A god of beauty

Chapter 182 The Self-Replicating Destroyer

Chapter 182 The Self-Replicating Destroyer

Let's say that.

If Tony really believed Lake's claim that he was here to save the universe, Tony would no doubt feel like he'd been kicked in the head by a donkey.


What Lake didn't know was that there was not only the back door of the big-headed baby Heimerdinger in the cannon hammer of Merlich, but also a source of information, a flow of information hidden by Tony.

"I am fine."

In Megatron, Mikaela waved her hand, then shrank her eyes and said loudly to Tony: "Be careful!"

Tony turned.

With a bang, the Destroyer, who directly transformed into a third hand on his body, broke through Megatron's defense, and directly slapped Tony in the steel suit.

Tony hit the ground heavily, and landed and rolled for three and a half weeks. Fortunately, the hammer of Merlich had its own defense system. Otherwise, the steel suit on Tony would have been scrapped.


Jarvis, who assisted Tony in controlling the Iron Suit, reminded: "The defense system of the suit has broken through 15.00%."

Tony got up from the ground and called out Merlich's cannon hammer again, as if talking to himself as if talking to Jarvis: "This is why I want to develop the anti-god and anti-Hulk suit. "

Say it.

Merrick turned into cannon form again.

Acceleration Gate.


The three energy cannons that passed through the acceleration gate directly expanded a second time, turning into giant energy cannons with a diameter of one meter, roaring and bombarding the Destroyer who was being hanged by Megatron by the neck.

The Destroyer's figure hanging in the air swayed back and forth, and a big hole appeared in his chest, like a rag doll hanging from a tree.


Mikaela, who was in the control room of Megatron's central control room, also looked at the Destroyer who bowed his head in Megatron's hands and asked, "Dead?"

Agatha worked hard.

at this time.

The Destroyer who was pinched by the neck suddenly raised his head.

Agatha controlled Megatron to turn his right arm into a sharp blade and swipe towards the rapidly burning Destroyer in the mask.


The Destroyer's head fell from a height of six meters and smashed a big hole.

Agatha controlled Megatron to cancel the battle mode, turned around and carried Mikaela towards a safe place: "Now, this is..."

The voice did not fall.

Megatron, who had already turned half of his body, suddenly stopped and turned to look.

Not far away, Tony, who was flying in the air holding the hammer of Mericius, also held the hammer of Mericius again and looked at the Destroyer whose corpse was separated.

It was getting darker.


The corpses were separated, and the Destroyer, who had fallen into the two pits, suddenly regained his combat power. The metal substance on his body extended downward along the head, and extended upward along the body at the same time. .


Mikaela stared dumbfoundedly at the two Destroyers not far away who were exactly the same as carved out of a mold and asked dryly: "Agatha, you didn't kill him, you made his brother."

Agatha's tone was light: "The weapons of the gods are different, which is normal."

After all, the Destroyer is the ultimate weapon forged by God King Odin when he conquered the Nine Realms when he was young, in order to stabilize his rule, he collected the golden lock furnace of the Nine Realms.

It is obviously impossible to rush to the street so quickly.

Agatha looked at the two Destroyers who got up and rushed towards him and said, "Maybe I should notify Mister."

Mikaela was dumbfounded again: "...Wait, you were able to contact Lake, why didn't you just contact him."

Agatha said: "The time that Mr. and his daughter spend together is very short. Mr. often talks about how he wishes to spend more time with his daughter, so I don't want to bother."

Mikaela opened his mouth, and finally found a comfortable position for himself. He looked at the scene of one against two and shrugged indifferently: "Well, it's good that I don't die anyway."

"of course."

Agatha said: "They will not break through the defense of the dark stone bracelet, I assure you, ma'am."

Mikaela shrugged and said nothing.


Agatha controlled Megatron holding the sword of the dark stone and started to deal with the two destroyers in the open space with agility.

The battle between the three mechanical creatures looked terrifying, but to Coulson and other SHIELD agents or the residents of the town, it was even more terrifying.


The Destroyer's beam of destruction blasted the ground, directly drawing a magma chasm that was still steaming about ten meters away.

Coulson commanded the rear of all agents.

His not-so-good feelings came true.

This scene is like a re-enactment of the events in Kabul.

"Jesus Christ."

Agent Jasper Sidwell, who was Coulson's friend on the surface but secretly Hydra's agent, drove towards the outside of the ever-expanding battlefield and said, "What the hell happened to this meow?"

Coulson, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at Iron Man Tony Stark, who was flying in the air to assist Megatron in bombarding the Destroyer, through the rearview mirror, and said: "I don't know, but I think what we should consider at the moment is not What happened here, but... Be careful, avoid!"



Jasper braked urgently, with a bang, the roof of their car collapsed suddenly, and then with a bang, a thick metal arm landed in front of Jasper's car.


Jasper and Coulson next to him opened their mouths wide open, completely dumbfounded as they watched the existence that transformed from one arm into the third Destroyer.

"Sir, watch your back!"


Standing in the air and using long-range attacks continuously, Tony dodged when he heard Jarvis' reminder, and then saw the third Destroyer who wanted to catch him from the air.


Tony, who flew directly to an altitude of [-] meters, looked at the three identical Destroyers below and said in confusion, "Jarvis, can you contact that... Agatha?"

"Let me try!"

Jarvis said, and after a while, Jarvis said, "In three seconds, Ms. Agatha will take over from me."

The words fall.

Jarvis' voice disappeared, and Agatha said, "Mr. Stark."

Tony, who was flying at a height of [-] meters, stared at Megatron, who was one against three without losing the wind, and said: "Agatha, we can't kill them anymore, they will copy themselves."

"Believe me, Mister Stark, I know."

"Where is Lake?"

"Mr. is in a place of fiction and reality so far. I have passed the information, but it may take a little time."

"how long?"

"10 minutes, an hour...it's all possible!"


(End of this chapter)

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