Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 57 The Innocents of Azkaban

Chapter 57 The Innocents of Azkaban

The man's name is Stark, and he is 31 years old. He looks older, perhaps because his body is severely damaged.

He had lost most of his memory, yet one thing was crystal clear.

Twelve years ago, there were many missing cases of underage wizards in the UK, which attracted the attention of the Auror department. The Auror department suspected that it was Voldemort.

They quickly locked their target on the Bojinbok shop that had a close relationship with Voldemort, and clues showed that these missing little wizards might still be alive, but they couldn't find these missing little wizards.

At the age of 21, Stark was still an unemployed Auror student with a clean resume.After investigation, Stark was quickly fired, and then secretly sent to the Bojinbok store to act as an undercover agent.

It was agreed to be up to three months, but it turned out that three months later and three months later, three months later and three months later.

It has been almost a year, during which little wizards have been missing one after another. Stark has confirmed that Bojinbok is related to these disappearances of wizards, but still has not found evidence and the whereabouts of these missing little wizards.

Finally, in November, one day after Halloween, Bokin Bok said that there was an important task for Stark, and he gave Stark a box, and asked him and another store employee to secretly send the box to Malfoy The manor was given to Lucius Malfoy.

Stark took the box and used apparition and some hidden magic to quickly shake off his companions, then carefully opened the box and found three children inside. Stark noticed that one of them was a little wizard who had disappeared some time ago.

Without the slightest hesitation, Stark came to the Ministry of Magic with the box containing the little wizard.

Unexpectedly, Stark saw two people in the Ministry of Magic that he could never have imagined—Lucius Malfoy and his accomplice who had been arranged by Borginberg to send the box with him just now.

Immediately, he was caught by a few Aurors in the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic only took 2 minutes to judge him, and then Stark became a child trafficker.Sentenced to permanent imprisonment in Azkaban.

He wanted to prove that he was an undercover agent, but found that all the evidence was gone, whether it was the backup he hid, or the original materials from the Auror department, all the materials that could prove that he was an undercover agent were gone.



Lockhart knew why.

"Lucius used his power to avoid charges and prison life after Voldemort's defeat.

Before the Ministry of Magic began to investigate, he used "being controlled by the Imperius Curse" as an excuse to clarify that he was not responsible for his actions and was pardoned, returning to the upper wizarding society with a perfect reputation. "

This is a cold sentence, describing the process of Lucius Malfoy's escape, and how many people like Stark who have been imprisoned for no reason are hidden behind it?Lockhart shuddered.

On the other side, Sirius also came out of a cell, bringing another infuriating story to Lockhart.

There was a man named Wood in that cell. This man had done nothing wrong. He was sent to Azkaban for only one reason. He had a good wife.

In Wood's memory, his wife's skin was as white as snow, her lips were as red as blood, and her hair was as black as ebony.It was the only happy memory left in his mind.

Then, a pure-blood wizard named Haile Selwyn took a fancy to Wood's wife, and he began to harass Wood's wife constantly.

Wood proposed a duel to Haile Selwyn. Wood was an Auror and was good at duels. He simply defeated the pure-blood wizard who molested his wife in the duel and warned him not to harass his wife again.

Not long after, Wood was sent to participate in a search of Knockturn Alley, and found nothing illegal.

However, the Bokinbok store was selling a pair of very effective magic protection gloves, and Wood was happy to buy these gloves.

Umbridge, who was the senior investigator of the Ministry of Magic at the time, was very optimistic about the protective effect of these gloves, so Wood was called to Umbridge's office to show the gloves.

After entering Umbridge's office, Wood found that Umbridge was the only one in the office except himself. He didn't think much, and handed the gloves to Umbridge for inspection.Then--

The glove exploded and almost injured Umbridge himself. Wood was detained in the name of assassinating a senior official of the Ministry of Magic. After a simple interrogation, he was directly imprisoned in Azkaban.

Lockhart originally wondered how Umbridge could be so skillful in framing himself, and it turned out that she was a habitual offender.

On the way he was escorted to Azkaban, an escort was his usual partner.He told Wood that Hyle Selwyn was Umbridge's godson, and that it was an elaborate revenge.

Wood begged the colleague to protect his wife. He believed that he was innocent and would return soon, but he was directly attacked by a dementor on the way, and almost died before reaching Azkaban.

Fortunately, Wood is a wizard who is good at the Patronus Charm. He summoned his Patronus with his colleague's wand and dispelled the surrounding dementors.

Lockhart's face became colder and colder, and Sirius began to grit his teeth uncontrollably.

Lockhart and Sirius opened the next cell together. In the room was a haggard woman with gray hair and a dense forehead and forehead.

Lockhart used Legilimency to read the prisoner's memory, and shared the picture with Sirius with his own memory magic.


This time Lockhart quickly learned the prisoner's story, because the woman was Helene, Wood's wife.

Not long after Wood entered Azkaban, Haile Selwyn came to harass him again, and even started coercing her. Helene resisted with her wand. The staunch she killed Haile Selwyn directly, and then she was convicted of intentional injury. was imprisoned in Azkaban.

The couple were locked in two cells less than ten meters away, and they never knew each other. Lockhart felt that it was too cruel.


Next, a wizard named Wiseman, Lockhart continued to read his memory.

Well, this is the colleague who has a good relationship with Wood. He was sentenced to ten years in prison for intentionally helping others escape because he gave the wand to the criminal Wood to attack the jailer of Azkaban.

"Disgusting Ministry of Magic! Evil Umbridge! Incompetent Wizengamot!" After reading the memories of the three prisoners, Sirius couldn't contain his anger and began to yell and curse.

Lockhart also decided to change his plans.

In Azkaban, there may be more innocent good people than criminals, but the opposite is true in the high offices of the Ministry of Magic.

Under such circumstances, taking these Azkaban prisoners to go to the magic executives to seek justice is simply a joke. Lockhart decided to set up a justice court in Azkaban, and in the future bring those disgusting people from the Ministry of Magic executives come here for trial.

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(End of this chapter)

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