Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 214 The Conquest of the Bastille

Chapter 214 The Conquest of the Bastille
This bottom-up campaign to ask the Ministry of Magic to clarify the truth is getting bigger and bigger. The people who have not received a reply for a long time cannot capture the Ministry of Magic by force for the time being, so they went to another place.

The Bastille, the birthplace of the French Revolution, the French regard July 7, the day when the people of Paris captured the Bastille, as the National Day.

In 1789, the day after the people of Paris captured the Bastille, people began to wave pickaxes to demolish the national prison castle, which represented dictatorship and once imprisoned the great thinker Voltaire.

These raw materials were not wasted, and the people used these demolished construction materials to repair the Concorde Bridge on the Seine River, so that the Bastille, which represents the king's autocracy, was trampled by pedestrians every day.

Today, what remains on the original site of the Bastille is the Bastille Square and a huge copper column, commemorating everything that happened that year.

Today, a large group of strange people came to the Bastille Square. Many of them wore robes. They walked up to the last monument in the square, touched the monument with their hands, and then disappeared.

These people are just ordinary wizards who rioted because they wanted the Ministry of Magic to give a reasonable explanation. Today, their goal is the Bastille.

Although the Bastille Castle has been destroyed, the underground part has been well preserved, and the Capet family, a pure-blood family with blood ties to the French Muggle royal family, donated it to serve as a prison for the French magic community. Some of the core Aurors are responsible for guarding the work.

Unlike the British wizarding world, which uses jailers such as dementors, the French Ministry of Magic uses Aurors to guard the prisoners in magical prisons.

In the center of the Bastille Square, the copper pillar monument erected in 1830 to commemorate the king's resignation and the overthrow of the feudal monarchy was actually a complicated door key.

By touching this copper pillar, the wizards can be transported to the periphery of the Bastille Underground Prison in the French magic world, and then prepare to start the attack on the Bastille Underground Magic Prison.

The promotional materials provided by the Red Ghost Society and the French Wizarding Guerrillas contained a lot of relevant information about the wizards who were infinite. Since the French Ministry of Magic refused to give these wizards an answer, they decided to find out the truth by themselves.

"Go to Bastille!" became a resounding slogan in the French wizarding community. They even re-established the live broadcast system, and began to live broadcast the capture of the Bastille underground magic prison.

Although many of the TVs of French wizards have been confiscated by the Ministry of Magic, there are still secretly hidden ones, plus a camera funded by the Red Ghost through Muggle airlifts and the signal transmission that Lockhart's clone is personally responsible for. Work, all of this can be successfully completed.

The live broadcast came very suddenly. When the Ministry of Magic in various European countries did not prepare in advance, all channels of the Magic TV station became a live broadcast of French wizards capturing the Bastille underground magic prison.

Due to the nature of the prison itself, most of the defense facilities of the Bastille Underground Magic Prison are internal to prevent wizards from escaping and rioting inside the prison. The external defense facilities are actually not very strong.

Secondly, several of the rioting wizards found several Muggle cannons that had been underground by searching historical materials, and repaired these cannons with the spell of repairing a new one.

Afterwards, several wizards who were born in the Muggle world and had some common sense of science operated these cannons and started bombarding the Bastille Underground Magical Prison.

The wizards also struck up, and collectively began to cast spells on the gate of the Bastille underground prison.

At the same time, they cut off the food and water supply of the underground prison of Bastille. Aurors and prisoners are also human beings, they also need food and water to maintain life, and Transfiguration cannot create food.

Although there was some food and water in stock in the Bastille Underground Magic Prison, the guarding Aurors were not sure about the determination of these rioting ordinary wizards. They knew that if the situation went to a stalemate, they would definitely suffer the most from being surrounded.

Moreover, among the guarding Aurors, quite a few family members were outside the ranks that captured the Bastille underground magic prison, and they didn't have a strong will to resist.

After all, there are only more than 1 wizards in French magic. In the society of acquaintances, everyone can find various connections. When ordinary wizards decide to unite, everyone will give way to them.

So, under the attention of all the wizards in Europe, the prison in the French magic world, the underground magic prison of Bastille, was captured by a group of ordinary wizards.

After capturing the underground magic prison of Bastille, the representatives of the rioting wizards immediately announced to all the prisoners that wizards who are willing to accept the public memory test and Veritaserum test will be pardoned if they can be sure that they have not committed a crime.

There are a total of 179 prisoners held in the Bastille Underground Magic Prison. Based on the population of more than 1 in the French magic community, there is one prisoner for every [-] people in the French magic community. This number is significantly higher than the normal level.

The first wizard willing to disclose his memory and receive Veritaserum soon appeared, his memory was extracted, and the house was played in the Pensieve.

Wizard TV broadcast the images from his memory to audiences all over Europe.

This wizard is called Carlisle Gentry. Through his own serious research, he invented a magic carpet with better performance than all the magic carpets on the market.

So the Capet family, which controlled the magic carpet business in Europe, began to harass him constantly, hoping that he would accept investment from the Capet family.

Carlisle felt that he had the ability to control everything in the magic carpet business. He had already found his classmate as a partner, and soon he discovered that the Capet family's magic carpet used the new technology he invented.

He had registered patents for these new technologies, and he decided to sue the Capet family, but in the end he lost to the huge legal team of the Capet family, so he could only allow the Capet family to use his new technologies in violation of regulations.

Later, relying on the advantages of channels and publicity, the Capet family made the magic carpet he made completely lose its competitiveness in the market.

Carlisle later discovered that the Capet family often did this kind of thing. When they discovered a new technology, they immediately asked for investment.

The original creator wants to defend his rights, but he will never be able to beat the Capet family, which has a large legal team and has a good relationship with judges, in court.

Carlisle contacted a large number of people who had the same experience and prepared to sue collectively. As a result, just before the collective prosecution, he was arrested and sent to the Bastille because of some small magic carpet accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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