Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 3 What can I do to save you, my character design

Chapter 3 What can I do to save you, my character design

To be obedient, you must learn to understand hints and learn to analyze. For example, if a girl asks you out to watch a movie, she especially asks you to remember to bring your ID card.

You have to understand that it's not that this girl doesn't know that she doesn't need an ID card to watch a movie, but that what happens when she goes out this time may not only be watching a movie, but she may also go to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet all night.

Lockhart is a master at this.

How to complete the task?The system gave a prompt when issuing the task.

"As a traveler, the host's living habits are too different from the original owner, which arouses suspicion from the outside world and raises the awareness of the world consciousness"

It shows that the so-called world awareness does not have the ability to directly discover that Lockhart has changed his soul under the skin, but only has the vigilance based on the suspicion of the outside world.

The outside world suspects that Lockhart's life habits are too different from the original Lockhart, so as long as he returns to the original Lockhart's life habits, the outside world's doubts can be dispelled, thereby reducing the system's vigilance.

After all, as long as a person looks like Lockhart, behaves like Lockhart, and talks like Lockhart, then to the outside world, he is Lockhart.

Lockhart decided to play the original Lockhart starting tomorrow.

Tomorrow, be a Lockhart;
Write books, reply letters, accept interviews;

From tomorrow on, care about adventure and writing;

I have a house facing the sea of ​​people, noisy and lively.

Gao Yu's crown is in jeopardy, and Chang Yu wears it.How to exaggerate how to come.

It's just that this kind of performance lasted for a week and then stopped.

Endlessly replying to fans gave Lockhart no time to review the spells, and Lockhart, who had traveled through time, knew it very well.

Under the seemingly peaceful sea in the magic world is a volcano that is about to erupt, and strength is the foundation of everything.

Moreover, despite Lockhart's painstaking efforts to play it, maybe there is a flaw in the lines of the reply letter, or maybe there is a flaw in other aspects.

Not only did the alertness of the world consciousness not decrease, but it increased to 12%.

Fortunately, all of this is not fruitless, at least Lockhart has become familiar with several fans of the book, and some of the main characters in the original book especially caught his attention.

Miss Hermione Granger, the university bully of Hogwarts, the know-it-all of Gryffindor, the master of the only brain in the protagonist trio (fortunately, this brain is smart enough).

Now, she is only 12 years old and has just finished her first grade at Hogwarts. Her hobbies are simple but extensive.

Simply because she only likes to read; widely because she likes to read all kinds of books.

Girlishness is always poetry, so when she read Lockhart's works, she became an instant fan of him.

What girl wouldn't be infatuated with someone who is handsome, knowledgeable, and has all kinds of fascinating experiences?

Hermione bought many sets of Lockhart's books for reading, collecting, and giving away.

Hogwarts finished her final exams, and Hermione wrote to Lockhart every day, talking about her troubles, her gains, and her emotions.

Hermione's enthusiasm for writing letters has only increased since Lockhart started replying in the past week.

Lockhart didn't stop Hermione's enthusiasm, which was purely idolatrous and involved no other emotion.

And for now, Lockhart is a positive icon, his books are very real, they are stolen and not made up.

There is another one, Ginny Weasley, whose books came from Hermione's Christmas gift to Ron, and these books have become Ginny's favorite, and she will often write to Lockhart, Asking some emotional questions, Lockhart couldn't help feeling the precocity of children in this world.

The last one is Narcissa Malfoy, the wife of Lucius Malfoy, head of the Malfoy family of the famous pure-blood family, and the mother of Decora Malfoy.

Letters from Mrs. Malfoy are not as frequent as the former two, usually once a week.In the previous month and this week, Lockhart had received a total of five letters from Mrs. Malfoy.

The content of the letter is mainly divided into the following points:
1. Mrs. Malfoy said that she once had a dream of exploring all over the world.

2. Mrs. Malfoy said that due to family and love factors, she lived a life of a housewife prematurely.

3. For Lockhart's adventures, Mrs. Malfoy expressed her appreciation and encouraged him to continue to take risks and write more books, so as to bring more exciting adventure stories to people like her who want to go out for adventure but are trapped in reality.

4. Regarding the inquiry that Lockhart has not responded to for a long time, she said that if Lockhart encounters difficulties, she can help solve them.

Lockhart solemnly sent a letter to Mrs. Malfoy, expressing his gratitude for her kindness.

However, since he accepted Dumbledore's invitation and is about to become a professor at Hogwarts, he will not go out to take risks in the near future, and he has not replied recently because he is concentrating on lesson preparation.

Finally, Lockhart said that in the second half of this year, his autobiography "I Can Be Magical" will be fully released, and attached a manuscript to express his apology for not replying to the letter he has focused on preparing lessons for the past month and his gratitude for Mrs. Malfoy's concern.

The letter was packed on pink letterhead, sprayed with a special perfume, and a budding tulip was inserted to ensure that it would be open when it was delivered.

Lockhart's reply to Mrs. Malfoy is not because he has blood worship. In fact, after reading the original seven books, he hates pure-blood wizards more than he likes them.

It's not because Lockhart suddenly doesn't want to work hard anymore, he feels that his stomach is bad, he can't eat too hard food, and wants to eat soft food.

Instead, he saw the hope of completing the mission from the replies from several key fans, and Mrs. Malfoy's help will be an important part of his mission.

Through reading letters from fans, combined with this time period and further integration of Lockhart's memories, Lockhart finally understands why his impersonation backfired.

The root cause is that Lockhart's performance of Lockhart stays on the most superficial exaggeration, vanity and narcissism, but fails to grasp the most fundamental things deep in Lockhart's heart.

Lockhart found that in Lockhart's original memory, there was one thing that left a very deep mark.

When he was a child, Lockhart showed his magical talent early. Living in the Muggle world, he always thought that he was the chosen one, the future Superman.

At the age of 11, when Lockhart entered Hogwarts with other students, he felt that he was as ordinary as most of them.

In the eleventh year of that year, Lockhart at the time felt unbearable for the gap between being the Chosen One and standing like a minion.

So he started to wear the most flashy shirts, pretending to be very emotional, grandstanding, and vowed to be the most beautiful boy in the crowd.

So in essence, Lockhart is a person who has too much self-esteem to feel inferior, which Lockhart didn't realize at first.

Therefore, his original performance of Lockhart was only in appearance, but he didn't get the spirit, so he didn't receive any good feedback.

 Newcomers and new books are not easy, please collect them, please recommend tickets

(End of this chapter)

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