Douluo: My Wuhun is Phoenix

Chapter 70 Team Formation

Chapter 70 Team Formation
"Let's go, let's go!"

Ma Xiaoxiao walked cheerfully, sat at the front of the carriage, raised the small whip in her hand, and slapped it a few times, the horse neighed and began to run happily.

"Slow down, Xiaoxiao!"

In the carriage behind, Ma Mama's urgent call sounded.

However, after getting rid of Mama Ma's beating, Ma Xiaoxiao galloped happily again, not at all aware of being mixed doubles last night.

Although she was about to leave her hometown, she didn't feel any reluctance.

Home, a place where family members are together, can be called home...

After a while, I will be able to see that naughty brother.

Hmph, you still want to abandon my sister and me, what a beautiful idea!
See how I deal with you when I pass by!
Ma Xiaoxiao was already fantasizing, her mind was full of images of beating up her younger brother.

You have to beat my younger brother as early as possible, and in a few years, when Ma Xiaopang grows up, he will not be able to beat him with thin arms and legs.

And Ma Xiaoxiao was in the same car with Tia.

A dozen or so carriages followed one after another, and almost all the valuable things in the villa were packed and packed by Ma Xiaoxiao.

However, Tia was noncommittal about this. Although she had lived in the small town of Argos for decades, her departure this time did not bring her too much reluctance.

As early as when she was young, Tia spent more than ten years wandering outside.

And the reason why the whole family moved this time was more from the teacher Dellu's advice.

The reason Dellu came to the small town of Argos this time was to hope that his apprentice could move to live in Wuhun City, and he vaguely mentioned the future of Wuhun Palace to him.

Although Bibi Dong has only been in office for a year or two, judging from the various layouts, anyone with a little bit of scheming can see what she really wants to do...

After all, this woman is not ordinary ruthless, his own daughter was only nine years old, so he quietly sent her to the Heaven Dou Empire, and arranged for her to sneak into the royal family.

After some consideration, Tia decided to move to Wuhun City with Ma Hongjun's parents and younger sister.

And she had discussed this matter with Dolguera and Fore, but both of them have always expressed that they are not ready to leave for the time being. After all, Francis College is their painstaking effort, and it is not that they can abandon it just by throwing it away.

In addition, if you want to plan two big empires, is it possible to say that you can do it? Before you are fully prepared, you will not make any big moves if you want to come to Wuhundian. It is better to stay here There is no great danger.

In this way, Tia set off with people.As long as there are no delays on the road, they will be able to catch up with the Chinese New Year.

Compared with the bustle and bustle of Wuhun City, the New Year's weather in Yagus Town is simply incomparable. It has been a long time since there has been any excitement. Let's go to Wuhun City this year...


And on that big soft bed, Ma Hongjun tossed and tossed, the pillow had already been thrown in some corner by him.

It was rare to sleep late, even if the sun shone on his upturned buttocks, it didn't wake him up.

Sometimes the person who stays in bed is not because he is too sleepy, but because the beauty in the dream often makes him linger...

"Oh, if everything is true..."

Ma Hongjun opened his eyes, felt the warmth brought by the sun, finally got up from the bed with a stretched waist, saw that it was already nine o'clock, and went out after a simple wash.

"This brat, today is the gathering time for the new team members, and he dared to be late, let's see how I deal with him later!"


In the hall, besides Xiong Mo Douluo and Dellu who were still sitting, there were also nine people standing neatly in the middle, two of them were Werna and Fang Ying, and four of the other seven were ranked in the competition not long ago. Top ten players.

Fang Ying and Werna stood there expressionless. They both knew the reason, so they didn't complain much, but the others were a little annoyed.

Who has such a big face to make them wait for a full hour! ? !
However, they only dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out, after all there was a Titled Douluo sitting at the top.

Nearly half an hour later, Ma Xiaopang ran in unsteadily, wiping the remaining rice grains from the corners of his mouth while running.

"Ma Hongjun! Stand by the door, old man!"

Bear Demon Douluo roared fiercely, and everyone looked sideways.

However, after seeing Ma Hongjun, the four contestants from the top ten all said to themselves: It really is him!

The reputation of the hot hand destroying flowers and salty pigs is not for nothing. The women who fought with him either surrendered or were knocked out of the ring by it.

Anyone with a little bit of courage will be pitifully burned through his clothes by his evil fire, and then run off the ring with shame on his face.

"What's the matter again, Bear Demon Douluo, I finished the ten laps yesterday, Master Dellu can testify, if you don't believe me, you can ask him!" Ma Xiaopang paused helplessly.

Xiong Qishan stared wide-eyed, blushed and said, "I know you've finished running, but what happened this morning? You were late yesterday and you're late again today? Do you have no sense of time? Or do you say you don't want to come?" !?!"

As a titled Douluojia instructor, one must have one's own dignity.

Ma Hongjun spread his hands helplessly, thinking that this old guy seems to be deliberately trying to trouble me...

"Reporting to Lord Xiongmo, firstly, you didn't set a time for the morning, and secondly, you didn't tell me about the gathering this morning."

"Well, what did you say!?!"

Xiong Mo Douluo looked with a pair of bear eyes, Ma Hongjun turned back without flinching.

"He fainted yesterday, so after I sent him home, I didn't tell him about the gathering of the team members this morning." Dellu interjected.

"En!" Bear Demon Douluo glanced at Dellu angrily, and finally turned his head and said: "Let's forget about today's matter, not only you, Ma Hongjun, but everyone else. Your Majesty, come to the main hall to gather on time at seven o'clock in the morning, and I will arrange tasks for you for the day."

"Hmph, if there are people behind who are late, then don't blame me for being cruel..."

From the beginning to the end, Xiong Mo Douluo stared at Ma Xiaopang covetously, as if he was about to eat him.

What a pity, I was targeted again when I first arrived...


The early morning sunlight refracted down, illuminating the hall made of metal.

"Let me tell you the ugly things first. The members of this year's Wuhundian team have been determined, consisting of ten of you. In the future, we will adopt a system of survival of the fittest. The last three will enter the bench. members, while the remaining seven will form the official member team."

Xiong Mo Douluo clasped his hands behind his back, explaining in a rigorous manner.

"For a long time in the future, you will all be close teammates. There should be no conflicts between you, and you must cultivate a tacit understanding of cooperation. Even when you grow up in the future, you can become partners. After all, as members of the Spirit Hall , often go out to perform missions together, and if someone delays, there is a high possibility that there will be a risk of group destruction..."

"So whether it is for the sake of you now or in the future, since you have become comrades-in-arms, let me put aside all conflicts, go to the ring to fight if you have any dissatisfaction, and roll down to me to shake hands and make peace after the fight !"

(End of this chapter)

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