Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 218 Imperius Curse

Chapter 218 Imperius Curse

This group of civilian wizards gathered because of Kars and his party. They first gathered at the public Floo website in Paris, and then they usually chanted the slogan "truth or death" all the way, and headed towards Capet Manor outside Paris.

Many Muggles saw this scene, they still don't quite understand what happened, but France is also a country where various groups demonstrate every day, Muggles seem to be a little surprised by this situation, seeing There was nothing of interest to him, so he left without further concern.

Driven by anger, these gathered commoner wizards gradually approached Capet Manor. Their number probably exceeded [-], both male and female, and their number was more than four times that of the Aurors around Capet Manor.

Therefore, Kars is full of confidence in this operation. Although he knows that the elite Aurors from various European countries are blocking the periphery of Capet Manor together with the French Ministry of Magic, the superiority in numbers still makes him feel confident. Different expectations.

So, he took these four thousand wizards and began to surround the officials of the French Ministry of Magic and the one thousand elite Auror troops from various European countries.

In addition to the confidence given by the numbers, he also believed that these Aurors from various European countries were under the command of the French Ministry of Magic, and they would not be cruel to these fellow wizards who were also French.

It's just that when they actually surrounded the more than 1000 Aurors and officials of the French Ministry of Magic, and began to raise their demands to "reveal the truth" and "teach the murderer" by shouting slogans, what awaited them was an unexpected situation .

When this gathering was launched, Kars repeatedly emphasized that he must not actively use magic on senior officials of the French Ministry of Magic and those Aurors from other parts of Europe without orders.

They want to achieve their power through a peaceful "non-violent non-cooperation" method, but they seem to be too naive.

When Kars was standing in front of everyone and taking the lead in shouting slogans, he suddenly felt a little confused, and then his mind began to feel blank.

Immediately afterwards, a very pleasant female voice pierced into his ears. This voice was somewhat like his mother's voice, and also somewhat like the voice of the girl he had a crush on when he was studying at school.

The voice kept saying to him, "Cals, come on, raise your wand and cast a spell on these Aurors opposite!"

Kars still retains some sanity, he knows that he must not do such a thing, if he does, the justice of leading the wizards to fight will be greatly reduced.

Different from the French Aurors' strike and the wizards who gathered a few days ago to attack the Bastille, these actions were all justified. The Aurors' strike believed that the order of the Ministry of Magic was not in line with justice, and the attack on the Bastille was In order to verify the authenticity of the things in the promotional materials.

And more importantly, at that time, there were no more than 1000 Aurors who were on standby and ready to fight.

Therefore, Kars exhausted all his strength and began to fight against the voice in his head. He kept emphasizing in his heart that this voice was a conspiracy of the group opposite.

"That group of people are bad people, that group of people are bad people, you must never listen to their orders, you must never listen to their orders!"

Kars kept repeating this sentence in his heart, and suddenly, he heard the nice female voice no longer refute him, but agreed with him.

"That's right, they are all bad guys! So what about the bad guys?" the nice female voice suddenly asked.

"What about the bad guys?" Kars, who had been encouraging himself in his heart just now, suddenly fell into confusion, and he began to repeat in his heart, "What about the bad guys? What about the bad guys?"

Finally, that nice female voice appeared again, and she said: "The bad guys should be punished, the bad guys deserve to die! We will use the most terrible spells to deal with these bad guys!"

Yes, we should use the most terrible spells against these villains!
Kars was completely convinced by the nice female voice in his heart, and he suddenly felt a burst of relief in his heart, as if he had reached a reconciliation with himself.

Then, he quickly raised his wand to the team of elite Aurors from various countries and officials from the French Ministry of Magic. "Avada Kedavra!" Kars suddenly roared, and then a green light burst out from the tip of his spell.

Immediately afterwards, a wizard from a team of elite Aurors from all over the world flew out almost at the same time. He cast a spell on Kars, and a red light flew towards Kars, and the tip of Kars's wand came out. The coming green light collided together.

"Disarm you!" At this moment, the voice of the curse came out.

Suddenly, Kars shivered, the wand in his hand got out of control, and flew directly towards the opponent's position. Even he himself could not control his body, and flew towards the opponent's position.

In the air, Kars suddenly remembered that he had learned about the Imperius Curse among the three Unforgivable Curses at the magic school.

The person who is cursed will feel a blank mind, then feel extremely happy, and then there will be a voice telling the person who is cursed to do something, but if you cast this curse too much on a certain person, resistance will develop, thus weakening The power of the spell.

He suddenly understood that at that moment just now, he was hit by the Imperius Curse from the wizard on the other side. Judging from the quick reaction of the other party just now, this was definitely planned in advance.

"Sounds loud!"

A huge voice came over. Kars was very familiar with this voice, and most wizards in the French magic world were also familiar with this voice. The owner of this voice was Beauxbaton's headmaster, who was rumored to be the half-blood giant Ms. Maxime.

Yes, Ms. Maxime has also arrived at the scene. To be precise, she has been at the scene for more than a week. Since he received the news that the French partisans occupied the Capet family's manor and captured all the Capet family members, she has been there Left Hogwarts for the first time, abandoned the Triwizard Tournament, and came here
She returned to France and came to the Capet family estate with only one purpose, that is to prevent the expansion of the matter and restore everything to the original state.

A few days ago, she hadn't found any reason to speak out to dissuade everyone from quieting down and not being impulsive, because in her opinion, the actions of these wizards who gathered had legitimate reasons.

She was delighted today when she saw the Killing Curse rushing from the tip of the wand of the assembled chief wizard, even though she saw the Imperius Curse in the eyes of the wand's owner.

(End of this chapter)

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