Douluo: My Wuhun is Phoenix

Chapter 139 Scenic Area

Chapter 139 Scenic Area
It was a long and sunny day, with the warm sun shining down in the cold winter, and there was a faint coldness floating in the air.

"Hey, has this place become a scenic spot yet?"

Passing by the hillside where Dugu Bo died, it seems that it has been developed into a scenic spot, and there is an inscription on it, which depicts Dugu Bo's life and strength.

The death of a Titled Douluo is a major event no matter from which point of view.

And the Sunset Forest is close to the Heaven Dou Imperial City. If you want to come here, the royal family and the group of nobles are probably behind it. Otherwise, how can ordinary small businessmen do such a thing.

After all, everything in the Soul Beast Forest is under the unified management of the Spirit Hall and the Empire. If they don't have that strength, who dares to mess around in the Soul Beast Forest, wouldn't they be afraid of being besieged by the Soul Beasts?
"Interesting and interesting, these people are also capable of tossing around, and this kind of place can be arranged." Porpoise Douluo also sighed with a smile on the side.

Ma Hongjun also laughed out loud.

"I have to say that this group of people really has brains, and this can give them ideas of ways to make money."

Although this place lacks a lot of people flow compared to those cities with a large population, who are the people who can enter the Sunset Forest?

Those are all soul masters! !
Compared with this social group, even if the soul masters do not belong to the top, they are still the people standing at a high place. Could it be that they are still short of money?

And Titled Douluo is the top powerhouse among soul masters, his place of fall once again, wouldn't it arouse the curiosity of soul masters?

And once there is curiosity, then the price is naturally easy to negotiate, as long as it is not too much, the group of soul masters will not refuse to come.

"Shall we go and have a look?" Ma Hongjun asked lightly.

Porpoise Douluo shook his head, although he and Chrysanthemum killed Dugu Bo by hand, but in the end it was a titled Douluo, and Porpoise Porcupine Douluo didn't want to kill him if he was not afraid of affecting the development of Wuhun Temple.

After all, the duty of myself and Snake Lance Douluo is to protect His Royal Highness Qian Renxue and make the plan go smoothly. If Dugu Bo accidentally exposes it, it will not only come to nothing, but also the planning of Wuhundian for many years will be completely destroyed. exposed.

If the preparation is insufficient, the plan of the Pope is likely to be jointly suppressed by the two empires, and then everything will be too late...

"Let's go, it's important to find the soul beasts. Many soul beasts are hiding this season, so it's hard to find them."

The Porcupine Douluo tapped his toes, and the whole person jumped into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

Ma Hongjun also followed closely behind, following up, this time his goal was also very single, still focusing on fire attribute soul beasts.

Since the attribute of fire is innate, then take it to the extreme, no matter how high the ceiling is, there is always a limit...

Ma Hongjun didn't think too much about those so-called god positions, he wanted to find his own path, since those people could break through level [-] to become gods by themselves, why couldn't he?

He still has time, and the path of becoming a god may not be particularly difficult for him.

Ma Hongjun had a vague feeling that after he had reached the limit of his fire attribute and penetrated all the acupoints at the same time, and after the martial god body was completely fused with the physical body, a violent transformation would probably occur.

And what I need to do now is to try my best to let myself reach the limit that I can bear every time I improve, so that every part of my body is extremely close to perfection.

There were no soul beasts that Ma Hongjun needed in the periphery of the Sunset Forest. If he wanted to obtain a suitable soul ring, he had to go to the interior of the forest to find it.

After all, he is not the rabbit named "Xiao Wu", who can just pick up a suitable soul ring every time.

After three days in a row, the porpoise thought it had found three suitable soul beasts, but Ma Hongjun shook his head only to be greeted.

He wasn't a good-tempered man at first, but when he saw Ma Hongjun's critical gaze, he became angry and couldn't help admonishing him: "What do you want to do, you brat, you don't like this or that, You're trying to amuse me, aren't you?"

Ma Hongjun was a little helpless, these soul beasts were indeed inappropriate, you couldn't possibly let me just find a soul ring to fuse with, right?
"Alas, Porcupine Dolphin Douluo, finding spirit rings is always a hassle. You see, we haven't encountered many of them in total. Although the three are said to be of the fire attribute, they are indeed inappropriate. , can I trouble you to search for it with me again?"

The Porcupine Douluo was out of breath, and pointed at the fire ant beast not far away that was eating.

"That soul beast belongs to the fire attribute, and it has a lifespan of at least 3 years. Can you tell me what is inappropriate?"

Ma Hongjun scratched his head embarrassingly, and said with a naive smile: "Well... I think the age limit is higher..."

"Still taller?!" Porpoise Douluo stared, a little incredulous: "Are you crazy, you want to be taller, aren't you afraid of blowing yourself up?"

The number of years that each stage of the soul ring can absorb is limited.

Even if the physical fitness is much stronger than the soul master of the same realm, the number of soul rings that can be absorbed will not exceed too much.

After all, the absorption of the soul ring, in addition to the strength of the body, also plays a key role in the spiritual consciousness. If the spiritual consciousness is not strong enough, then the spirit will be the first to be torn apart before being overwhelmed by the rioting soul power. At that time, even if you want to save, you have no chance.

Ma Hongjun said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, Elder Porpoise, the boy has his sense of proportion."

He is not stupid, although he wants to be perfect, but he only has one life, if he loses it, then everything will be for naught?
"I hope you have a sense of proportion."

Dolphin Douluo gave him a meaningful look, intending to persuade him again, but in the end he held back.

Anyway, he is also a member of Bear Demon Douluo, he can do whatever he wants, it's none of my business, it's that old guy Bear Demon who feels sorry for him...

"Let's go, let's go deeper into the woods to find..."

Regarding this, Ma Hongjun didn't want to explain too much, after all, he knew his own affairs well, and sometimes it would be easy to cause bad things if he said too much.

In this way, under the leadership of Porcupine Dolphin Douluo, the two searched in the forest for a while.

During this period, Ma Hongjun also discovered a kind of big green bull with four horns on the forehead. Although it looks fierce, it is a herbivorous spirit beast.

And this big green ox with four horns is an extremely rare breed, extremely rare in every spirit beast forest.

In terms of strength, this kind of soul beast is nothing special, but the meat is extremely tender.

Not only humans love to eat it, but even carnivorous soul beasts will persevere when they see the big green ox with four horns.

This big green bull is nearly a thousand years old, and in their race, it should be considered to have lived a relatively long time.

Although it is fast and good at escaping, it was caught within a short distance in the face of the Douluo-level powerhouse like the Dolphin. The two had a delicious barbecue in the woods. meal.

(End of this chapter)

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