A god of beauty

Chapter 173 3 News

Chapter 173 Three News
Why didn't it materialize?
This is a good question.

The reason is also very simple.

Lake looked up at the stars that were gradually rising into the sky, then looked back at Mikaela who got up from the couch and walked towards him, his eyes fell on the little belly with no bulge and shrugged: "The answer is also simple, because of her. "


Lake pointed to Michaela's belly.

Mikaela bowed her head.

I become a god, what do I care about my daughter?
Mikaela raised her head and said, "I know that the gods don't like to lie, they only use the art of speaking for decoration, so, is this a new art of language?"

"It's the truth."

Lake laughed loudly, looked at Mikaela who was close to him and looked up at him with a smile on his face: "Did I tell you that I have many wives?"

Mikaela nodded slightly.

Lake shrugged and said, "Let's put it this way, you've met Keisha, right?"

Mikaela recalled the round table meeting of the Reese Protoss that she saw that time, and thought of the head of the eldest sister with a pair of wings covering the sky, and nodded with lingering fear: "Serra's mother, the holy Kesha who controls the angel family .”

Lake tilted his head: "The Reese Protoss is a bit similar to the royal family model of the Eastern Kingdom. If I am the emperor, Keisha is the queen. The affairs of the harem are almost managed by Keisha. Under normal circumstances, I have no right to intervene." of."

"...define the general case."

"You know, things between goddesses are actually similar to things between women, and there is also the issue of the education of royal children."

The eldest daughter Sera has been raised by Keisha, and now the second daughter is finally coming out, and Lake vows to train his daughter into what he wants.

Mikaela rolled her eyes and frowned and said, "No, I've watched Dongguo's program, in which the emperor can decide with a single word, such as giving his woman a title or something."

Lake chuckled.

Mikaela is confused.

Lake returned to his senses and said calmly: "What you see is a group of beasts wearing clothes pretending to be human."

The Tunguska barbarians know shit about etiquette.

quite a while.

Lake came back to his senses and directly hugged Mikaela and smiled: "Don't worry, I will remember my promise. You can design the planet you want first. After we go back, I will customize it for you according to your drawings. one."

Mikaela put her arms around Lake's neck and laughed, "Really, then I want a planet full of diamonds and gold."

Lake paused and sighed.

Mikaela said, "What, the request is too much?"

Lake shook his head, looked at Mikaela disappointedly and said, "I thought you've been with me for more than a year, and your perspective has been transformed into a god's perspective, but obviously, I was wrong, diamond planet? Gold planet? You can be more Be bold and fantasize!"

Michaela: "..."

diamond star?
gold star?
That thing has a useless purpose, Lake even squeezed out the diamond man and the golden man when he was bored on Reese...

the next day.

Lake came down from upstairs, looked at Natasha and Rushman who looked like twins preparing breakfast in the living room and kitchen, walked over and said with a smile: "When did you come back yesterday?"

Natasha leaned on the bar and said with a smile: "The sound insulation in this room is very good, I'm sure of that."

Lake cast a puzzled look.

Natasha smiled and said, "You only hear the vibration, but you can't hear the sound. Does this mean that the sound insulation effect is very good?"

Lake laughed.


On the table.

Lake drank the coffee that Mikaela brewed with a branding iron as usual. It has to be said that he got used to it after drinking it for a long time.

Especially the hint of gasoline mixed in it.

The stars are above.

If Lake hadn't remembered what real coffee tasted like, he might have thought that the coffee in his hand was authentic.



"Is there any interesting news in the world today."


"Let it go and see."

Lake looked up at the three screens projected in mid-air, and Natasha, who was sitting on the right, also looked up.

Mikaela, who was sitting opposite, was talking to Roshman about the topic of women.

Three screens, three different places.

new York.

The crisis of the Scorpion King has been lifted. As the five-nation alliance, it is strictly a military operation, and to put it bluntly, it is not worth reporting. Secondly, the battle of the gods that took place in Kabul was too brain-intensive, and the news was also comprehensively suppressed. The blockade is closed, and there are no survivors in Kabul, so I don’t worry that someone will make some revelations. Naturally, the eyes and pen and ink of the media all fall on the strong individual heroism that happened outside Tehran. is in the middle of the battle.

no doubt.

The market value of Stark Industries and Victor Industries soared again. This time, the large-scale buyers all came from the Tehran area.

Although the relationship between Tehran and Eagle Sauce has not been good, but, so to speak, they saved you from the crisis of extinction, and, after these people, the media only recognized Stark and Vivian What about Kedo?

Hehe, the media are not used to admitting their mistakes, especially when they write about a person who was previously described as a criminal. The public likes to see a story of a criminal becoming a hero, but the media don't like to slap themselves in the face.

As for Hulk?

Let's put it this way, girls like furry. Although Hulk is not furry, a reporter used a camera to record the cutest side of Hulk.

Remember when Tony Stark pulled Victor and Hulk asked for a ride?

This photo is.

It fully embodies that Hulk has a cute side in addition to his powerful destructive power.


Lake looked at the newspapers on the screen and shook his head, "I think the military should be suffering right now!"

Natasha shrugged.

This is for sure, after all, General Ross of the military regards the Hulk as their taboo, but they use the Hulk so that they have to compensate for the loss of New York City. Others use the Hulk, good guy, and directly make it a giant hero...

It is strange that the military is not uncomfortable.

In fact, General Ross is trying to get that angry baby girl to contact Hulk again... No, it's Banner!
But unfortunately...

General Ross' request came to nothing. After all, something was doomed the moment Banner returned to New York and then disappeared again.

The relationship between Banner and Betty went cold.

Because of Ross!

Second screen.

Lake rubbed his chin, watching the real-time picture of the sinkhole surrounded by a crowd of people displayed on the second screen.

"Agatha, where is this?"

"New Mexico!"

A silver hammer in the tiankeng is very conspicuous.

(End of this chapter)

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