Chapter 44 Sirius
When the sun rose the next day, Lockhart took advantage of the reduced activity of the dementors and transformed into a dementor again and came to the core area.

Lockhart quickly drifted from cell to cell, and finally found his target.

The man lying on the ground was curled up in a ball because of the cold, his face was sallow and sunken, and his hair was tangled up and about a foot long.

The eye sockets are sunken, and the skin around them clings like wax to the skeleton of the face, giving it the appearance of a skull.The mouth was opened wide, revealing several large yellow teeth.

Azkaban is close to the North Pole, this cell is very cold, but this man has no bedding, and only a thin layer of clothes clings to his body, revealing the shapes of his ribs.

There are broken bones on the surrounding ground, making the whole cell even more messy.

This man looks like a dog!
Lockhart didn't wake him up hastily, but started Legilimency to this man from a distance.

Perhaps it was because the man had been tortured by the dementors to the point where he was overwhelmed, but Lockhart easily saw what he wanted.

In Godric's Hollow, there are only ruined houses left; on the nameless street, the traitor exploded with a dozen Muggles.

This is the only memory that Lockhart can see. After reading it, Lockhart knows why Sirius can persist in Azkaban for so long.

This man was tortured by dementors day by day, and all his happy memories were sucked away from him.

He forgot the joy of being the best man at his friend's wedding; he forgot the joy of being his godfather when his friend's son was born; he forgot his firm promise to protect that child for the rest of his life.

But there were two things he never forgot.

The remorse of a friend when he was betrayed because of his mistakes and sobriety, and the guilt of not being able to forgive himself after completing revenge.

Some people's bodies are still alive, but their souls are already dead.

Half of Sirius' soul died when he saw the ruins of Godric's Hollow, and the other half went with him when he saw Peter Wormtail blown to nothing but one finger to complete his revenge.

Since then, he has never cared about anything.

He didn't seem to hear the questions from his former comrades-in-arms, the abuse from those who didn't know, and the trial by the Ministry of Magic.

In his heart, James and Lily died because of his cleverness of temporarily replacing the secret keeper, and he deserved to die after completing his revenge. Life imprisonment in Azkaban was not a sentence given to him by the Ministry of Magic, but a sentence he gave himself .

Lockhart used the Transfiguration technique to turn the food scraps on the ground into a mouse, and controlled the mouse to crawl onto Sirius's skull-like face.

Suddenly, Sirius opened his eyes, and stared at the mouse motionlessly in his deep-set eye sockets, then slowly stretched his hand to his face, accelerated, and directly grabbed the mouse.

Sirius held the mouse tightly in his hand, and then bit down, giving the mouse a split.

For the next five minutes, Lockhart watched as Sirius licked up the mouse bite by bite, leaving only a few fine bones that he casually threw on the ground.

Although he was imprisoned in Azkaban for 11 years, and although he had completed his revenge, Sirius executed the mouse in the cruelest way when he saw it.

Sirius is the only prisoner Lockhart has seen since he arrived in the core area of ​​Azkaban who can complete a complete set of actions.

Once again, Lockhart turned some food crumbs on the ground into a mouse, this time he conjured up a mouse that was intentionally missing its right index finger.

Lockhart once again controlled the mouse to crawl up to Sirius' face.

The scene just now was repeated again, Sirius caught the mouse again, held it in his hand, stared at it for a while, and was about to bite it down and give it a separate action, when he suddenly stopped.

For the first time there was an expression on his face, and Lockhart couldn't tell whether it was pain of regret or anger of pain.

In short, Sirius held the mouse firmly in his hand, leaned close to his eyes, carefully observed every detail, and his eyes stayed on the right hand lacking the index finger for a long time.

Finally, Sirius regained his composure, grabbed the mouse, bit it down hard, and split up again.

Afterwards, he stood up, kept looking around, and kept picking up and putting down the broken bones on the ground, as if he was looking for something.

Lockhart's transformed dementor flew down, but Sirius didn't respond. He seemed to care less about the torture.

Lifting the Transformation Curse, Lockhart revealed his true colors.

Sirius looked at Lockhart, opened his mouth, and wanted to speak, but only whined.

Lockhart turned into a mouse and ran out of the cell using the transformation technique, and Sirius behind him turned into a big dog and chased after him crazily.

Lockhart ran slowly and fast, hanging the big dog behind him, and they passed through the patrol area of ​​​​several dementors, but because the dementors could not detect the emotions of animals, they turned a blind eye to them.

Lockhart kept leading the big dog that Sirius turned into to run outward. They ran out of the core area, passed through the middle and outer areas, ran outside the castle, and rushed into the icy sea water in one breath.

After entering the sea, Lockhart lifted the transformation technique and regained his human form. The big dog transformed by Sirius rushed forward, trying to overwhelm Lockhart.

Lockhart dodged a sideways pounce and grabbed the big dog by the scruff.

"Peter is alive!"

Lockhart spoke his first words after entering Azkaban to the big dog.

The big dog's struggle suddenly slowed down, and Lockhart knew he had listened.

"do not move!"

Sirius didn't change, and he knew that if he changed at all, the dementors in the sky would detect him, so he just whined twice, which Lockhart guessed must be a sign of agreement.

"I'll take you away first." Lockhart continued, and the big dog transformed by Sirius continued to reply with two "woo hoo".

Lockhart guessed that this must still represent consent, and decisively grabbed Sirius by the nape of the neck and used the flying spell to quickly fly southward over the sea until he heard the familiar mechanical sound again.

[The mission is completed, the host successfully defeated an illusion guard and successfully escaped from prison, and the basic illusion of Konoha Ryu has been learned. 】

Hearing the notification from the system, Lockhart knew that he had escaped the detection range of Azkaban. Lockhart tried it and found that apparation could already be used here.

Lockhart held Sirius by the back of the neck and said, "Pay attention, I'm about to Apparate."

The big dog continued to reply with two "woo hoo".

Afterwards, Lockhart continued to use apparition all the way to the south, and the weather gradually warmed up. About 10 minutes later, Lockhart returned to Pavlovsky with the nape of the big dog transformed by Sirius. Dojo.

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  I love Sirius so much! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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