Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 85 Long live the nine-headed snake

Chapter 85 Long Live the Hydra

Everything in Azkaban is developing rapidly, except for the small castle separated by Lockhart, which is filled with all kinds of criminals, mainly Death Eaters.

Lockhart originally planned to execute them directly, but considering that they might be useful when Lockhart used Voldemort to clean up the Ministry of Magic, in the end he didn't deal with the dregs directly but stayed to wait and see.

Today Lockhart found some inspiration from the special selection method just discussed, and decided to deal with some of the prisoners in Azkaban.

Lockhart shook his body and his clothes suddenly became ragged and messy. Then he summoned two dementors and escorted him to the cell next to Bellatrix Lestrange. The ghost left.

It was noon now, when the dementors were at their weakest. Lockhart directed the dementors to pretend to be useless and casually away from Bellatrix's cell, while banging on the walls rhythmically.

"Da da, da da da, da da da..."

"Who is it?" Sure enough, a vigilant female voice came from the opposite side after a while.

This was a piece of music given to Lockhart by Sirius. It was used at the Black family gatherings. At this moment, Lockhart deliberately played this rhythm, and Bellatrix Lestrange really noticed it immediately.

"Bellatrix, the Dark Lord sent me to find you, to ask you if you remain loyal to him and ready to serve him again."

"What evidence do you have, how can I believe that you are not someone sent by the Ministry of Magic to trick me?"

"I don't have any evidence. You can choose not to believe it, because the Dark Lord didn't give me any tokens. But the Dark Lord said that you are his most loyal Death Eater, and you are willing to take any risks for him."

"Does the Dark Lord have anything to tell me?" Sure enough, upon hearing this sentence, Bellatrix's hoarse and sharp voice gradually eased. It is rumored that her feelings for Voldemort are not limited to loyalty and admiration, but also love .

Judging from her blind trust, it may be true.

Lockhart said: "The Dark Lord is not really dead. He is accumulating his own power and is ready to return at any time. When he returns, he will be stronger than ever. You are the person he trusts the most. He has a mission for you. .”

"I'm willing to make every effort for this. Please tell me the details of the mission." Bellatrix asked eagerly, with the tone of a child eager to get a toy.

"Don't worry, Bellatrix, I have to tell you something about the Death Eaters organization first, so that you can better complete the task." Lockhart replied

"Please tell me about the Death Eaters," Bellatrix demanded eagerly.

"First of all, we are no longer called Death Eaters, the Dark Lord has given our organization a new name."

"What is it?"



"That's right, Hydra! If you cut off one head, two will grow back. The Dark Lord wants to tell us that although we have suffered failures before, we will be stronger in the future." Lockhart fooled seriously Bellatrix.

"Hydra Hydra." Lockhart heard Bellatrix repeating a few words about Hydra, and suddenly, Bellatrix said, "Long live Hydra!"

Lockhart felt that Bellatrix was too good, and immediately replied: "Long live Hydra!"

"I already know the new name of the organization, now please tell me what the mission is!" Bellatrix paused and said, "I will do my best to complete it, even willing to sacrifice my life. "

"No, no need. Every Hydra wizard who is as loyal as us is a treasure cherished by the Dark Lord. He told me that as long as we are still alive, even if the mission fails, there is still hope."

"Praise the Dark Lord, long live Hydra!" Bellatrix had already fully entered the state.

Lockhart then continued: "I will help you escape from Azkaban. After you escape, the Dark Lord needs you to help him contact and integrate all his original troops, and tell them that the Dark Lord is about to return. "

Lockhart stated his purpose, which was actually inspired by the Ministry of Magic. Lockhart couldn't find true believers in the spirit of the Red Ghost Society, but the Ministry of Magic could.

Likewise, Lockhart couldn't find the Death Eaters in hiding, Bellatrix could.

"I'll do it, but how do I get out of Azkaban?" Bellatrix asked.

Lockhart took out a test tube from his pocket and threw it across the wall, saying, "This is what I hid in my body and brought into Azkaban. It's an improved version of Polyjuice Potion. After drinking it, you will become Like a dog, dementors can't recognize animals, and you can use this as an opportunity to escape."

"And I will continue to stay in Azkaban in your likeness, so that the Ministry of Magic will only think that an insignificant person like me escaped, and you can carry out the mission covertly."

Bellatrix next door took the test tube, looked at the size of the test tube, imagined the painstaking efforts of the unknown Hydra member opposite to bring it into Azkaban, and said excitedly: "Hydra Long live the snake!"

"Long live Hydra! I will create chaos here in a moment, you take the opportunity to drink the polyjuice potion and then run out, out of the castle and run to the north of the island, there will be a boat to pick you up. Remember our slogan, when you connect To use."

"Go ahead, I'm listening," Bellatrix said.

"The dead are not dead, they will rise again, and the force will be stronger!" Lockhart said solemnly.

"The dead don't die, they will rise again, and the force will be stronger!" Bellatrix read it along, only feeling that this slogan fits the Dark Lord's desire to be stronger after the return, and couldn't help but repeat it excitedly.

Afterwards, Lockhart said: "Then, the action begins, long live Hydra!"

Bellatrix only heard a violent explosion, and saw a big hole in the castle, said "Long live Hydra", and quickly drank the potion in the test tube, turning into a big dog out.

Sure enough, she didn't encounter any dementors on the way, until she ran to the northernmost part of the island and saw a boat, she turned back into a human form and said: "The dead are not dead, they will rise again, and the force will be stronger! "

A wizard in a black robe brought her onto the boat, and then quickly sailed away.Bellatrix didn't speak any more, just quietly thinking about her future plans.

Inside the Azkaban School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, almost everyone saw Bellatrix suddenly trotting out of the castle on all fours, but no one stopped him, because their beloved Principal Lockhart was following behind, constantly With handprints.

 On August [-]st, please collect, recommend, and invest.Thank you all.


(End of this chapter)

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