Chapter 24 Werewolf
The road has to be walked step by step, and the meal has to be eaten bite by bite.A thousand miles begins with a single step.Difficult things in the world must be done in an easy way; great things in the world must be done in a small way.

Although I have set a small goal of turning the magic world upside down, I still have to go to class tomorrow.

When the whole world is rotten, education can purify it fundamentally.When the world is full of people eating people, we can also choose to save the children.

In autumn and winter, the duration of sunshine in the UK decreases, it gets dark early, the days are short and the nights are long, which is a period of high incidence of werewolf attacks.So recently Lockhart has prepared lessons for young wizards of several grades, such as identifying werewolves, preventing them from harming them, and saving themselves after being attacked by werewolves.

Now, Lockhart is also preparing to include some content in the class about opposing discrimination against ordinary werewolf wizards.

"A bitten experience doesn't mean anything. I've seen the noblest werewolves and the most despicable humans..." Let's start with this.



The origin of werewolves can no longer be verified. At present, all werewolves in the magic world are formed by being bitten the day after tomorrow. There is no reproductive isolation between werewolves and ordinary people, and there is no werewolf characteristic after giving birth to children.

Werewolves are no different from ordinary people most of the time, only on the night of the full moon, they will transform into wolves, and they will forget their identities after transformation, and even find opportunities to kill their best friends.

Even so, they still have recollections of everything they've been through throughout the transformation after they've returned to human form, which makes them even more miserable.

People who are bitten by a werewolf during transformation will be infected with lycorrhea and become a werewolf. Bitten and scratched by a werewolf who has not transformed will also have werewolf characteristics such as eating raw meat, but they will not be infected with lyophilia and become a werewolf.

Because werewolf wizards are dangerous and uncontrollable, most of them will be excluded and discriminated against by ordinary wizards, so most of them will avoid society and obtain food by stealing.

This solitary and discriminated life caused many werewolves to have psychological problems. Some werewolves would choose to commit suicide, but many werewolves would choose to take revenge on society.

The representative figure is the notorious Fenrir Greyback.He is the leader of werewolves, unlike most werewolves who are restrained and take the initiative to stay away from the crowd, he will always make a full moon night to bite people after the usual transformation.

Remus Lupine's father once said "werewolves, they should die" during Fenrir Greyback's imprisonment, and Fenrir Greyback bit Lupine after he was released from prison to make him become Become a werewolf for revenge.

And said the famous line "Now your son has become a werewolf, should he die?"

Fenrir Greyback's crazy biting behavior is a kind of revenge, not just revenge against people who directly insulted him like Lupine's father, but a kind of revenge against the general exclusion and discrimination against werewolves in the wizarding world.

Fenrir Greyback wasn't originally called this name. When he was bitten by a werewolf and was generally discriminated against, he decided to take revenge on the entire wizarding world. He gave himself this mythical giant wolf that devoured the god-king Odin. name.

Fenrir Greyback took it as his own responsibility to bite and infect more people, and he specialized in attacking children. He bit them when they were young, so that they would be excluded and discriminated against by wizards. When they grow up, they will start to hate wizards and start revenge.

Lupine, as a young wizard who was infected as a werewolf at a young age, was able to grow up to be a man of normal state of mind, thanks in large part to his father and Dumbledore's secrecy about his werewolf identity, and Three friends who accidentally discovered his secret but not only did he not discriminate, but also turned into animals to play together.

These are Lupine's luck, but most werewolves are unlucky. Being bitten and infected-being discriminated against-has hatred in their hearts-and starting to bite people for revenge has almost become a must for many werewolves.

These revenges did not improve the situation of werewolves, but made ordinary wizards exclude and discriminate against them, so that it was difficult for normal werewolves to find a job, and slowly turned into werewolves who actively bit people.

In short, the more wizards discriminate against werewolves, the more werewolves hate wizards, and they will bite people for revenge. The more werewolves bite people for revenge, the more wizards discriminate against werewolves.

The relationship between the two parties has fallen into a vicious circle that is difficult to break out of.

Fenrir Greyback joining Voldemort's team is also the reason why Voldemort wanted to repeal the "Secrecy Act" to allow werewolves to appear in public view.

However, Voldemort is still full of discrimination against werewolves. Werewolves are not allowed to wear the robes of Death Eaters, and there is no Dark Mark. Many Death Eaters call them "dirty scavengers".

The only potion currently known to be useful against werewolves' lycanthropy is the wolfsbane potion, recently invented by renowned potions master Damocles Belby.

But this potion only allows werewolf wizards to stay rational and not bite when they transform on a full moon night, and at the same time make them weak and harmless, and cannot directly cure their wolf disease.

Moreover, the configuration materials were expensive and scarce, and the configuration steps were cumbersome and took several days. Most werewolves couldn't afford it, and not many potion masters were willing to waste time preparing such a potion for werewolves.

In short, it is unrealistic to try the Wolf's Potion to save the group of werewolves. Learning Potions cannot save werewolves.

As long as this systematic prejudice and widespread discrimination against werewolves exists, the werewolf problem will always be a major problem in the wizarding world.

Of course, analyzing the reasons for the werewolf problem and exploring the root of werewolf crimes does not mean that we are whitewashing those criminal werewolves. Werewolves who are found guilty must be brought to justice, especially the notorious Fenrir Greyback .

Interestingly, when Lockhart was looking through the relevant materials of werewolves, he found that the law of the wizarding world is very ambiguous in determining the crimes of werewolves after they transform on the night of the full moon.

The law of the wizarding world believes that werewolves lose their sanity and normal memory after transformation, so they are persons with limited criminal responsibility or simply no one!criminally responsible.

The attitude of wizarding law towards them is similar to that of mental patients in most Muggle countries.

Unless it is proved that the werewolf planned to intentionally bite people before transforming, and intentionally and purposefully biting people while transforming, instead of biting people unconsciously, general werewolf crimes will be given a lighter sentence.

At present, the only felon patient who has been sentenced to life imprisonment or the death penalty is Fenrir Greyback, the king of werewolves.

Many people will only be convicted of insignificant petty crimes such as endangering public safety even if they deliberately appear in public on a full moon night and turn themselves into bites.

Lockhart believes this is also an important factor in the fear of werewolves among ordinary wizards.

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(End of this chapter)

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