A god of beauty

Chapter 193 Brainless Hammer Industries

Chapter 193 Brainless Hammer Industries
Want to grab his Tony Stark stuff?
Have you dreamed enough?
Although today's Stark Industries has transformed into a super group with diversified scale and diversified products, don't forget how Stark started.

Stark was among the people who set foot in New York on the Mayflower.

the next day.
With Tony Stark returning to his position, Stark Industries is fully fired, and in Washington, the congressmen who have received donations from Stark Industries have all voiced their voices for Stark Industries.

The Uptown Court of New York formally accepted Stark Industries' lawsuit against Hammer Industries for infringement.

In a word.

Before, Tony Stark didn't pay attention to Hammer Industries who followed him to pick up farts at all, so he sent a squad from a company in the lawyer team to play with Hammer Industries .


Stark Industries' legal team is on full fire.


On the top floor of the Hammer Building, Justin, who was wearing glasses, snatched the things on his desk to the ground, wiped his face on his hips, and looked at the lawyer standing in front of him angrily. The factory is running at full speed, the contract has already been signed, and now they tell me to suspend deliveries? Can they do that?"

The lawyer said: "In fact, they can, in the additional terms of the contract, it is stipulated that once the steel robot is involved in any legal issues, the military has the right to suspend and terminate the agreement."

"The technology of the Ark reactor was developed by our company."

"It does not matter."

The lawyer pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said: "The palladium element reactor has already been patented by Howard Stark, and the same is true for the miniaturized Ark reactor. Moreover, in March this year, Stark Industries passed the operation and will The time limits of these two patents have been extended again."

Justin covered his forehead.

During the eight months when Tony disappeared, he first used the military to coerce Rhodes, and obtained the technology of the steel suit from the steel suit that Tony gave Rhodes, and then it was a coincidence that he gave it to Rhodes. The grievance story between Vanke and Stark was found in the documents that came to the door. After being joined by Ivan Vanke, Justin was also fully fired. Let the three major weapons manufacturing factories under his command run day and night to prepare the steel suits of the three armies.

As of today, the first batch of steel robots signed with the military to attack [-] units has already come off the assembly line, and the follow-up only needs to wait until the energy blocks at the reactor manufacturing plant are installed.

But right now?
After a while, Justin looked up at the lawyer and said, "We have evidence to prove that the Ark Reactor was not the research result of Howard Stark alone..."

The lawyer interrupted directly: "In the morning, in the judge's office, the judge has already rejected our testimony. Anton Vanke was deported abroad."

The country of Great America just admits that a guy who has been deported by them has some patents.

"...it's Howard Stark."

"It doesn't matter, sir."

The lawyer interrupted again and said to Justin Hammer; "I reminded you before that we have all the resources to produce the Ark reactor, but we do not have the license to produce the reactor. Once Stark holds up the patent stick , we have no ability to fight back."

It's like making a mouse toy.

Everyone has the materials, but do you dare to make them?If you dare to do it, you will be warned by a lawyer's letter the next day. In a word, you have materials but you are not qualified.

Justin frowned.

The lawyer said: "As the chief lawyer of Hammer Industries, I gave this opinion, but boss, you thought that Stark would not sue..."

Justin waved his hand to signal the lawyer to go out.

The lawyer shrugged inwardly and turned away. Anyway, his salary was paid weekly, and besides, no one in this land would dare to default on a lawyer.

Just when the lawyer is out.

Justin Hammer came back to his senses: "...wait a minute."

The lawyer turned to look at Justin Hammer.

Justin said: "What is Stark Industries' appeal?"

The lawyer said: "Give them all the small Ark energy blocks that have been produced, and let them concentrate on processing. At the same time, under the witness of Stark Industries' legal counsel, destroy all our technology related to the Ark reactor, and finally, hand over the participating Ark reactors. All personnel at the reactor."

Justin was stunned and then said loudly: "This is impossible."

In order to be able to successfully complete the military contract, the expenditures of the three factories and the newly established energy factory were very high. For this reason, he also borrowed a large sum of money from the Rockefeller Bank. Doubt, he is afraid that he doesn't even know how he died.

The lawyer spread his hands and said nothing.

He is a lawyer, not a boss, he just takes money to do things.

Justin looked up: "It's impossible, I'd rather pay the patent royalty."

Justin's heart was bleeding when he said this.


The lawyer's next words gave another blow: "Stark Industries' lawyers have made it clear in the morning that they either agree to these three conditions, or else they have enough time to talk slowly in court."

"...but we didn't."

Justin Hammer growled frantically.

The military obviously stated that because of the Hulk, they have no home court advantage in New York City. The military does not want to be forced to appear in the New York court because of accepting a bunch of weapons that have legal disputes.


To some extent, the [-] steel robots of Hammer Industries in New Jersey are just a pile of scrap metal...

at this time.

Ding Ding Ding!
The phone in Justin Hammer's office rang.

Justin recovered and answered the phone.

"Justin Hammer."

"Mr. Hammer, good afternoon, I'm Lucy, Lucy Rockefeller."

"Good afternoon, Ms. Rockefeller."

"Hello, Mr. Hammer, due to the current situation of your company, Rockefeller Bank has internally reassessed the credit of Hammer Industries."

"Ms. Rockefeller, is there some misunderstanding in this, I believe..."

"Mr. Hammer, when you asked us for a loan before, you once stated that you have obtained the patent license from Stark Industries."

"That's true, the technology of the Ark reactor..."

"Okay, Mr. Hammer, Rockefeller has his own sources, but this is a country that pays attention to the law, isn't it? According to our reassessment, because Hammer Industries defaulted first, we gave Mr. Hammer five days to come A total of 200 billion Franklin will be fully compensated for the borrowed principal and liquidated damages.”

"...200 billion, ma'am, Hanmer Industries only borrowed 50 billion."

"Mr. Hammer, you have five days."



"... Madfak!"


(End of this chapter)

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