Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 42 The Road to Azkaban

Chapter 42 The Road to Azkaban
Lockhart was successfully sentenced to be imprisoned in Azkaban. From the four major colleges of Hogwarts to entering Azkaban for further study, it took Lockhart only two weeks for this journey that ordinary wizards would take at least seven years.

In addition to the crime of endangering public safety, Lockhart was also charged with contempt of court and threats to the jury.

He was stripped of the Order of Merlin for the sum of several crimes and had to serve 20 years in Azkaban.

20 years is a very delicate sentence, because only prisoners sentenced to more than 20 years of imprisonment will be imprisoned in the core area of ​​Azkaban with the most dementors.

It seems that those members of the Wizengamot Wizarding Order who have been scolded have made careful plans for this.

Because the jury believed that Lockhart was very dangerous, his final roar even stopped the Ministry of Magic's elevator for half an hour, so the Ministry of Magic did not let ordinary Aurors escort Lockhart in the end.

The people who came to escort Lockhart to Azkaban turned out to be the retired legendary Auror Mad-Eye Moody and the former Director of Magical Law Enforcement, Barty Crouch.

These two are the strongest official combatants the Ministry of Magic can currently find.

Moody was arguably the best Auror the Ministry of Magic had ever had, capturing and killing more Dark wizards than any other Auror.

Barty Crouch is a standard hardliner. He advocates that Aurors can use the death curse to deal with dark wizards. For Death Eaters, they are often imprisoned in Azkaban without trial. Even his only son was imprisoned. He was sent to Azkaban.

After double checking that there was no wand or any other magical items hidden on Lockhart's body, they tied Lockhart up with a binding spell and began the escort.

They first used the Floo network from the Ministry of Magic to get above the ground, and then took Lockhart many times to apparate to a desolate reef beach by the sea.

Lockhart could feel that the ambient temperature was gradually decreasing as he apparated again and again. When he finally came to the beach, Lockhart even saw frost on the reef. It seems that Azkaban should be somewhere in northern Europe. .

Moody tapped a certain reef with his magic wand, and a pier suddenly appeared on the open sea. Several small boats were docked on the pier. Crouch led him and Moody onto one of the small boats.

Crouch tapped the bow of the boat with his wand, and the boat started by itself, breaking through the water and moving forward quickly.

Along the way, neither of them said a word to Lockhart. Moody's right eye kept staring at Lockhart, and his magic eye kept scanning the surroundings in its socket, as if someone would come back and steal him at any time. Same as Lockhart.

Barty Crouch stared fixedly at Lockhart while holding the wand in one hand, and took turns blinking for several minutes.

Lockhart was frightened by the two of them on the boat, and he searched for several topics but failed to get the two old stones to talk.

In the end, Lockhart decided to have a good time.

He looked at the old Crouch who was staring at him and said: "You don't have to stare at me like this. I won't run away. If I didn't want to go to Azkaban, I would have run away before the trial."

Barty Crouch still ignored Lockhart.

Lockhart continued to say to him: "And even if you put me in Azkaban, I can easily escape if I want to."

There was still no reaction on the faces of the two, but Lockhart keenly noticed that Crouch's breathing suddenly stopped.

Lockhart continued: "Don't you believe it? In just a few minutes on the way here, I thought of at least three ways to escape from Azkaban. Do you want to hear it?"

Moody's magic eyes stopped sweeping and stared at Lockhart instead, while Barty Crouch put on a fighting stance.

Seeing that he had attracted the attention of the two of them, Lockhart spoke more happily.

"Suppose I have a good friend, a life-and-death acquaintance, he knew that I was imprisoned in Azkaban, and then he got through the relationship to visit the prison. He brought two bottles of Polyjuice Potion, and I became his appearance, and he became If I look like me, I can escape smoothly.

"If in order not to be discovered by others, my friend can even commit suicide before the transformation fails, so that no one will even find out that I have escaped from prison."

After finishing speaking, Lockhart asked Barty Crouch, "Director Crouch, what do you think of this plan?"

Barty Crouch ignored him, but Lockhart heard from Crouch's breathing that he was by no means as calm as he seemed on the surface, because his son, Barty Crouch Jr., was His wife was traded from Azkaban in this way.

After that, even in the environment like Azkaban, his wife did not forget to drink Polyjuice Potion until she died.After confirming that his son was still a fanatical supporter of Voldemort, Barty Crouch Sr. used the Imperius Curse to detain his son at home, put him in an invisibility cloak and hand him over to the house-elf to take care of him.

There was some interest in Moody's good eye. This legendary Auror was very interested in any possible loopholes.

Lockhart went on: "Maybe I could still be an unregistered Animagus, and just transform into a kitten, a puppy, or a bug, and I can easily escape from prison."

Moody conjured up a knife to draw marks on his wooden leg and took notes, while his magic eyes looked at old Barty Crouch, obviously he was surprised by Crouch's sudden hasty Breathing is also somewhat suspicious.

Lockhart chuckled and continued talking.

"The last way is the easiest and most difficult way I think."

"According to what I know, the dementors have been complaining about the lack of food. As long as I promise to take them out to feast on their souls, they will have a high probability of being persuaded, and then I will be released by these Azkaban guards voluntarily. .”

"And I could get an army of dementors. If I were Voldemort, I could free all the Death Eaters who were imprisoned."

"What do you think? I heard that Voldemort is not really dead. If he comes back, I think it will happen sooner or later."

Seeing that the two were still silent, Lockhart continued to add: "No, no, no one really thinks that cruel and stupid things like dementors can be trusted. ?”

This time, even Moody, who had always been calm, changed his face. He seemed to have seen the scene where Voldemort controlled the dementors and released all the Death Eaters in the future.

Crouch pointed at the bow of the ship with his wand to emit a white light, and the speed of the ship suddenly increased. It was obvious that he wanted to send Lockhart there earlier.

Mad-Eye Moody still used a knife to carve words and some symbols on his prosthetic leg to take notes. Perhaps he wanted to give some suggestions and reports to the Ministry of Magic to avoid a real large-scale prison break.

Lockhart knew that Moody would not succeed, and the Minister of Magic, Fudge, was a waste who only whitewashed peace to comfort himself.

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(End of this chapter)

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