Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 48 Chapter 48 Harry, I am your father

Chapter 48 No.40 Eight-handed Harry, I am your father

Lockhart forcibly pulled off the big dog Sirius lying on top of Peter, and Lupine hugged him and kept stroking his dog's head. Sirius turned back into a human form, and hugged Lupine tightly. Together.

Two men, one skinny and one skinny, hugged each other and cried.

Sirius kept repeating "I found him, I found him..."

The scene was chaotic, but Professor McGonagall stood up and said, "Who can tell me what happened? Aren't we here to testify against Lockhart? Why is Lockhart here?"

Harry, Hermione, and Neville looked at Dumbledore and Lockhart suspiciously.

There was only Ron, who was crying, "Babber, you've grown up, but why are you so ugly, but that's not why they caught you, Merlin's beard, is being ugly a sin?"

Dumbledore looked at Lockhart, motioning for him to explain, but Lockhart looked at Sirius, who he thought was a better person to explain all this.

Sirius let go of Lupin and walked towards Harry. He was imprisoned innocently in Azkaban for 11 years. He couldn't wait to face Harry at this moment. He choked hoarsely towards Harry. With a trembling voice, he said:

"Harry, I'm your father!"

Lockhart looked at him in bewilderment. Even if he was killed, he would never have thought that Sirius would start like this. Everyone in the audience looked at Sirius, even Snape squeezed Peter's neck and poured him Veritaserum. All slowed down a bit.

Lockhart suspected that Sirius had read too much of the Daily Prophet, thinking that after 11 years in prison, everyone in the wizarding world would speak in the exaggerated style of Rita Skeeter.

"Harry, I'm your father's best friend. Your parents, James and Lily, I was your father's best man when they got married, and after you were born, I became your godfather."

Lockhart noticed that hope lit up in Harry's face, then died down, then reignited.

Sirius continued: "Your parents had to hide because of a prophecy, and Voldemort couldn't find them, and I acted as their secret keeper. This is a magic, which means that no one but me can know where they are hiding."

"Afterwards, I betrayed your parents to Voldemort, killed their friend Peter, and blew up twelve Muggles at the same time, so I was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban."

After hearing this sentence, Harry was about to rush up, Ron followed closely, Neville held them back tightly, and Hermione followed Professor McGonagall neatly and took out her wand, aiming at Sirius.

Lupine stared at Sirius, motioned for him to get to the point, Sirius licked his lips, and went on:

"But it was all fabricated and framed. In order to keep it secret, we changed the secret keeper in private, Peter became the new secret keeper, and then he shamelessly betrayed your parents.

"I knew that after I chased him all the way to the streets of Muggles, he yelled loudly that I betrayed James and Lily, and then blew up the whole street with the wand hidden behind his back, and he turned into a mouse and hid himself stand up.

"I thought I killed Peter to avenge your parents. I felt that I had completed all the meaning of life. I began to lose interest in everything, and then I was imprisoned in Azkaban without interrogation. .

"For 11 years, I have been in Azkaban like a walking dead. The dementor sucked all my happiness. The only thing that supported me was a thought. I only saw Peter's fingers, but he didn't see the whole thing. corpse.

"It wasn't a pleasant thought, so the dementors didn't suck it up.

"Then I met Lockhart in Azkaban. Lockhart told me that Peter was still alive. He took me and we turned into animals and ran out of the cell. Dementors approach people by sensing people's emotions. ...they don't recognize me when I'm a dog.

"I wanted to find Peter and kill him before continuing to wander, but, Harry, Professor Lockhart told me that you haven't had a good time these years, and I thought, maybe I can try to clear my grievances. Haha Li, if you want, you can live with me in the future."

After saying these words, Sirius turned his head to Harry, Hermione put down his wand, and although Professor McGonagall didn't put down his wand, he didn't continue to point his wand directly at Sirius either.

Neville loosened Harry's robe, Ron looked at Harry, Hermione looked at Scabbers, a mouse that had turned into a human on the ground, and then at Sirius, she quickly understood the consequences.

Harry lowered his wand, and Sirius opened his arms towards him, but Harry flinched.Lockhart knew it was coming too soon for him.

In the original world, this incident continued to ferment for a whole year, and Harry gradually guessed the truth before he finally believed in Sirius.

Now it is really difficult for him to go through the journey of the original year in his mind for 10 minutes, and suddenly trust a strange man who jumped out and said "I am your father" to him.

Fortunately, Snape interrupted the awkward atmosphere.

"Dumbledore, the veritaserum is starting to work." Snape pointed his wand at Peter, and he flew into the center of everyone.

"Who are you? Where is Banban?" Unexpectedly, it was Ron who spoke first.

"I'm Peter Pettigrew. I've never had Scabbers. This mouse is just my Animagus form." Peter in the air said his name and the origin of the mouse Scabbers in a resisting and involuntary tone.

"Ugh! I put this man on my bed for two years, and I took a bath with him in the bathtub, uh!" Ron kept retching.

Hermione on the side patted him on the back while comforting him: "It's okay, think about Percy, he let him go for nine years."

For some reason, Ron suddenly felt better.

Sirius on the side yelled at Peter, "Say it, why did you betray James and Lily?"

Peter continued in that defiant yet involuntary tone, this time with a hint of horror in his tone.

"Sirius, Sirius, what can I do? The Dark Lord...you don't know...his weapons you can't imagine...I was scared, Sirius, I have never had you, Lupine, And as brave as James.

I never did that on purpose...the man who can't even be named forced me...he...he meddles everywhere!Rejecting him, there is... what's the benefit?You do not understand!He'll kill me, Sirius! "

After saying this, Peter was interrogated again about the details of betraying the Potters and framing Sirius.

Everyone listened to Peter's shameless narration, Lupine hugged Sirius again, McGonagall looked at him with soft eyes, Hermione's eye circles were already red, Ron and Neville pushed Harry to signal He went to approach Sirius.

But, Harry, he was still there, as if he couldn't believe everything.

In such an awkward atmosphere, two voices suddenly sounded.

"Shenfeng Wusha!" From Snape, his wand was pointed at Peter Pettigrew, but the spell was still issued, and the wand left his hand.

"Expelliarmus!" With a quick spell, Harry took the wand in the air.

He said to Snape: "You can't kill him, Snape, my godfather needs this shameless traitor to prove his innocence!"

"Oh, Harry!" Sirius couldn't contain his emotion anymore, he opened his arms and rushed towards Harry.

"Godfather, my godfather!" Harry hugged Sirius tightly, as if he would never let go.

Hermione on the side couldn't help applauding for them, and Neville and Ron also applauded. This touching scene touched everyone, especially the three emotionally fragile children.

But Lockhart stood up, pointed at Snape with his wand and said, "Severus, I need an explanation."

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(End of this chapter)

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