost in thought.

quite a while.

Lake suddenly thought of something, and looked at Natasha: "Natasha, have I told you about the aliases of Infinity Stones?"

Did I tell you?
have it?

Lake frowned inwardly as he recalled his own memories. Frankly speaking, there is such a bad thing about being a human being, and the memory will always be a little confused...

Natasha hesitated for a while and shook her head.

Lake was dumbfounded.


So whose fault is this?

"There are six infinity gems in the universe, which belong to space, power, reality, mind, time and soul."

"The soul gem cannot be obtained without great sacrifice."

"The power is locked."

"The heart is already in the hands of the bully."

"Time, space, these two gems are on the earth."

Lake turned to look at Natasha, waved his right hand lightly, and directly manifested a pocket watch and said: "The time gem, also known as the eye of Agamotto, exists in the hand of the guardian of the earth."


Lake waved away the manifested Eye of Agamotto with his right hand, and replaced it with a blue square-shaped object that made Natasha's eyes shrink.

Natasha stared at the floating blue cube projected in front of her: "...this is."

Lake nodded: "Yes, the space gem, also known as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

Natasha was shocked: "The Rubik's Cube is the Infinity Stone?"

Lake said with a smile: "One of the infinite gems, right now, is being activated by you, there is no doubt that not only one of my enemies has been brought in, but at the same time, you have also exposed the naked earth to the sight of the universe. Got it, you guys, are you ready for Star Wars?"

"……What's the meaning?"

"Literally, you used the cosmic magic cube to penetrate the interstellar gate and open the portal to another universe. In the eyes of other creatures in the universe, you already have the qualifications to join the cosmic forest. Don't forget, the universe The Rubik's Cube is a space gem, and you use the stargate to cross one universe and penetrate another universe, which is equivalent to blasting open the doors of other houses one by one."

"...I still don't quite understand."

"Between two points, the straight line is the shortest, Natasha, you should have heard this sentence."

Natasha frowned and said, "But, you also used it, and that Scorpion King also used it."

Lake said lightly: "I am a god, and my starlight path exists in the past, present, and future. Let's put it this way, the stargate I opened with divine power is a special line, and you use the Rubik's Cube, which is the space gem to open it. The Stargate undoubtedly belongs to the simple and rough construction of a highway leading to the special line. As for the Scorpion King, he took the special line of death. To a certain extent, even these creatures can know that they They will pretend they don’t know, but you guys, hehehe..."

Natasha was completely dumbfounded.

very convoluted.

But she felt that she understood. In other words, no matter whether it is the god-attributed Lake or the dead-attributed Scorpion King, the stargates opened by these two are above other creatures in the universe, but their Opening it is equivalent to passing through the borders of other creatures?

Still the unspoken kind.

The former is a god, but he can't beat it.

The latter are undead, and they cannot be hit, and even if they are hit, they are afraid of being liquidated after death.

but they?
We don't care about gods and dead souls crossing the border, but the same level of life?What's the matter, do you think we are easy to bully?Okay, come on, find a time, find a place, report the number of people on both sides, and do a game.

Natasha was silent for a while and said, "Then what should we do now?"

Lake shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who knows, inform your chief and prepare to deploy for a fight."

Natasha: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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