A god of beauty

Chapter 201 Tony Goes to Hell

Chapter 201 Tony Goes to Hell

Loyalty is only because the price tag of betrayal is not enough.

This sentence is also true for the gods. Look at how Zeus killed the gods and became the god of the gods. Didn’t he win over a large group of brothers to raise the flag to rebel?

Let's say that.

Lake felt more and more that he did have many similarities with Zeus.

Of course.

It is good place.

With the stars as a shield, Lake has a lot of bargaining chips. If it's not that he doesn't want the gods to be rotten, let's put it this way, Lake can show his identity and open his eyes in an instant. Among them, the anti-customer is the main one.


Just like a diamond.

Are diamonds worth money?That's completely nonsense. The reason why diamonds are valuable is because they have artificially controlled the supply of goods and monopolized the market.

Same goes for Lake.

He has a lot of gods, but if the sky is broken, Lake will release ten gods at most. Rare things are more expensive, this simple truth is understood by everyone.


Lake looked at Mephisto and Gu Yi, stood up with a smile on his face and filled their cups, and then said: "I am different from your ruthless boss, I keep my promises, and you help me, he Today, I will report back to you, how about you two, get on board?"

The supreme mage looked indifferent, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Mephisto wanted to open his mouth, but after thinking about it for a while, he turned his gaze to the Supreme Mage beside him.

a while.

Supreme mage Gu Yi looked at Lake: "Asgard's Thunder God has inherited the title of Outland Thunder God. This matter has already attracted the attention of Yuanyuan."

Lake smiled and said, "This is the effect I want."

If the water is clear, there will be no fish.

You can fish in muddy water.

My eldest daughter, Goutou, Azir, and Di Leina appeared in this universe one after another. The origin of the universe is not a fool. How could he not care about such things? After all, he is very weak now. , if there is really a foreign domain planning to invade, he can also make early preparations for self-destruction...


Throwing a Thor right now, attracting the eyes of the origin of the universe, in this way, Lake, who is hiding behind, can make final preparations at leisure.


"The son of Odin is also one of the protagonists in the future. Unless the source completely gives up and sits and watches the goddess of revenge return, otherwise, he will only focus on Sol."

Lake said with a smile: "Besides, I have you, Supreme Mage, time is a long river, I think, I don't exist on your timeline."

The supreme mage didn't answer this question, and said calmly, "How sure are you?"

Lake pursed his lips.



Lake smiled slightly: "I have ten levels of confidence. The difference is just whether I choose a universe that can be developed after taking over, or a universe full of ruins that needs to be pushed back to start over. The difference is only this, that's all. That's all."

Standing behind him is the Star Casting Dragon King.

You don't need to ask, you will definitely win. If you encounter someone you can't win, just run to Chaos Howl and ask the old Dragon King to help him.

In general, it is just one sentence.

This universe, he wants to decide.

At first, it was to satisfy an excuse he used to deal with the girls, but now, as this excuse became more and more reality, Lake became more and more addicted to it.

think about it.

Having a universe of his own, in this way, even if the memory of the old dragon king who cast the star is restored in the future, Lake will not fall from the clouds to the ground all at once.

Get used to being a supreme god, and then let Lake be a mortal?
I am sorry.

The problem was so difficult that Lake couldn't and didn't want to do it.

On the eve of Christmas Eve.

Tony Stark drove the car to visit.

in the living room.

Lake played with it, a demon card left by Old Mo after Mephisto and Gu Yi visited together before, after the two signed a cooperation agreement.

This card can allow a mortal to walk in the Netherland and be blessed by Mephisto's breath. As for the time limit, it will burn until it is exhausted.

Lake handed the card to Tony: "Remember, you only have two hours."

Tony took the card, looking at the devil painting on the card, a little dazed.

Tony is the protagonist, so, after all, he is one of the C protagonists who are concerned by the origin of the universe. Therefore, unlike others, the resurrection time of Howard Stark and Maria Stark needs to be weighed.

In a word.

The origin of the universe wants Tony to be a hero. Let's put it this way, the end of the road is Rome, and the origin of the universe doesn't care how to get there.

But what if Howard and Maria were resurrected?
That would be fun.

But if you want to think this way, you must not say that.

Lake looked at Tony and said, "Do you think this is different from what we agreed?"

Tony nodded his head back.

Lake smiled and said, "Tony, do you still remember that I said before, why do I want you to be on my side?"

Tony frowned, "I know."

He will be a superhero in the future, a C protagonist who needs to prevent a purple sweet potato essence who wants to destroy half of the life in the universe from being appointed C protagonist.

Lake said with a smile: "That's good, let's put it this way, because of your identity, Mephisto refused to resurrect your parents."

Tony looked at Lake: "You are the Supreme God..."


Lake went to the bar and poured himself a glass of bourbon: "I am the supreme god of other universes, and my relationship with Mephisto is a partnership, so I can't ask him to do anything for me, or say , when we haven't succeeded, Mephisto can't believe me with all his strength."

Tony nodded.

Of course he understood this.



"Well, I shouldn't say it. Maybe after you go to hell and see Mephisto, ask him yourself, maybe you can find out."

Lake chuckled, shrugged and said, "After all, I don't want the anti-god armor you planned to come true."

Tony froze slightly and looked up.

Lake said lightly: "I said, I am here to save this place, you have reason to doubt me, this is normal, time will tell everything."

The gentleman is magnanimous.

As a good god, one should have such a heart!

Tony was silent.

Lake took a freshly poured glass of bourbon, walked out of the bar, handed it to Tony with a smile and said, "Okay, after drinking this glass, you should be on your way."

Tony looked up: "On the road?"

Lake said with a smile: "Is there any normal person who would think about going to hell? It's not on the road, what should it be? I can't let me say a word to wish you a smooth journey. Remember, you only have two hours. If it exceeds two hours , you will be completely in hell, and at the same time, I will also be noticed by the origin of the universe, and I will be forced to give up saving this universe because of this."

Tony: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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