Douluo: My Wuhun is Phoenix

Chapter 59 Loud name

Chapter 59 Loud name

"Whose kid, drag it back quickly, this is a competition!!!"

The referee on the side was stunned, and then immediately roared angrily. His first reaction was to think that some kid came up by accident.

"I don't want to change my name if I'm going to sit down or change my surname, Ma Hongjun is right!"


"You are Ma Hongjun?"

The referee couldn't believe it. Isn't this just a six or seven-year-old kid? I remember it was clearly written in the conditions. This one can also participate?
"That's right!"

Imagining the old man's posture he saw on the top of Wudang Mountain, Ma Hongjun raised his legs high and came forward, raised one hand along his legs, and raised his handsome red hair with the other.

"No, my opponent is you?"

The young and beautiful girl on the opposite side waved her hand in disgust, but there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth inadvertently.

This time it is stable, not only can you win easily, but you can also save energy...

"Little sister, your smile...I saw it..."

Ma Hongjun put his legs down, put away his exaggerated expression, and smiled evilly.

"Originally, I wanted to be merciful and save you some face, but this expression of yours made me very angry..."

That contemptuous and mocking expression reminded Ma Hongjun of a bad past. Although it was another life, the events of yesterday are still vivid in his memory...

"It's up to you? You deserve it too?"

The melon-faced girl scoffed. In her opinion, even if you barely reach the level of a great soul master, it's only level 21 at most, and this lady is level 23.

Not only is your spirit power higher than yours, but you also have more experience than you. Martial spirit is more of a control system. What do you use to fight me? ? ?

Ma Hongjun smiled and said, "Don't you know if you try it?"

As soon as the sound of the referee announcing the start of the game was heard, Xiaopang dodges, and his body moves quickly on the field like a ghost.

"So fast!"

This time it was the melon-faced girl's turn to be shocked, but after all she belonged to the family of a soul master, so she reacted quickly.

Her martial soul is Xuanshui, a soul master of the control department.

The moment her first soul skill was used, Ma Hongjun felt a chill all over his body, and a pile of tentacles-shaped water jets quickly emerged from the ground, attacking him quickly.

"It's interesting..."

This was the first time he had fought head-on with a controlling soul master. Even Murkang, who used to be, solved it all in an instant with a sneak attack, and didn't give him a chance to display it at all.

The other party's soul skills seemed to have a locking effect, even though Ma Xiaopang moved left and right, he was still caught up, and the four streams of mysterious water were like ropes, binding his hands and feet.

"Hahaha, little fat man, don't think you can dodge if you are fast, my first soul skill has a locking effect, you can't escape."

The melon-faced girl turned her back and laughed loudly, pointing at the trapped Ma Xiaopang with her hips akimbo, quite proud of herself.

"It's interesting..."

The referee on the side also chuckled, the first soul ability has a locking effect, which is really rare.

Ma Xiaopang tried to break free with brute force, but the chain condensed by Xuanshui could be stretched, and he couldn't exert his strength for a while.

"Don't try, you can't break free." The melon-faced girl waved her hands, as if she was about to use her second soul skill to quickly resolve the battle.

"Oh, really…"

Ma Hongjun raised his head, staring at the melon-faced girl with both eyes, a red light flashed in his eyes.

Then the soul power all over his body exploded, and it turned dark red.

The referee's face froze, and he whispered: "This is... a high-level fire attribute!"

The dark red flames instantly transpired, causing the temperature of the entire arena to suddenly rise by more than ten degrees.

And the Xuanshui rope binding Ma Hongjun's hands and feet also melted in an instant.

Water and fire don't mix at all, facing the top-level mutated fire-attribute martial soul, Xuanshui's bubble disappears in an instant.

And the movement of Ma Xiaopang's body is three points faster than not long ago.

"Little sister, your strength doesn't seem to be that good. I don't need to use soul skills to beat your young master."

Ma Xiaopang's voice rang in the ears of the melon-faced girl, but the melon-faced girl still maintained the opening gesture of the second soul ability.

"Stop looking down on me!"

"Second Soul Skill: Weak Water!"

The melon-faced girl's soul power erupted, shaking Ma Xiaopang away, and at the same time, her body also took advantage of the situation to retreat five steps in a row, and used her second soul skill.

The ground instantly softened, like the surface of water, unexpectedly sinking Ma Xiaopang in an instant.

And as Ma Xiaopang worked harder, his feet sank deeper, like a quagmire.

"Let's see how you break free!"

The melon-faced girl took a big breath, if it wasn't for that brat trying to tease the girl just now, she would have succeeded in sneak attacking her.

Ma Xiaopang gave up struggling, hehe laughed and said, "Do you think I can't hit you like this?"

With the improvement of his soul power, coupled with continuous training, he who has merged with the body of the Martial God, who has only been exposed to the martial arts of Canzhang before, can also use his own derivation.

"Martial Skill: Fallen Leaf Palm!"

Ma Hongjun seemed to make a light palm print, but the moment he struck, the surrounding air flow changed, as if a wave of heat hit the oval-faced girl.

The melon-faced girl subconsciously wanted to raise her arms to resist, but the palm in the air was invisible at all, the whole strength was like an enlarged palm, and a faint red palm print was vaguely seen falling.

This huge palm squeezed the air directly, and hit the oval-faced girl with such force that she flew out unexpectedly.

And because Ma Hongjun's palm still carried fire attribute soul power, the hair of the melon-faced girl had a burnt smell.

"I'll go, this little fat man is amazing!"

"Did you see it just now, he is using an instant soul skill!"

The referee on the side frowned even more, he didn't have time to understand the blow just now.This little fat man obviously didn't even release his martial soul, nor did his soul ring appear, but how did he use his soul skills?
"Teacher, it's time to declare the winner?!?"

At some point, Ma Xiaopang had already walked up to the referee.

After the melon-faced girl was blown away, Ruo Shui had already dissipated without being replenished with soul power, and Ma Xiaopang leisurely blew kisses on the ring.

"Oh, I announce that this round will be won by Ma Hongjun!"

"No way, this little fat man has a skill, it's so powerful!"

The melon-eaters in the audience all looked sideways, expressing their surprise at Ma Hongjun's unintentional gesture just now.

"Boy, was that your soul skill just now?" Someone in the audience couldn't help asking.

Ma Xiaopang chuckled, winked at the beautiful woman in the distance, and then turned his head and said: "Secret, no comment!"

In the next two days, Ma Xiaopang participated in seven more matches, and what was shocking was that the opponents he met were all women!

Aside from being excited, he also gained the reputation of being the toughest to destroy flowers.

"Look quickly, isn't that a tricky hand that destroys flowers and salty pig's hand?" Ma Hongjun had just stepped onto the ring when someone threw him out.

"It's really him, this time the girl opposite has suffered a lot..."

Ma Xiaopang's old face turned dark, and he couldn't help shouting: "I'm nicknamed the King of Guns, not the hot hand and the salty pig hand!?!"

"Look at that little pervert, he seems to be angry."

However, no one paid any attention to him.

Master, didn't I just touch the girl's face?
Besides, that girl is about to fall, can I not help her up?Is this also called salty pig's hand touching the waist?
"It's really not good, you can call me the evil fire phoenix..."

Ma Hongjun walked onto the ring with a mournful face.

(End of this chapter)

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