A god of beauty

Chapter 109 Alien Scorpions with Sense of Sight (Part 5)

Chapter 109 Alien Scorpions with Sense of Sight (Fifth Change)

Before the mushrooms exploded, all the scorpion army that had gone deep into the ground in an instant to avoid the shock wave of the mushrooms was already in sight.


This number seems to be a little less.

Standing at the window in the center of the base, Lake stared at the hundreds of scorpion monsters who looked majestic but were actually soldiers, brandishing their big pincers and rushing towards Victor, who was guarding Victor, and couldn't help raising their eyebrows.



Victor, whose whole body was transformed into a silver armor, swung the heavy iron rod directly at the two attacking scorpion monsters.

next second.

The scorpion monster that was split in half by the iron pillar immediately proved what it means to be aggressive but strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Green liquid erupted from the scorpion break.

When the green liquid was stained on the iron rod, it immediately made an unpleasant and unpleasant, snorting and corrosive sound.

The stone man next to him also moved, and punched out directly, instantly clamping the pliers that were coming towards him in half.


The two of them were completely surrounded by the scorpion army. After all, the number of scorpion monsters was there.


A silver lightning suddenly appeared in the middle of the scorpion monster, and the next second, a lightning started to penetrate the left and right like a long silver snake.


Green liquid was flying all over the sky, Victor was holding a mace-like iron rod with a corroded head, and instantly waved the lightning silver on the iron rod, blasting the scorpion monsters around him into slag under the lightning. .


These scorpion monsters just wanted to pinch his balls, can you believe it?
Surprised and angry, Victor squeezed the iron rod in his hand, and slammed it forward vigorously: "A group of idiots, feel the pain of death."

"The Broken Hammer!"

The hammer that was corroded by the green liquid from the iron rod was knocked down in an instant. In an instant, lightning was introduced from under the hammer head, and the ground cracked in the surrounding area instantly. Parts were burnt black in an instant, and then a more intense sniffing smell permeated in an instant.



Because of Victor's rescue, the stone man whose limbs were restrained by the four scorpion monsters just now was also angry at the moment, and roared directly, his body made of densely packed gravel instantly turned red, and the pinch of crushed stones fused and reorganized, In the next second, the stone man directly punched the ground with both fists.

"The earth trembles!"

The stone man's fists touched the ground, and the ground instantly resonated with it. The scorpion monsters besieging around the stone man trembled, as if falling into an inexplicable dizziness.

next second.

The stone man turned his fists into palms and slapped a scorpion monster in front of him directly.

"Thunder slap!"


Victor, who was not far away, saw the muddy scorpion monster turned into a mass of muddy scorpion monsters in the hands of the stone man, and his footsteps moved sideways inadvertently.

too disgusting.

base center.

Tony rubbed the space between his brows, looked at Victor and the stone man who were showing off their power outside the base, and said inexplicably: "Since the explosion of Victor's space station, the world has become more and more inexplicable."

Lake sipped the bourbon in his hand: "Is this inexplicable? Hehe, then you'd better strengthen your heart."

In the future, this earth will be called troubled by many disasters. It can be described in this sentence, people inside the earth want to destroy the world, and people outside the earth also want to destroy the earth.

If Xiao Poqiu was conscious, he might simply blow himself up and count the ball.

Natasha, on the other hand, saw a broken hammer left by the stone man and Victor outside the base, and there was an earthquake trembling to harvest the dwindling scorpion monsters. She immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "I think we are safe." gone."

The words fall.

The right side of the base wall suddenly burst open, a height of three meters, different from the small soldier scorpion monsters outside, this is obviously an elite level scorpion monster just drilled out of the ground, the long scorpion tail behind It blasted out directly, and instantly nailed an armored vehicle in front of it and an armored vehicle behind it into a string together. The long scorpion tail dragged the two armored vehicles into the air, and then, the giant pincers in their hands moved towards There is a clip over there.

next second.


The fireworks formed by the armored vehicle exploded on the long scorpion tail, and the burst of flames splashed onto the face of the scorpion monster, making the scorpion monster even more angry.

The soldiers who were guarding nearby were stunned.

next second.

Just as several soldiers on the fence of the base came back to their senses and were about to fire at the scorpion monster, with a bang, a scorpion monster that came out directly from under the fence burst and destroyed the fence.

The wind howled.

The two soldiers who were standing on the other side of the broken wall could only hear the howling wind and felt a pain all over their bodies. They looked down and saw the lower half of their body that was divided into two under the pliers.


"Wall, wall."



Jason, the captain of SEAL Team [-] who was not far away, saw two scorpion monsters appearing directly inside the base, and immediately yelled at Sonny on the armored vehicle who was about to fire his machine gun.

Sonny yelled, pointed the muzzle of the machine gun at the scorpion monster that was rushing towards them, and pulled the trigger instantly.

next second.

chug chu...

The flames of the machine gun shot out instantly, the clanging bullet casings fell under Sonny's feet, and the iron plates of the armored vehicle made various crisp impact sounds.

With the sound of firing for the first time, the soldiers came back to their senses in an instant, aiming at the two elite-level scorpion monsters that appeared at the base and fired violently.

The two scorpions were in pain, and as they kept retreating backward, the green liquid splashed around like no money.

When it splashed onto the concrete floor, it instantly evaporated like hot air.

When it splashed onto the car, the corrosion effect was visible to the naked eye in an instant.

sputtering in...


Lake in the center of the base saw this scene with a stronger sense of déjà vu, and felt a little unbelievable in his heart, complaining: "Did this guy, the dog head, ever go to the alien planet that I exiled on the edge of the Valoran universe?"

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the strong sense of alien sight.

As I said before, after Lake's hundreds of trumpets were identified, in order to avoid the wrath of the girls, Lake did a lot of boring things when he was hiding on Star Ris, including the annual [Chicken Eating Longevity Contest] ] There is also... an alien planet.

Of course.

Lake is not as brain-dead as those creators, so Lake added a setting to the aliens he fabricated.

Let's put it this way, the original alien needs to be parasitic.

But on the aliens in the Valoran universe, the aliens are born on their own, and once the aliens lose oxygen, they will die within ten seconds.

After finishing, Lake was still not at ease, and even threw this alien planet to the edge of the universe. After getting bored of playing, Lake completely destroyed these alien planets.

In a word.

He loves to play.

But he didn't want to play with fire and set himself on fire.


 The fifth change, begging for a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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