A god of beauty

Chapter 13 Gods Only Like and Dislike

Chapter 13 Gods Only Like and Dislike

When Ken, who was hiding in the dark across the street, moved his body, the image projected in the repair workshop moved accordingly.

Mikaela saw the little black man clearly: "...this is Ken."

Lake asked, "You know him?"

Mikaela nodded: "Well, Ken was from 98K before."

Lake was taken aback for a moment: "98K, do all the names of your gangs here are so random?"

Speaking of 98K, the name sounds familiar.

And before?

In other words, shouldn't gangs be of the same nature as Jianghu? It's easy to get in, but hard to get out?
Could it be that the current gangs are already so disciplined?
Mikaela said: "Yes, it is 98K. Three months ago, 98K and the Gucci family had a firefight in Port Queen, and Ken was there at the time, but this guy was hiding in the corner just like now. The loss of 98K is very serious." Seriously, if Ken's uncle was not a small boss of 98K, he would have been thrown into the sea and fed to the sharks instead of just chopping off three of his fingers."

Lake suddenly smiled.

There is no doubt that every race has talent, just like Lake, who has the talent of homesickness and farming, and races with skin color like Ken are also talented, no, darkness is their best friend.

Once the eyes are closed, the mouth is closed, and there is a stop in the darkness, Onishet, the stars are above, this is simply merging with the darkness.

three fingers?

Lake's eyes fell on the projected image, and then he looked at the little black man's left hand and said to Agatha: "Agatha, zoom in on that piece."

After the voice fell, the projection of the little black man was quickly stripped out, and then the part of the left hand was polished and enlarged.


It is true that only the thumb and little finger are left on the left hand. It seems that the 98K people are quite kind.

Think about it, the thumb is amazing, but the little finger is so weak...

"This little black man should be just letting the wind and stalking."

"……how do you know?"

Mikaela glanced at Lake curiously, and then said: "One time, people from 98K came here to repair the car, and when chatting with my dad, they mentioned that after Ken left 98K, he seemed to be mixed with Benjamin and the others. "

"Who is this Benjamin?"

Mikaela said: "It's also a local gangster, but it's a relatively good one, and he is dedicated to attacking outsiders, and he doesn't get involved in the business of other gangs, so other gangs don't bother to talk to him. , or you go first, they must be eyeing you."

Lake looked at Mikaela: "What about you?"

Mikaela said: "My father bleeds for 98K, otherwise, why do you think I can live so peacefully on this street with gang traces, as beautiful as me, without any background, I have been killed by those beasts Eat it up."

Lake pursed his lips lightly: "Mikayla, I'm getting more and more curious about what you look like after you become a god."

I have to say that although the plane crashed due to space-time turbulence this time, the result was pretty good.

The Marvel Earth is also the Earth, just like a rotten egg is also an egg, and also met such a foul-speaking and unpretentious Mikaela, Lake felt, maybe, this is the so-called fate...

Mikaela made a rather carefree expression: "Okay, let's go, it's not dark yet, as long as you leave Queens, you will always be safe."

Lake recovered and shook his head.

Michaela frowned slightly.

Lake's eyes fell on the little black man Ken: "A god, never afraid of anything, let alone a mortal."

Mikaela said: "But you are not a god now, you said it yourself."

And it's a god who can't even catch a stick.

Mikaela added in her heart.

Lake smiled slightly: "Even though the stars and the sun and the moon lost my position for a short time, I am still a god. There is no doubt that in the face of mortal provocations, some gods will laugh it off, and some gods will send down thunder Fury, guess which one I belong to?"

Mikaela tentatively asked, "The first type?"

Lake laughed.

If he belonged to the first type of god, would his name be arbitrarily arranged by the people of Valoran?

Lake recalled: "Back then, the lava monster tried to turn into a mountain to suppress me, but he turned into a pile of broken stones. The biochemical demon wanted to tie me up, and I threw it into Zaun The madman went into the potion furnace. The ancient creature Vengeful Flame Soul planned to turn my planet Reese into a world of flames. As a result, I slapped him to death and buried him in the underworld of the underworld. By the way, I still A monument was erected for him, and, Evelyn, but I didn't kill her, I killed her husband, and after that, I heard that she also had a name, which was called Widow Maker by Valoran."

His history in Valoran is undoubtedly brilliant. If he were to talk about it in detail, ten years would not be enough for him to talk about it...

Lake recalled Valoran's deeds, came back to his senses, looked at Mikaela who was listening to his recounting memories, and the corner of his mouth slightly curved up: "Now, Mikaela, what do you think I belong to?"

Mikaela blinked, thinking about the giant lava beast, biochemical demon, Zaun madman, vengeful flame soul... and the widowmaker in what Lake said just now, swallowed softly: "The second type? "

The voice fell!

A sound of mechanical deformation sounded instantly.

The bracelet on Lake's right arm is automatically peeled off and quickly deformed to assemble a very sci-fi style gun. The shooting is almost silent, and the shooting effect is very gorgeous. The bullet will bring out a Gaussian precise magnetic force with a blue light band with an arc. sniper rifle.

Hold the gun.



In one go, Lake's body didn't even move, but seeing a bright blue light band appearing from the muzzle of the gun with a bullet with the same sci-fi style almost instantly, it reached the little black man Ken's body in an instant. before.

The little black man burst open instantly like a ripe watermelon, and then, a small black dot automatically appeared behind the little black man, and with a bang, the black dot expanded into a small black circle as if the darkness opened The big mouth directly swallowed the little black man who had lost his head.

In the blink of an eye, the little black man Ken disappeared without a trace. If there is any evidence of the existence of the little black man, it should always be the liquid that looks like watermelon juice left around the dark place.

The clicking sound is reproduced.

Lake put on the bracelet again, shook his head and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I've used a gun, but it seems that this marksmanship is already very accurate, what do you think, Mikaela."


Lake looked at Mikaela next to him, but saw that the latter's face was changing, watching the phantom projected in the repair shop that was synchronized with the opposite side of the street...

next second.

Mikaela covered her mouth with both hands, pushed open the door and hurriedly ran outside.


(End of this chapter)

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