Chapter 38 Appreciation Meeting

"So that's the case, then I misunderstood you."

The moment she lost consciousness, she did vaguely hear someone calling her...

wrong!But that's not the point right now.

The point is that during the competition just now, she fainted, but the person in front of her was unharmed.

In other words, she lost the match just now?

Lin Yan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the girl resolved her misunderstanding.

He didn't want to be called a rogue pervert.

But who knows that just after a while, the girl's hand tightly grasped it.

"You... how did you beat me? How did you block that shell?"

Changing from her previous arrogant appearance, the girl's thirst for knowledge overflowed her eyes.

I have to say that this girl's appearance is relatively pure and pleasant, but it's a pity that her temper is not very good.

Now being clinging to her with such a pitiful posture, the contrast is so great that he doesn't know what to do for a moment.

"Stop, be normal."

Lin Yan abruptly pulled her hand off his arm, thinking that the girl would calm down.

But who would have thought that she seemed to be very wronged, with her head lowered and her mouth pursed, as if she was being bullied.

"Hey, let me tell you first, I didn't bully you, don't look so pitiful."

"You just want to know how I blocked your tracking shells, just let me tell you."

Anyway, he doesn't have a second one of that thing, it's all just a coincidence.

When the girl heard that Lin Yan was going to tell her, her eyes lit up immediately.

"Then speak up!"

"Ahem, do you know that there is a thing called a hidden weapon?"

"hidden weapon?"

Lin Yan originally thought that since the girl could forge metal, she should have a little understanding of hidden weapons.

But who would have guessed that after probing for a few words, she found that she knew nothing about hidden weapons at all.

It's no wonder that she has such a fighting habit of fighting alone.

Anyone who knows some of the tricks will not fight in this way.

Whether the person in front of him is an enemy or a friend is still unknown, Lin Yan just briefly introduced a few sentences and then took it all in one stroke.

"Just now I blocked your shell with a hidden weapon."

"It's just that the hidden weapon is quite special. After a collision in the air, it will form a poisonous mist. I didn't remind you, so you inhaled the poisonous mist and fell into a coma."

"But you don't have to worry, because the poison in your body has been cured now."

After all, he was also half responsible for the girl fainting after inhaling the toxin, so Lin Yan explained with a little apology.

The girl seemed to know some terrible news, she lowered her head and digested it alone for a long time.

"Is the hidden weapon really that strong?"

"Stronger than a soul guide?"

The sudden question from the girl reminded Lin Yan of the battle scene just now.

That cannon barrel is undoubtedly a soul guide, but logically speaking, there shouldn't be a soul guide at this time?
Is it because of his own existence that caused the butterfly effect in time and space, so that the soul guide appeared in advance?

"May I ask, where did you learn this soul tool?"

When the girl heard this, her blank eyes immediately became vigilant.

"What are you asking about this?"

"No, I'm just curious, after all, your soul tool is really powerful."

"That's true."

After the girl admitted happily, she glanced at Lin Yan several times from the corner of her eye.

Since he detoxified himself, he must not be a bad person, right?

Anyway, this matter is not a secret, and it doesn't matter if you tell him.

"Forget it, I'll tell you just because you want to know so much."

"Actually... I only know this kind of soul tool."

The girl's words made Lin Yan suspicious, but it seemed reasonable.

Didn't the system explain to him before that the blueprints of the soul guide will be distributed in various unknown places?

Then before he got the prompt, someone got it first, which is normal.

However, he always felt that it was not that simple.

"Only one kind? Is it the one with the gun barrel?"

"Well, that is a tracking gun barrel, and I also learned it for several years before I learned it."

"Oh, by the way, haven't you always wanted to know the function of plate crystal gold? In fact, plate crystal gold is one of the most critical metals for me to make barrels."

"So I come here from time to time to appreciate and try my luck. After all, plate crystal hair gold is not so easy to come across. Over the years, I have only bought 3 yuan."

A total of 3 yuan were bought, and 2 of them were met by him.

Lin Yan felt helpless for a while, should he say that he was lucky?Still bad luck.

However, he also got some news from the girl's words.

"How many years? Have you been in the killing capital for a few years?"

"Well, in order to be able to make this soul guide, I have been practicing in the capital of killing for several years."

"The production of soul guides not only requires metals, but also requires the creators. The metal consumption of the shells is extremely high."

Without the support of forces behind it, it is basically impossible for a person to dominate the mainland with a soul tool.

Realizing this, Lin Yan relaxed a lot, and it doesn't matter if the others get the blueprint of the soul tool and can't cause any big waves.

After all, for them, the production cost is not acceptable to ordinary people.


"Do you know of anyone else who also has a soul tool?"

The girl didn't seem to expect Lin Yan to ask this question, and she froze for a moment.

"Yeah, there is."

"However, they sold the blueprint because the soul guide was too difficult to make."

"As for who to sell it to, I don't know."


The girl's words made Lin Yan completely silent.

Are blueprints so easy to pick up?Why hasn't he picked up one for so long.

"Do you know who you sold it to?"

"I don't know that."

The girl spread her hands, looking helpless.

Then, as if she suddenly thought of something, she stared at Lin Yan who was thinking in front of her.

No, why did you tell him so much?
Could it be that he is interested in his soul guide?
No, it is absolutely impossible for me to hand over the soul tool that I have worked so hard to study for several years.

Thinking of this, the girl hurriedly said.

"Let me tell you, even if I die, I won't be able to hand over the soul tool."

"I advise you to give up your heart."

Seeing the girl's earnest and guarded appearance, Lin Yan couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to steal your soul tool."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself after talking for so long. My name is Lin Yan."


The air seemed to stop for a few seconds, and Lin Yan could even hear the girl's breathing clearly.

Her round eyes were fixed on Lin Yan, as if she wanted to see two holes in his face.

(End of this chapter)

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