Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 82 Ideology, Morality and Politics

Chapter 82 Ideology, Morality and Politics
Lockhart originally said that the four founders of Hogwarts were all wrong, and then he was forced by Dumbledore's eyes to say that they were all outdated.

"Wait a minute, Professor Lockhart, maybe Professor McGonagall knows more about this than I do." Dumbledore didn't ask Lockhart to speak directly, but wanted to find Professor McGonagall first.

Dumbledore said a few words to the portrait, and a few minutes later, Professor McGonagall opened the door and walked into the principal's office.

"Good evening, Minerva, I'm sorry to have brought you up so late, but I think that the rest of my discussion with Professor Lockhart would best involve you, the wizard who actually runs Hogwarts."

"Good evening, Albus, good evening, Professor Lockhart. I hope you won't discuss it for too long. You must know that lack of sleep is the biggest skin killer for witches."

Lockhart and Dumbledore smiled, and then Dumbledore said:

"Continue to talk about your views, Lockhart, I think your views have not been problematic at least in terms of pedagogy." Dumbledore said wearily, rubbing his eyes.

"Okay, then let's start with the purpose and philosophy of Hogwarts at the beginning of its establishment." Lockhart waited, seeing that Dumbledore did not stop him, so he continued.

"I don't think Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft was originally established as a school to educate wizards!"

"Huh?" Dumbledore was able to remain calm due to the foreshadowing ahead, but Professor McGonagall called out directly. She looked at Lockhart in shock, as if Lockhart was a giant monster who came in with makeup. .

"Stop playing your head-starting trick, Lockhart, let's get down to business." Dumbledore interrupted Lockhart, and said.

Lockhart smiled awkwardly and continued: "No, this is not a sensationalist statement. On the contrary, this is the result of my careful research."

"As we all know, you think that in British history, from 90 A.D., when Hogwarts was founded, to the [-]th century, family education was the mainstream of training wizards. At that time, most of the young wizards did not come back. Hogwarts goes to school, they're homeschooled."

Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement, and Dumbledore did not refute.

"So Hogwarts was definitely not set up to educate all wizards when it was founded. On the contrary, Hogwarts was set up for those wizards who could not receive family education at that time."

"So I think the biggest purpose of Hogwarts at the beginning was not to be a school, but to be a shelter. A shelter for wizards who don't have families."

Dumbledore and McGonagall didn't speak anymore, but looked at Lockhart with an expression like I'm watching you play.

Lockhart continued: "At that time, the conflict between wizards and Muggles was common and fierce. Little wizards without family protection were very vulnerable to Muggles, and Hogwarts could provide these little wizards with a sanctuary. .”

"Or those wizards who have lost their families, Hogwarts will be very happy to accept them. In theory, people like Harry, Hermione, and Snape are Hogwarts' initial enrollment targets, and Mal Not Foo, Weasley."

"But now, Hogwarts has become a school that almost all young wizards in the UK come to." Professor McGonagall emphasized.She didn't quite understand Lockhart's purpose, thinking that Lockhart simply wanted to talk about the history of the school.

"Not bad." Lockhart agreed, and then continued to ask: "So, when did Hogwarts gradually become a school where almost all young wizards in the UK would come?"

"About the early eighteenth century." Professor McGonagall gave his answer without thinking.

"Yes, so why exactly this time period?" Lockhart continued.

This time Professor McGonagall did not give an answer, and Dumbledore did not speak.Lockhart once asked: "Or, to put it another way, what historic event happened during this period of time?"

This time, Professor McGonagall quickly gave his answer: "The International Law of Wizarding Secrecy came into force in 1692."

"That's right, that's what I want to say. The National Secrecy Act has officially come into effect, and the entire Ministry of Magic has been isolated from the Muggle world. Little wizards are no longer as vulnerable to Muggle persecution as they used to be."

"At the same time, those pure-blooded families have also distinguished themselves from human nobles. Their young wizards no longer need to learn so many noble etiquettes. On the contrary, the connections in the wizarding world have become more important. Therefore, Hogwarts can To become the national school that almost every young wizard in England attends."

Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement, as did Dumbledore.

"Then that is to say, Hogwarts was established to serve as a partial wizard sanctuary, but now it has become an education center that all wizards must come to."

"The purpose and role of this school have undergone tremendous changes, but his educational methods are still the same as before. Is this normal?"

After many preparations, Lockhart finally expressed his point of view.

In fact, Hogwarts was originally positioned as a refuge for persecuted wizards, an orphanage, free schooling, free meals, free accommodation and strong defenses.It can be said that the attributes of the shelter are full.

And its design in education can be described as very general.

Lockhart continued: "I think the current educational methods at Hogwarts have been completely divorced from his educational purpose."

"The current goal of Hogwarts is not simply to train some wizards who can release spells, but to train future talents in the British wizarding world. Therefore, it is absolutely not enough to teach magic."

"I even think that the level of education at Hogwarts must bear some responsibility for the current state of the Ministry of Magic."

"In my opinion, Hogwarts must offer an ideological, moral and political class."

"Oh? What is morality and politics?" Professor McGonagall asked excitedly.

"Ideology, Morality and Politics, as the name suggests, is a course for cultivating the basic moral and political qualities of little wizards."

"I think he should be divided into three stages. The little wizards in the first, second and third grades mainly study ideology and morality, so that they can establish a good outlook on life and values;"

"Little wizards in the fourth and fifth grades mainly learn the political and legal common sense in the magic world, so as to prevent them from becoming politically and legally illiterate in the future;"

"Little wizards in the sixth and seventh grades can take the political course, which is mainly responsible for introducing the role of the Ministry of Magic, as an elective course according to their hobbies and grades."

 Chapter 1, seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking investment.Thank you all

(End of this chapter)

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