Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 66 Hermione's Doubt

Chapter 66 Hermione's Doubt

"I declare that Lockhart is innocent. He will be released from Azkaban immediately. Today's public trial is over." Accompanied by Fudge's loud announcement, there was a burst of applause in the Hogwarts auditorium and cheers.

The little wizards of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are happy today.

The news of the live broadcast of the trial video was enough to excite these little wizards, not to mention that the trial process has so many reversals, it is even more exciting than the magic novels circulating in the library.

And their professor Lockhart was found not guilty in today's public trial, does it mean that he will come back to continue teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts soon?
The new Professor Lu Ping is of course very good in class, but he is Professor Lockhart, a powerful, experienced, humorous and handsome Professor Lockhart.

And since Professor Lockhart is innocent, it means that Dumbledore did not commit the same mistake twice in a row, and the reason for his expulsion is also untenable.

Dumbledore's return was a very exciting event for most of the young wizards at school.It's not how much they love Dumbledore. In fact, most wizards can only see Dumbledore once a year at the beginning of the school year and when the awards are presented.

But Umbridge is so bad that even the little wizards of Slytherin who are against Dumbledore hate her.

In less than two weeks as acting headmaster of Hogwarts, Umbridge managed to replace Snape and Filch as students at the school by canceling the dueling club, suspending Quidditch and allowing dementors into the school The most annoying people.

In the Gryffindor lounge, Harry was thrown and caught by a group of young wizards, he felt extremely happy.

He hadn't heard from Sirius and Professor Lockhart for ten days since that day in the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

Later, even Dumbledore was kicked out by the Ministry of Magic and replaced by the new Umbridge. Harry had only one feeling for this witch, and that was disgusting.

I ran to ask Professor Lupine about Sirius, Lockhart and Dumbledore, but Lupine always used words such as "they are fine" and "they still have big things" to perfuse themselves.

These days, Harry can only devote all his energy to learning spells, thinking that one day he can help them in the future.

But what happened in the past two weeks made Harry feel a lot of dissatisfaction with the Ministry of Magic.

Sirius was wronged and imprisoned in Azkaban for 11 years. Professor Lockhart was also wronged as a murderer for no reason. Even the respected principal Dumbledore stepped down because of this.

Such a Ministry of Magic must be too bad.

Harry wasn't alone in feeling this way, in fact almost everyone who watched the public trial felt similarly.

Hermione hated the Ministry of Magic even more than Harry did, but now, she was focusing more on something else.

The issue of house-elves' rights was Hermione's biggest concern after confirming that Lockhart and Sirius were fine.

These days the house elf Dobby always secretly comes to Hogwarts to find Harry, and he doesn't shy away from Harry's friend like Hermione.

Hermione was very uncomfortable seeing Dobby adding a scar almost every day.

Hermione often asked Dobby to learn about his life. After learning that raising and abusing house elves was a habit of all pure-blood families in the wizarding world, Hermione began to feel more and more uncomfortable.

Later, when Hermione inquired about house-elves in the library, she found that there were also a group of house-elves working without pay in the bottom kitchen of Hogwarts, and she was even more sad and couldn't eat.

Today, on this day when all Gryffindors and all the little wizards are celebrating, Hermione decided to take the opportunity to do something big.

At the moment, she is holding a roll of parchment in one hand and a box in the other, holding excited wizards one by one, and introducing her newly established association - House Elf Rights Promotion Association to them .

Hermione took the trouble to introduce every little wizard she saw to the various situations of the House Elf Rights Promotion Association.

In the afternoon, she even gathered a crowd to attend her presentation on the new association by virtue of the promotional slogan that she would give Professor Lockhart a photo when she came.

"s-p-e-w. Means Society for the Advancement of House-Elf Rights"

"Our manifesto is to ban cruelty and improve the legal status of our fantastic animal friends!" A little wizard walked away.

"Our short-term goal is to ensure that the house-elves get a reasonable wage and a good working environment." Several little wizards walked away again.

"Our long-term goal is..." Harry, Ron and Neville were the only ones left among the little wizards, and they were still talking with their heads bowed.

Hermione stopped, walked straight up to her three friends, and asked, "I think participants pay two Sickles - for badges - and the proceeds go towards our leaflets, can you guys How about being one of the first members? "

"Oh! Very good, very good, we are very supportive of your plan, anyway, you usually have the final say." Ron agreed to Hermione's words without even raising his head, and then continued to discuss with Harry with his head down. About Sirius.

"Very well, please give me two Sickles and I will give you this badge."

Ron raised his head for the first time, looked at the spew badge in Hermione's hand and said loudly: "What? Pay? And I don't want to wear a 'vomit' badge on my chest, let alone pay , I won’t wear it even if I’m paid.”

Harry and Neville asked, "How many members does the association have now?"

"Well—if you add the three of you—there will be four, and you will be the senior members now. Ron can be the treasurer, Harry can be in charge of contacting the house-elves, and Neville can be the secretary of the meeting. .”


The three boys looked at each other, not knowing what to do. In the end, they each took out two Sickles and bought a badge. It wasn't to support Hermione, but mainly to hope that Hermione would stop nagging in front of them.

The Sico they paid was obviously wasted though, as Hermione was still pestering them about the organisation.

In the evening, Hermione came directly to the underground kitchen of Hogwarts. She felt that the little wizards were not interested in this association mainly because they didn't know much about the miserable life of house elves.

But the house elves will definitely be interested in this association that fights for their own rights, and their ideas will definitely be recognized here.

Five minutes later, Hermione suffered an even bigger blow.

Instead of trying to join the society, the house-elves felt it was an insult to them and punished themselves so much that Hermione had to leave the basement kitchen.

Now, Hermione fell into deep doubts, why didn't she get any support when she was doing the right thing?
She decided to ask the experienced professor when Lockhart returned.

 I originally wanted to write about the process of Lockhart's redress, but I always felt that there were no twists and turns in this piece and it was too repetitive with the previous one, so I deleted it and replaced it with a section that paves the way for the future.

  New books seeking collection, recommendation and investment.Thank you all.


(End of this chapter)

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