Chapter 33 The Three Explorations of Riddell Made Major Progress
When Lockhart controlled the shadow clone and finished writing [I think what you said is very reasonable, especially the sentence "although learning is difficult" is very reasonable], Riddle's diary fell into a brief silence.

Lockhart knew that the critical moment had come, and he began to pray.

[Dear Riddle, my cutest little book, you must be a powerful wizard if you can make a powerful magic item like a diary, can you teach me black magic? 】

Next, according to Lockhart's guess, he had stepped into Riddle's trap according to his lure, and it was about time for Riddle to reveal his real purpose.

Lockhart knew that if he did not have any communication with Riddle's diary, then the diary's first purpose was to release the Basilisk from the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets and kill as many half-bloods or Muggle-born wizards as possible .

This will inevitably cause casualties. In the original plot, the basilisk was not fully released and caused huge damage. If the basilisk was released directly, it would cause innocent deaths and injuries, which Lockhart did not want to see.

That's why Lockhart didn't directly pretend to be an idiot who doesn't understand anything and talk to Riddle's diary, so the wish of Riddle's diary must be to quietly release the basilisk to cause damage.

Instead, he gave Riddle the image of a young wizard who was gradually yearning for power, and pretended to reveal a lot of information unintentionally.

The most important one is that Voldemort is dead, and it was Harry Potter who killed him.

And Riddle, who knew this information, would want to be resurrected. A piece of soul, together with his father's bones, the flesh of his servants and the blood of his enemies, would be able to revive him. The first two are very easy to find.

In the latter, Lockhart disguised himself as Hamilton and told Riddle that his enemy was Harry Potter, and that he and Harry were classmates. Riddle could induce Hamilton to obtain Harry's blood, which is not difficult .

So Riddle had one more choice.

The next step is to see whether Voldemort's initial task of opening the secret room and causing casualties in the diary that Voldemort gave to Riddle or his survival instinct of trying to live forever when he made the Horcrux will prevail.

Lockhart guessed that the latter is most likely to be the latter. After all, the Horcrux was originally created by Voldemort to avoid death. Compared with the wish of immortality, the ideal of eliminating half-blood wizards is completely worthless.

This can be seen from the name Voldemort, Voldemort, "voler de mort" means flying away from death in French, and Voldemort's name clearly expresses his fear of death.

What's more, as long as Voldemort is resurrected, the power he summoned is not comparable to that of a basilisk, and the hidden child of the basilisk can be used again when he attacks Hogwarts protected by Dumbledore after his resurrection.

[I'd be happy to teach you something, Hamilton, but you know, the more complicated the spell, the harder it is to learn, and I'm just a diary without a body, I can't teach you too complicated spells.I don't even have hands, can't hold a wand. 】

There was a long pause in Riddle's response this time, and Lockhart knew that Tom Riddle in the diary had already thought it through, and his purpose was about to be revealed.

If Riddle said that he couldn't give himself magic, but he knew where Slytherin's secret room was, and he could try to explore Slytherin's secret room, then it meant that his painstaking efforts during this period of time were in vain.

If Riddle said that he couldn't give him magic because he lacked a body, so he hoped to find him a body, it meant that his induction was successful.

【Dear little book, student Riddle, what can I do? ] Lockhart suppressed his excitement and wrote this sentence with some trembling.

[I know a magic, similar to alchemy, you can create another body for me, I will be your friend and servant, and then I will teach you all the black magic I know. 】

【Moreover, I can also help you fight. The reason Dumbledore was able to defeat the two Dark Lords was not because he was stronger than them, but because he had a powerful phoenix as a friend. I would be happy to be your phoenix. 】

[Remember the following spells and rituals, first you need to find a large vat, and then find my tomb, right here, take out one of my bones from it. 】

At this time, a simple map appeared in the diary, pointing to a tombstone. Lockhart knew that this was actually the grave of Voldemort's father, and Voldemort had the same name as his Muggle father, so Riddle used this information gap to deceive himself.

[Then I need a piece of your meat, a small piece is enough, then I will sign a contract with you and become your most reliable partner. 】

[Finally, I need a drop of the blood of the savior, whether it is Dumbledore or Harry Potter, which can keep me sane and become the most moral person. 】

[Mix them all at once into a large tank with water, and then throw my diary into it, and you can get a best friend and teacher. 】

【I see, Tom, don't worry, we will be best friends.It's too late. I have class tomorrow. Goodbye Tom. 】

A stick figure of a waving man appeared in Riddle's diary. Lockhart then closed the diary, put it in an iron box, released the shadow clone, and restored everything to its original state.

Sure enough, Riddle's wish was to be resurrected, half of his mission to understand and realize the diary's wish had been completed, and the next thing had nothing to do with this diary.Lockhart decided to put the book away and never take it out unless necessary.

The next question is how to revive Voldemort. Lockhart already has an idea, and the diary method will be his guaranteed choice that cannot be done.

As for why Voldemort must be resurrected, the answer to this question is clear.

First of all, Voldemort is not completely dead. Many of his henchmen and Horcruxes are outside, as is a wisp of his remnant soul.

This ray of remnant soul drank the blood of the unicorn a few months ago, and its self-activity was greatly enhanced. As long as he met any Death Eater, he would be resurrected.

In the original plot, he met Wormtail Pettigrew, who resurrected him, but even if he missed Peter, he could continue to wait, as long as he was patient, the resurrection would happen sooner or later.

Rather than resurrecting Voldemort in an unknown time and place in an unknown way, it is better to actively resurrect Voldemort, the result is the same, but more controllable.

And although Dumbledore is powerful, he is 111 years old after all. This old wizard has fallen into inevitable decline. If he resurrects Voldemort earlier, Dumbledore will be stronger and can help deal with him.

Finally, this rotten wizarding world needs a disruption, a real stormy disruption.

Too many Death Eaters had escaped punishment after the last wizarding war, and they were all either openly or secretly waiting for the opportunity to return to people's attention. In addition, the rotten Ministry of Magic also needed a cleansing.

No one could have drawn these Death Eaters out more than the resurrected Voldemort, and no one could have been a better executioner to purge the Ministry of Magic than Voldemort.

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(End of this chapter)

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