A god of beauty

Chapter 19 The Round Table and the Villains

Chapter 19 The Round Table and the Villains

Catherine looked up in confusion.

Similarly, Lake was watching with a confused face.

Catherine is here?

But, didn't Gu Yi say that the person who came over was a demigod?When did Catherine become a demigod?

Lake lowered his head in thought.

Mikaela over there is already fascinated by watching it. If the actual conditions do not allow it, she would like to go outside to buy a box of popcorn and come here to enjoy the scene.

Catherine, who was black and straight, blinked her eyes: "Why are you looking at me? Irelia is much more suitable than me as the incarnation of justice. Justice guides us. Besides, she is a god, and I am just a mortal. Is it right for me to go?"

Irelia, who was suppressing the sword radiance, looked at Catherine expressionlessly.

Kesha on the throne rested her delicate chin with one hand: "Irelia can't."


Irelia let go of the handed down sword, and the blade reorganized and flickered.

Kesha looked at Catherine unmoved: "Do you think, if Irelia goes, can she bring back Lake? Who wanted to elope with Lake 5000 years ago?"

The expressions of the girls at the round table looked at Irelia and became slightly weird.

Irelia didn't hesitate in the face of many eyes: "My position is very firm."

The girls: "..."

The ominous blade in Katerina's hand flashed with killing light: "If you want to escape, it's still too late, otherwise, you won't see my backstab"

Soraka held the scepter: "You need to let me guide you."

The rune broadsword in Ruiwen's hand is always bright: "The lesson from the past is the teacher from the past."

Irelia raised her eyebrows and looked at Ruiwen: "My sword is not only accurate, but also ruthless. Do you want to taste it?"

Rui Wen raised her chin slightly: "When fighting someone like you, even if my sword is broken, I can still control the whole situation, Bai Lianhua."

A flash of anger flashed in Irelia's eyes, but she thought of something in the next second, and said sarcastically, "Hehe, you pink rabbit, I'm not bad."

With a snap, Ruiwen grabbed her rune broadsword, ready to go.

So is Irelia.

The situation of war is imminent.



Mikaela, who was watching with fascination, listened to these two keywords, looked at Lake and spread her hands and said, "Please, don't tell me that the expression of these two words is what I think in my heart."

Lake shrugged.

1 years is too long, if you want to let the passion fade away, you have to learn to have fun after all.

Mikaela felt that she was not well. Looking at the two noble goddesses who were at war in the picture, thinking of the lotus shape and the rabbit shape, her eyes suddenly felt hot...

Before meeting Lake, how should I put it, in Mikaela's imagination, the gods were noble, glamorous, and ruthless.

But since meeting Lake, well, her world view has been broken and reorganized long ago.

The situation on Angel Peak is about to explode.

at this time.

The holy Kesha who was sitting on the throne coughed lightly and said indifferently: "That's enough, the Death Singer has sent four guys to capture Lake's soul, we must hurry up."

It took only a split second for Kesha's words to fall, and the round table meeting subsided instantly, returning to the peaceful scene I had just seen.

Mikaela stared at the holy Keisha on the throne: "This is your eldest lady?"

While thinking about the singer of death in Kesha's words, Lake said lightly, "Well, Kesha doesn't smile very much, so she is more majestic."

Sent four guys?

His subordinate Baishen who was once sent to the underworld by him?
dog head?


still is……

Catherine still didn't quite understand: "But, you can rest assured to let me go, although I won't be the same as Irelia, but..."

Kesha directly interrupted: "Irelia's handed down sword can cut off my information source, but you can't cut it off. Once you teleport over and find Lake, it's fine if he wants to come back. If he doesn't , my angelic throne will set off immediately."

"I'm a mortal."

"But you have the planet that Lake gave you, and it's time for you to embark on the path of the gods."

Di Lena looked at Catherine and smiled: "The three of us going there may cause unnecessary taboos in that universe. If you go there as a mortal, you may encounter danger, but if you are a demigod, In this way, that universe will also be afraid, but it will consider the risk factor of doing something to you, so we need a plan."


Di Lena waved her hand.

In the remote depths, the scorching sun that provided continuous divine power support to Di Leina rose instantly, and in an instant, a golden light followed.

The girls at the round table immediately looked at a sci-fi abnormal spear lying on it, and the battle uniform with water chestnut shoulders.

Catherine blinked and looked at Di Lena.

Di Lena smiled and said: "Order Armor and Law Spear, put on her, even if the upper gods of that universe make a move, they will not annihilate you in an instant. If that universe does not open its eyes, we will rush there immediately, let that universe Feel the glory of the sun in the universe, and, with this set of equipment, you will not get lost in the time-space corridor, she will use the [Star Chain] that Sokala gave to Lake to locate and send you to the exact location. "

Catherine opened her mouth: "Can I refuse?"

Di Lena smiled: "What do you think?"

Catherine looked at the other goddesses and Valkyries, all smiling faces, Catherine looked down at her sniper rifle, then at the sci-fi sniper rifle on the round table, after a moment of silence, she said: "You guys are picking persimmons. , obviously, I am the soft persimmon."

Kesha on the throne said: "Okay, even though Lake is not here now, after all, he said to give you a planet, and the stars will remember this promise. Tomorrow, I will send you to that planet, accept it , and then set foot on the road of the gods, and then, with our entrustment, bring Lake back, leaving home once is enough, is it addictive?"

The girls nodded.

next second.

Keisha raised her eyes suddenly, and her cold eyes were directed at Lake and Mikaela, who couldn't help being startled.

Keisha said with a blank expression: "Lake, I know you will receive this message. The messenger of the Death Singer has passed away. I can feel that you have lost contact with the stars. Your divine power is not there. Death Singer You can't stop the emissary, find Catherine, and let us wives help you."

The words fall.

With a scoff, the universe and the starry sky, the sky blade and the angel, the sacred and the round table disappeared instantly, and returned to the appearance of a modern house.

Lake bowed his head in silence.

Mikaela asked curiously, "So, you need to find that Catherine?"

Lake looked back at Mikaela.


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(End of this chapter)

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