Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 38 Dumbledore's Help

Chapter 38 Dumbledore's Help

Lockhart stepped out of the fireplace and saw a silver-white phoenix at first sight. This is Dumbledore's patron saint. This phoenix brought Dumbledore's message—"Professor Lockhart, please come to me as soon as possible." A trip to his office, the password is Zizi Honeybee Candy".

Lockhart didn't hesitate much, got up directly, flew to the door of the principal's office, and said the password "Zizi bee candy" to the two stone beasts at the door.

The stone beasts jumped to the sides, and the wall behind them split in two, revealing a stone staircase, and Lockhart landed and walked over to the bright gate.

Lockhart knocked on the door, shaking the knocker.

"Come in." came Dumbledore's voice.

"Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore." Lockhart said as he walked into the principal's office.

"Good afternoon, Professor Lockhart, please sit down." Dumbledore sat behind the desk with a peaceful expression, the fingertips of his slender fingers together, "Professor Lockhart, you have enjoyed the first two weeks of school." Bar."

"Yes, I feel wonderful," said Lockhart.

"To be honest, Professor Lockhart, I'm very satisfied with your work. Although it's only been two weeks, I can see that you are very good at educating young wizards."

"Thank you." Lockhart didn't pretend to be modest.

"Let's talk directly about the incident reported in the Daily Prophet today. The Ministry of Magic sent two people early this morning to arrest you, but I insist on understanding the situation first."

Dumbledore looked at Lockhart, saw that Lockhart hadn't spoken, and continued to speak: "Actually, I already know some of the facts, Professor Lockhart, it was you who killed Fern on the night of the full moon last Friday." Lil Greyback is a wanted man, isn't he?"


"Then you wanted to hand over his body to the Ministry of Magic, but Umbridge made things difficult for you. You went to the Daily Prophet to find your acquaintance reporter Rita Skeeter to expose this phenomenon, but the next day Find yourself being vilified a lot. Is that so?"

"Yes." Lockhart was a little puzzled, how did Dumbledore know so many things, and he didn't feel any detection by Legilimency just now.

Perhaps seeing Lockhart's doubts, Dumbledore explained: "The facts are not difficult to guess, especially with Rita Skeeter's report, as long as all the subjective guesswork in that report is removed, it is the truth I know her well. Although she often induces readers' thoughts maliciously, she never dares to fabricate news at will."

Lockhart nodded, but he was thinking about the extent to which Dumbledore said he knew Rita Skeeter, perhaps even knowing that she was an unregistered Animagus.

Then Dumbledore continued to ask: "Is that Fenrir's body gone? Take that body out, and I'll take you to hand him over to the Ministry of Magic. I believe you can regain your innocence the next day."

"The body is still there, and I hid it."

Hearing this answer, Dumbledore thought for a moment, and said, "Professor Lockhart, I must say sorry to you. I was also attacked in this matter.

"On the surface, it seems that you implicated me, but in fact I implicated you. Some people in the Ministry of Magic and the school board are a little dissatisfied with my long-term control of the power of the school and the Wizengamot , That's why you were made things difficult in the Ministry of Magic.

The responsibility for this is mine, and I will make amends for you, I can see that you have a plan, I just hope you don't involve too many people who are not involved. "

"Of course, Professor Dumbledore, in fact my plans are only for Umbridge and Lucius Malfoy."

"Then I must say thank you to you. Although it is not my subjective request to punish them, I must admit that I will be very happy if I can achieve my goal. Is there anything I can cooperate with?"

"You're welcome, professor, I just hope that when I'm being tried, you don't let others interrupt me, and don't interfere with all the results of the trial, so that I will be sent to Azkaban."

Dumbledore asked: "Do you need to flee after the trial is announced? I can help you."

Lockhart replied: "No, my professor, only when I am imprisoned in Azkaban, and when I am acquitted, those who maliciously smear me will be punished enough."

"Professor Lockhart, I must remind you that Azkaban is not an ordinary prison. The guards in it are dementors. They will suck all your happy memories. In fact, I always think that even as a prison It's too cruel."

Dumbledore looked at Lockhart suspiciously, and Lockhart returned the most determined eyes.

"I have decided."

"Okay, Professor Lockhart, I know you're a good wandless spellcaster, can you use the Patronus Charm without an enchantment, it's perfect for dealing with the dementors in Azkaban?"

"I'll give it a try. Thanks for the reminder, Professor, I never thought about it."

The Patronus Charm is the fifth grade content of Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Lockhart learned this magic during the vacation preparation class, but at that time he could only emit a ball of white light from the tip of the wand, and could not summon animals in the form of animals. patron saint.

Lockhart tried his best to recall the happy things in his memory. He was admitted to his favorite university, got a system, flew for the first time, had a long talk with Pavlovsky, and accepted Neville as a disciple... …

"Guardian!" A white figure ran out from the fingertips of Lockhart's raised fingers.

Wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, wearing a golden armor with locks, stepping on lotus root silk walking on cloud shoes, and holding a Ruyi golden cudgel!
Lockhart couldn't help screaming in his heart, good guy, his patron saint is actually a great saint, and he is indeed the man who gave him the most sense of security in his childhood.

When Lockhart was still immersed in his Patronus being Monkey King, Dumbledore said: "Great Patronus, Professor Lockhart, this seems to be a magical creature, I don't know it, But judging from its appearance, this is a humanoid magical creature from the East, you can go to the library to find a map and look it up."

Dumbledore observed Lockhart's Patronus for a while, and said: "About how to use the Patronus to deliver messages, this is a flexible application of the Patronus that I discovered myself, and I can tell you this next."

Dumbledore didn't take out his wand, but summoned his patron saint phoenix with bare hands, and began to demonstrate various flexible application methods of the patron saint spell for Lockhart, and Lockhart also learned it seriously.

About half an hour later, Lockhart had roughly learned the technique of using the Patronus to deliver messages, and Dumbledore began to give his final instructions.

"Finally, I have three things to tell you. First, after a week of being imprisoned in Azkaban, if your plan has not succeeded, I will seek evidence to grant you innocence and let you escape from Azkaban. come out to avoid permanent trauma."

"Second, I will try my best to promote the process of your being tried by the Wizengamot. If there is no accident, you will be able to stand trial tomorrow afternoon, that is, Monday afternoon."

"Third, in fact, if your crime is only suspected of killing but there is no definite evidence, you will generally not be sentenced to imprisonment in Azkaban. This prison is not the only one in the magic world.

"So I suggest that you aggravate your crime, but don't commit other crimes. I will let you act as your own defense lawyer. You only need to reasonably make a "reasonable" defense for your crime in court, otherwise Even if this thing is reversed, you will be punished for other crimes.

"If you don't know how to defend yourself reasonably, I can give you a list of books. The Hogwarts library has everything."

 I signed a contract today, but the book is still blocked, I don't know what to do.

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(End of this chapter)

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