Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 1 I Know Magic

Chapter 1 I Know Magic

86 Baker Street, London, UK

Lockhart woke up faintly, the strong smell of ink in the air made him slightly uncomfortable.

What's the matter with this strange smell?Did I fall asleep on the table and knock over the ink bottle?But I haven't used pen and ink for many years.

Opening his eyes and looking around, Lockhart froze for a moment.

The golden wall with reliefs of white portraits, the exaggerated purple crystal chandelier, the half-height fireplace, the framed photos all over the wall, the desk where he was sleeping on his stomach just now, and the man staring at him across the way.

Lockhart had always believed that a man of normal sexual orientation would never be impressed by another man, but that had been a second ago.

How should I describe this handsome man?

The tulip-like blond hair was shining brightly under the sunlight, and the sapphire-like eyes were bright and energetic, as if he was looking at himself opposite him.

Two broken sword-like eyebrows stand on top of it, the nose is straight and delicate, the slightly thin lips are slightly separated, eight shiny teeth are naturally exposed in a smile, the sharp-edged chin is slightly short The stubble adds a bit of masculinity.

Sword brows and star eyes, face like a crown of jade, talent is outstanding, a jade tree facing the wind, if it is increased by one point, it will be too long, if it is reduced by one point, it will be too short, if it is powdered, it will be too white, if it is painted, it will be too red. beyond reach.

He wanted to use all the idioms and poems he knew to describe this man, but Lockhart felt that it was not enough.

Lockhart wanted to have a chat with this handsome man, to ask what this place was and what was going on.

So, he stood up, took a step forward, and stretched out his right hand, ready to say hello first, and then ask in detail.

After taking a closer look, he couldn't help laughing.

The overly handsome man on the opposite side also stood up and took a step forward, stretching out his left hand, as if wanting to greet him.

It turned out that opposite the desk was a large mirror that covered the entire wall. It was polished so that it could clearly reflect my entire body.

The handsome man he saw just now turned out to be his own reflection in the mirror.

This time, Lockhart was stunned. Although he was as handsome as the man in the mirror, his appearance was completely different.

Lockhart pondered for a moment in the confusion of doubting life, and then he really doubted life.

I crossed? ? ? ! ! !
A frenzy of memories surged in, without giving him any time to react, they forcefully inserted into his brain, mixing with the original memories.

Lockhart, male, 28 years old, the most famous adventurer and best-selling author in the British wizarding world, winner of the Order of Merlin Third Class, honorary member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts League, and five-time winner of the Most Charming Smile Award from Wizard Weekly .

He is the author of many adventure novels based on his own experience. The new autobiography "I Can Make Magic" has been approved and is about to be published.

But in fact, Lockhart did not perform any of the heroic deeds he claimed.

The only thing he is good at is using the Oblivion Charm, making those who actually did these things forget their achievements, and then stealing their achievements to write books.

A month ago, Lockhart accepted the invitation of Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. From the second half of this year, Lockhart will be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.

The position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was cursed by Voldemort. For decades, no professor could survive a year. The previous professor, Quirinus Quirrell, died during his tenure.

This is no secret in the wizarding world.

Therefore, no one wants to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

That's why an idiot like Lockhart received Dumbledore's invitation.

Lockhart is the perfect candidate in Dumbledore's mind. First of all, he is famous enough, and his identity and experience are enough to handle the school board.

Secondly, Dumbledore believes that although Lockhart is a rookie, he is not very harmful. It is better to have an idiot than another Death Eater sent by Voldemort.

In the end, Dumbledore thought he could use Voldemort's curse on the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to get Lockhart punished.

In 1965, Voldemort applied for a job as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, but was rejected by Dumbledore.

He then cast a severe curse on the position.

No wizard can work in this position for a full year, or get injured or die, and the best result is resignation in disgrace.

Voldemort did this out of a vengeful mentality of destroying it if he could not get it, and three other purposes.

First, it is convenient to install Death Eaters into the school through the high mobility of the teaching staff, such as Professor Quirrell last year.

Second, the frequent replacement of Defense Against the Dark Arts professors caused a decline in the quality of teaching.

As a result, the combat effectiveness of ordinary wizards in the magic world will be further reduced. The combat effectiveness of ordinary wizards is not as good as that of one generation, and the Death Eaters who master black magic will have an advantage in battle.

Third, the decline in the teaching quality of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class will further widen the gap between pure-blood wizards and half-blood wizards. You can’t learn Defense Against the Dark Arts in school, and pure-blood wizards still have spells inherited from their families. A wizard born in a melon can only lie flat.

When ordinary little wizards use the Tarantella dance spell to make their duel opponents tap dance, Decora Malfoy, who comes from a big family, can already use black magic to summon a giant snake.

Three birds with one stone, three birds with one stone, Voldemort, who is not crazy, as a genius wizard who can fight against Dumbledore, definitely lacks wisdom.

Dumbledore quickly fired back.

In the Wizengamot at that time, most wizards were from pure-blood families, so wizards from pure-blood families were generally given light sentences, while it was difficult for Muggle or half-blood wizards to get a fair verdict.

There are also some wizards, Dumbledore is very aware of their crimes, but lacks evidence
These wizards later had a similar experience and were invited to Hogwarts as professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Then cursed to sleep, either in a cold cemetery or in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Wounds and Wounds.

Dumbledore's justice has never lacked wit and flexibility.

For decades, he used Voldemort's curse to punish countless wizards who escaped the Wizengamot's trial, and gradually purified the Wizengamot from a tool of pure-blood families decades ago to a just court.

It can be said that Dumbledore used Voldemort's curse to completely change the atmosphere of the wizarding world.

Now it was Lockhart's turn.


When Dumbledore was the chief wizard of the Wizengamot decades ago, he had such a conversation with Nobby Rich, who was then the Minister of Magic.

The general idea is as follows.

Nobby Rich: "The chief wizard wants to win over the nobles when he takes office, and he is biased towards pure blood. Only when wizards of the pure blood wizard family are given some preferential treatment will they vote for your judgment. Only those related to other wizards can be judged normally."

Dumbledore: "Only in this way can there be a normal sentence?"

Nobby Rich: "Even so, it depends on the face of the pure-blood family."

Dumbledore: "I finally defeated Grindelwald. I became the chief wizard just to see their faces? What's the difference between this and kneeling."

Nobby Rich: "That's it, how many people want to kneel but there is no place to kneel."

Dumbledore: "Let me ask you, why did I defeat Grindelwald and become the chief wizard of the Wizengamot? I just have bad legs and feet, and I can't kneel down."

Nobby Rich: "Justice! Politics, no shit."

Dumbledore: "Shabby, very fucking shabby."

Nobby Rich: "So do you want to stand, or do you want justice to be done?"

Dumbledore: "I want to stand up and do justice."

Nobby Rich: "Can't stretch."

Dumbledore: "Can't stretch it?"

Nobby Rich: "Can't stretch!"

Dumbledore (taking his own headmaster's badge): "Can justice be done with this?"

Nobby Rich: "Can stretch, at Hogwarts."

Dumbledore (pointing to his Chief Wizard uniform): "Can justice be done with this?"

Nobby Rich: "To stretch, to kneel."

Dumbledore (putting the chief wizard's uniform and the headmaster's seal together): "Then this and this can stand up and do justice?"

Nobby Rich: "May I ask your Excellency who is holy?"

Dumbledore: "I am the President of the International Federation of Wizards, the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, the patron saint of the British wizarding world, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the winner of the Order of Merlin First Class, the defeater of the Dark Lord, and the Elder Wand Owner, discoverer of the twelve uses of dragon's blood, friend of the Phoenix, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

 This book is about to be finished, and the new book "Journey to the West, the Rebellious Monkey King" has been uploaded. I hope all readers can take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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