A god of beauty

Chapter 135 Confrontation between Uncle and Nephew

Chapter 135 Confrontation between Uncle and Nephew
Frankly speaking, Tony was also a little confused at first about the decision that the hammer of Merlich would rather choose to be a helmet than a power source.

but now?
Tony thinks it's okay, after all, if the gun hammer of Merlich is used as an energy source, it will inevitably be a bit overkill, but as a helmet, it can not only hug his most precious brain, but also Molly The Hammer of Hill can also be better concealed, and can be used as a secret weapon when necessary.


next second.

Tony, who has already mastered the flying skills of the steel suit, directly drove himself out of the basement with ease and familiarity, soaring into the sky and blasting towards Long Island, New York.

at this time.

Jarvis' voice sounded: "Sir, a powerful wave has been detected gathering over the Stanley Manor, with a risk factor of ten."

Tony narrowed his eyes.

At this point in time, there is no doubt that the black hand behind this so-called danger factor of ten is already Chi Guoguo.


At an altitude of [-] meters, Tony, who was wearing a red and yellow steel battlesuit, looked at the condensed space-based cannon with an extremely ugly expression: "Does this guy want to penetrate the entire New York?"

Jarvis is calculating quickly.

After a while Jarvis said: "I'm afraid so, sir."

"Call me Lake."


On the balcony of the Star Building, Lake stared at the corner of the mouth of the space-based cannon that was about to reach the 80.00% five progress bar.

Very simple.

If this cannonball continues, it is guaranteed that Obadiah Stanis will die, and there will be no scum left, and death will be just the beginning. When the stars fall tomorrow, he will come to Mephisto and directly Went to Obadiah's soul.



He will understand what kind of torture he will suffer if he disrespects a god, and this time limit will be eternal life.

Agatha projected: "Sir, Tony Stark's phone."

Lake came back to his senses: "Come in."

The call is connected.

Tony, who was watching the condensed space-based cannon at an altitude of [-] meters, said angrily the moment the phone was connected: "Lake, are you asking the entire New York public to apologize together?"

Lake asked curiously, "What are you talking about?"

"Xie Te, I'm talking about the energy source that is still expanding at an altitude of [-] meters. Don't say it's not your masterpiece."

"its mine."

"Turn him off, if you hit him once, the whole Long Island will be destroyed."

"……so what?"

"Without Long Island, all of New York is exposed directly on the coast, and all the water pours into the Sound of New York, where the current rushes rapidly toward New York, and then..."

"I understand."

"You'll switch off."

"Do not."

Lake stared at the progress bar that had reached 90.00% five with a calm expression: "Tony, when you become a god in the future, you will understand how a mortal should be punished for offending a god. The so-called godslayer is just a It’s just a fairy tale made up by a group of mortals for themselves, and you don’t need to worry about my attack, when I say destroy the entire manor, the range of the space-based artillery dare not go beyond the manor.”

Say it.

Lake hung up the phone directly, and began to think in his heart, in other words, now that his second child is being conceived, can he not adopt the previous strategy?
Before, it was because Lake needed a reason to intervene in this universe.

at the moment?

The little dragon girl or the little dragon has been conceived in Mikaela's stomach, so the question arises, does the previously chosen friendship plan also need to be changed?

such as……

One person owns this universe to himself?
Lake stroked his chin and became a little active, but soon, this thought was extinguished.

Without him.

The reason why a strategy is called a strategy is the same as the main line. Once it is set, it cannot be changed easily. If he knew before that he would have an heir, he might choose to take another path.

But right now?
The character design of the good god is already in progress, if you change the character design hastily, there is no doubt that you will definitely hit the street.

This is foreshadowing.

Just look at Lu Bu, the unparalleled god of war.

Compared to pure villains, it is obvious that people look down on guys who continuously change their personalities.

……never mind.

Now that the line of good god has gone, let's continue to go. Anyway, if things come to fruition in the future, then it will be just one sentence.

They may make blood, but Lake, he will never lose money.

After all, even if the universe is conquered by a lonely family, at that time, some subordinates still have to be subdued to be gods to help him manage the universe. Instead of looking for people to train, it is better to use it directly.


On the screen of the space-based gun, the progress bar has reached 100% at this time.

The space-based gun is officially launched.

At an altitude of [-] meters, Tony stared at the energy cannon that turned into a real giant sword at this moment and fell silent.

next second.

Tony turned directly and blasted towards the Stanley Manor below, and at the same time connected to Lake again and said: "Lake, if you can guarantee that your attack will not affect other people, I will choose not to see it, but give me a little time, I will Need to confirm one thing with Stanley."

Lake, who always drank a glass of bourbon as a prelude to launching a space-based cannon, said with a smile while holding a glass of bourbon, "Yes, you have 10 minutes."


"You're welcome, after all, you are the protagonist."

"Ha ha."

Tony let out two laughs with unknown meaning, and then it fell directly from the sky, landing directly on the lawn of Obadiah Stanley's manor with a bang.

At this moment, the fire at Stani's estate has been extinguished.

To be precise, it is self-extinguishing. It is amazing to say that when the manor caught fire, the fire brigade from Long Island actually rushed over, but this is a private manor. Without the permission of the owner of the manor, they are There is no way to get in.


The ghost knows if you will be bumped directly if you go in.

Private property is sacred and inviolable, it is written in the Constitution.


Tony Stark, wearing a red and yellow steel battle suit, looked around at the bloodstains left on the lawn, and there were some bloodstains formed by dragging, and shouted directly towards the manor house: "Stani, come out."

The words fall.

Accompanied by the dull sound of stomping the ground, soon, the iron bully, who was three meters tall, with red energy flashing in his eyes, walked out directly from the broken glass window with a bang.

Obadiah Stanley, who was sitting in the control room at the head of the giant Iron Overlord, stared at Tony Stark in the dwarf-like red and yellow steel suit in front of his three-meter Iron Overlord, and laughed twice. : "Tony, I was just wondering when you would come over."

Tony in the steel suit raised his head and watched the Iron King, who was almost a replica of Mark [-], clenched his fists.


 Uh, it will be on the shelves this Friday, it should be, and it won't change!
(End of this chapter)

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