A god of beauty

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Night falls!

The lights are shining brightly in the energy warehouse of Hanmer Industries New Jersey.

Without him.

Hammer Industry is in the process of urgently transferring assets. Once the court sends someone to check and seize it tomorrow, it is blunt to say that Hammer Industry is really about to become a dead salted fish.

On the second floor of the warehouse.

key to...

The speed of Ivan Vanke's hands almost turned into streamers as he went back and forth on the keyboard. I think his Vanke family was once rich. Such a person can actually be controlled by the third-rate weapons dealer Justin Hammer.

A thunderbolt!
Ivan Vanke completely activated the reprinting line of the palladium element energy block in the warehouse today, and with a buzzing sound, the assembly line that had been shut down was reactivated and launched...

The security guards who received the company's order in the warehouse and were about to transport these robots to a confidential location felt something was wrong when they saw this scene.

The security guard outside the office, who was called protection for surveillance, noticed something was wrong when he looked at the steel robots that had been hoisted up one by one below, and immediately turned around to open the door to go in.


The door was locked from the inside.

"Dong dong dong..."


Ivan Vanke, holding a toothpick in his mouth, turned expressionlessly and glanced at the security guard who was banging on the door. Immediately, his hands tapped on the keyboard even faster.


The security guard who was locked outside the door was not a vegetarian either. When he saw this, he knew that all this was done by the killer inside. He didn't talk nonsense, just took a sip of saliva, raised the rifle in his hand and Aim at the deadbolt and shoot three shots directly.

The door insurance was wiped out.

next second.

The black security guard pushed the door open and came in. At the moment of entering, there was a bang, a huge force accompanied by a smell of burning, the black security guard directly slammed on the guardrail with a bang, and immediately passed from the five-meter-high second floor. fell between.

Several security guards below were dumbfounded looking at the bodies of their colleagues.

next second.

When the first block of palladium element energy was inserted into the steel robot's energy tank on the assembly line, the robot's system went online immediately, and then two huge pupils brightened.

Many security guards looked at the steel robot that was suspended in the air and activated to raise Gatling's arms, and suddenly shrank their eyes.



"Hide and find cover!"

Many security guards came back to their senses, and suddenly turned pale with shock. At the moment when many security guards retreated, the steel robot suspended in the air showed its power. In order to pursue greater force, it was directly changed into the two barrels of Gatling's arms. Suddenly the tongue of fire appeared.

chug chu...

Accompanied by the roar, the two flames quickly tore apart all living animals in sight.

Hiding behind the boards.

facing away.

Point the gun at his.


Even those porters who hurriedly fled outside were still after the flames passed, and then were completely torn into rag dolls by the ensuing flames.

I have to say that Justin Hammer is indeed a talent.

Let's say that.

In order to maximize profits, Justin Hammer specifically asked Ivan Vanke to manufacture a bullet that is different from other types. In other words, the military not only wants to buy his steel robot, but after that, Still need to buy his bullets...


In order to achieve this goal, these steel robots were given a full load of bullets with the machine when they left the factory. Justin Hammer also gave this bullet specially used for steel robots a name.

Metal Storm!

The steel robot suspended in the air raised its arm, and with two chugs, it directly broke the iron hook hooked on its body, landed with a bang, and stepped on the ground one by one to clean up all the life forms in the warehouse.

How can flesh and blood stand against a man of steel?
After half an hour.

The steel robot looked around, and then pulled down the gate of the warehouse.


three hours later.

At this moment, Justin Hammer, who was completely devastated, was pacing back and forth in his office when he received a call from the New Jersey military base.


Justin Hammer held the phone and watched the beautiful scenery of New York outside the window. He frowned and said to the phone: "What do you mean you didn't receive the goods? I just confirmed that the goods have been loaded two hours ago."

A soldier at the New Jersey Air Force Base spread his hands while looking at the empty warehouse and the distance without lights, and said, "I'm just in charge of receiving the goods. The goods haven't arrived, it's as simple as that."


The soldier hung up the phone and made a hache.


Justin listened to the blind voice on the phone and resisted the throbbing trigeminal nerve. Before today, he was famous, but today, Stark didn't even use his strength, and he went directly from a popular stock to a trash stock .


Junk stocks at least have a price tag.

I'm afraid it's not even as good as junk stocks.


Justin Hammer used his previous friendship to find a certain general at the New Jersey Air Force Base who could receive about 300 or so finished steel soldiers.

There are so many scruples in the local area, but if it is sent to overseas battlefields, it is still possible to be careful.

But right now?
The goods didn't arrive?

Justin covered his forehead, and angrily took a sip of the apple martini that a certain type of people love most. Then he picked up his mobile phone and dialed the armed captain who was sent to the warehouse three hours ago.

Phone blind.

Justin raised his eyebrows, and suddenly had a bad premonition. After hanging up the phone, Justin directly called the duty phone of the energy warehouse.

Still blind.

Justin frowned deeply, and in the next second, he quickly put down the phone, ran to his desk, turned on the computer, and chose to remotely connect to the video surveillance of the energy warehouse.

Huaping state.


Justin was at a loss, thinking that there was a problem with the video surveillance, not what he thought in his mind.

In fact.

Murphy's Law is still very marketable.

Just as Justin was fiddling to see if the video surveillance could be restored, there was a loud bang, and the floor-to-ceiling windows facing the square in the office shook together, waking Justin awake.

Justin turned to look.

next second.

A brightly colored steel robot raises his gatling arm.

Justin narrowed his eyes.

Chu Chu Chu!
The Gatling arm of the steel robot was running, and the tongue of flame burst out. In an instant, the glass in the office was shattered like a sieve, and the metal bullets that were enough to tear a cow were spit out crazily, and carried out indiscriminate shooting towards Justin's office. Cover the shot.

Tongues of flame dance!

Justin was nailed to the desk in an instant, and at the moment when the flames burst out, he could only watch helplessly as his body was covered by metal bullets.

With the burst of flames.

Let's say that.

The dead can't die anymore.


(End of this chapter)

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