A god of beauty

Chapter 157 The Decisive Battle Is One Week Later (1 Updates Please Subscribe)

Chapter 157 The decisive battle is a week later (subscription for four more updates)

"Kabul's scorpion frenzy turns toward Tehran."

After taking off his steel battle suit, Tony came out and stretched his muscles. He pulled the gun hammer of Merlich and put it aside, allowing Jarvis to call up the pictures of the private satellite.

Fairy picture quality.

Lake stared at the 4K picture quality displayed on the satellite and frowned, "Your satellite..."

Tony smiled and said: "That's right, it was designed a few days ago for the help of Victor Industries to launch, and there are some technologies I've never seen before stored in Merlich, this is something you know ?"

Lake chuckled: "What do you think?"

He knows shit.

Damn big-headed baby, if you go back and don't turn you into a fool who pushes rocks, I will stop saying that I am a god from now on.

What have you done to my Merlich.

Lake felt ruthless.

In the blink of an eye, in the satellite images, the scorpion frenzy turned into Tehran like wolf smoke, but unlike Kabul, which had been completely wiped out, this time the scorpion frenzy in Tehran seemed to be passing by, and their route was very straight.

Straight to the...

"Jarvis, draw a deduction based on the current marching route of the scorpion."

"Yes, sir."


There was an extra black line on the satellite image. As expected, the black line crossed Tehran along the current marching route of the Scorpion and landed on a point.

Home of the Scorpion King.

Is this already filling up the troops, ready to fight back to Cairo to regain his throne?
"No wonder."

"...It's no wonder."

Tony looked back at Natasha who was speaking, and the latter looked at the marching route of the scorpion displayed on the satellite and said: "Tehran rejected the rescue operations of other countries before, and yesterday, it ordered the lifting of the military plan issued just a few days ago. Be alert, come to think of it, Tehran has some kind of agreement with this group of scorpion army."

Regarding Tehran’s refusal of military assistance from other countries, although it feels very bad, it is their internal affairs after all, but after yesterday, as Tehran not only did not shoot but evacuated a crossing road, let’s put it this way, The whole world was dumbfounded, especially his neighbors, Baghdad was very uncomfortable.

As soon as Baghdad suffers, Eagle Sauce suffers.

Let's say that.

Baghdad's crude oil reserves rank fourth in the world.


Lake touched his chin and looked at Natasha: "This is the reason why the so-called Security Council agreed to the military plan and your plan."

Natasha nodded uncertainly with flickering eyes, then shook her head again.

There is no doubt that this should be the case.

If Tehran resists, there is no doubt that the Security Council will not agree to continue the construction of the Stargate so quickly, but right now?
"Most of these scorpions passing through Tehran are miscellaneous soldiers."

Tony walked over from the wine cabinet, handed a glass of bourbon to Lake, and then took a sip of bourbon, pointing to a satellite photo taken by the satellite, and said: "In Kabul, it is better than we were at the Grishke base before. The more powerful half-human scorpion seen in the movie seems to be building something."

Lake chuckled.

The resurrected Scorpion King is also a wonderful person.

Looking at the plan, it is intended to build the starry sky gate, and after attracting the dog's head, he can bring his personal soldiers back to Cairo to become king.

Block the flames of war from outside the country.


If the shape of the Scorpion King can be humanoid and not so inhuman, there is no doubt that this guy must be a wise king.

"Because there are dense scorpions blocking it, it is impossible to photograph the buildings inside."

"Is there an approximate appearance?"


Tony nodded, and then asked Jarvis to read a satellite picture again.

on the picture.

The scorpions are densely piled up like a pyramid, with a height of more than 100 meters.

"This height..."

Natasha frowned thinking about the shape of the starry sky gate that is currently being built in the abandoned military base in New Jersey: "Where did their materials come from?"

"They don't need materials."


Lake took a sip of bourbon, who was looking at him, and said lightly: "The attribute of the dog's head is Hades, so the stargate he wants is naturally different."

"...What's the difference?"


Lake stared at the pyramid-shaped scorpion building in the picture and said calmly: "As long as there are enough souls, Nasus will arrive here along this stargate built by souls."

"how long."

"who knows."

Lake shrugged and stared at the pyramid made of scorpions in the picture, thought for a while and said, "Whenever the whole body of the pyramid emerges, that's when Nasus, the desert god of death, will arrive here."

Natasha and Tony looked at the picture.

Pyramid out.

Nasus comes.

Lake looked at Natasha: "Then when will your Stargate be completed?"

Natasha regained her senses and looked at Lake: "According to estimates, it will take a week at the latest."

Lake nodded: "Enough."


The three walked out of the basement, and Pepper had asked the staff to serve up the dishes prepared directly from the hotel.

In a word.

It's useless to be anxious. The people in Kabul who could come out have been rescued. The five countries expressed regret for what happened to the people in Kabul, but in the final analysis, it was Kabul's own fault.

the reason is simple.

Who told you to let this Scorpion King who came to conquer you be buried under your land?

The five-nation alliance is fighting, and Tony and Victor are not idle. Media reporters who are often in Kabul have photographed Iron Man fighting with the Lord of Destruction.


After a time when Vic blasted out a thunder ball with a mace and directly cooked the surrounding scorpions, his title was finally corrected.


The attack of Iron Man and Lord of Destruction still couldn't change the situation, at most, it was delayed for a while to help the Five Nations Alliance to evacuate the people of Kabul behind them.



Both Tony and Victor are not the Holy Mother, they are capitalists, if it weren't for Tony seeing his weapons in the hands of militants, he might not even have the heart to make steel suits.


There are too many people buying weapons. I don't sell weapons to those people. Someone still sells them. The only thing he can do is to guarantee that he will not sell them.

I can't change the world, but I can change myself.

This is what Tony said when he was interviewed by reporters in the final battle of Kabul as Iron Man for the first time after admitting that he was Iron Man.

I am not a hero.

I don't intend to become a hero, but since I am Iron Man, the only thing I can do is these things right now.


(End of this chapter)

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