Chapter 4 Shock
If it is said that learning the contents of the diary earlier, it was an unparalleled shock for Bibi Dong.

So now, this feeling has escalated again.

"Twin Martial Souls?!"

I was very sure before that Lin Yan did not have such a powerful soul power, only one kind of martial soul.

But what's going on now?

For a moment, Lin Yan cast a shadow of mystery in Bibi Dong's eyes.

"I've known for a long time that this child is very mysterious, but I didn't expect such a big surprise to be hidden."

If it was just twin spirits, then Bibi Dong wouldn't be so surprised.

After all, she herself is also a twin martial soul, and she is also very powerful.

But the demon lord is different. This kind of martial soul undoubtedly has a great suppressing effect on his two martial souls.

If the child hadn't been thinking about himself, he would have been loyal to him even in his diary.

Bibi Dong even felt that she had an extra natural opponent.

But now it seems that this child Fei Fei is not his opponent, and there is still a great possibility to become the future pillar of Wuhundian.

"I thought this child would become my right-hand man like Nana, but now it seems that I have underestimated him."

Bibi Dong's eyes were full of kindness and optimism.

Such a child who respects her very much, who is wholeheartedly worried about not being able to explain to the teacher, and who has great potential, is naturally very optimistic about her.

For Bibi Dong, Spirit Hall is her home, although some unpleasant things happened, as long as she can improve her strength, it is worth it.

"No matter what, this child Lin Yan will definitely change the entire Wuhundian."

... But as she continued to read, she found something that made her laugh.

【Oh, I really don't know how to explain it to the master, it's really frustrating. 】

[If I tell the master that I am a martial soul that has been awakened unconsciously, will she believe it? 】

[This statement is too blind, I can't believe it even if I tell a 3-year-old child! ! 】

Seeing these few lines, Bibi Dong couldn't help laughing.

This kid is really interesting.

With such a close master-student relationship with himself, there is nothing more difficult to say.

However, since Yan'er was so worried, then as a teacher, he naturally had to help him make up the lie.

The sudden appearance of twin martial souls is indeed a very difficult thing to explain.

It was hard to explain why he suddenly regained his martial spirit.

Now it's not just a matter of martial souls, it's an innate full soul power and twin martial souls!

What's more, the fairy herbs mentioned in Yan'er's diary are really jaw-dropping, and any one of them will cause a huge sensation if it is released to the outside world.

"How should I help him get over this matter, and at the same time tell Yan'er implicitly that he should trust me as a teacher."

Before this, the only Bibi Dong who had a more master-student relationship was without a doubt Hu Liena.

But her personality has never been the gentle and considerate type, even when teaching Hu Liena, she is very strict.

Not to mention her own biological daughter, Bibi Dong rarely smiled when facing Qian Renxue.

Unexpectedly, now, facing such a little guy who is so devoted to him, he would be a little touched.

"Little guy Yan'er, you're really messing around! You don't even tell Master about such a big matter."

Although there was a bit of resentment on her lips, Bibidong felt that Lin Yan's temperament made her very satisfied.

On the one hand, the child is still young, and it is commendable to be so cautious in doing things.

From another point of view, the secrets hidden in the diary are indeed too great.

"The chance that Yan'er got this time is really incredible."

Although the things described in the other party's diary are indeed easy to make people jealous, but Bibi Dong returned to her usual calm after being surprised.

She has never been a person who cares about others very much. No matter the other party has a great opportunity, even if it is her close apprentice, it is impossible for her to feel jealous.

It's just that since the other party is covering up in every possible way in the diary, then I have to hide this little book, and I must not let the other party know that I have read the content in it.


Lin Yan knew nothing about Bibi Dong already knowing her diary.

Although he has now reached the level where he can obtain spirit rings, such rapid progress is too monstrous in the eyes of the outside world.

Fortunately, the system can store the overflowing soul power, and he can also suppress his own strength to a very genius level, but it is not incomprehensible.

"It seems that this trip to get the soul ring, I must find a way to reveal something to the teacher, at least I have to solve the matter of my pair of martial souls."

Regarding the dual martial souls, Lin Yan was actually a little worried.

Rewards such as twin martial souls and innate full soul power are destined to be impossible to hide.

The soul power required in the process of cultivation is too huge, and such a huge soul power cannot be covered up by the strength of the martial soul itself.

It seems that he can only reveal some information to the teacher inadvertently, and it is best to be able to tell the other party about the twin martial arts satisfactorily.

In any case, as long as the teacher is on his side, no one will be able to threaten the current self.

【Hey, today is also a day of pain and joy! 】

[During the process of cultivating the dual martial souls, the amount of energy they devoured was too huge, and they even formed a whirl of energy every day. 】

【How should I find a suitable reason to tell the teacher that what I awakened is actually dual martial souls...】

The diary he records every day is also updated on the copy at the same time.

Therefore, all troubles were naturally seen by Bibi Dong quietly.

Bibi Dong was also a little hesitant about this question.

Although he said that he could fully accept his apprentice, after all, everyone else knew about Yan'er's inexplicable re-awakening of his martial soul.

Everyone's discussion on this matter is very high. Now if it is found out that he awakened two martial souls, it will make a big fuss.

She hopes that her apprentice can endure when his strength is weak, otherwise he will not be able to grow into the future at all.

Just like herself.

Too strong strength and talent, to some extent, also has advantages and disadvantages.

From the outside world, it seems that he has received the full support of Wuhundian, which is naturally a good thing.

But only I know how unbearably difficult and bitter it is.

(End of this chapter)

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