Douluo: My Wuhun is Phoenix

Chapter 108 Mission from the Hall of Spirits

Chapter 108 Mission from the Hall of Spirits
"The royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire?"

Ma Hongjun was taken aback, isn't that what Qian Renxue is doing?

Help someone?

Could it be your daughter Qian Renxue?

"What? Don't you want to?" Bibi Dong's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Ma Hongjun hurriedly calmed down, waved his hands again and again and said, "No, His Highness is overwhelmed. As a member of the Spirit Hall, Ma Hongjun naturally obeys the orders of the Pope. I just don't know, what is the specific task of this time?"

"Actually, the task this time is not complicated. It has basically taken shape over there. Your purpose of going is very simple, that is, to be responsible for following a person." Bibi Dong continued: "You are still young, go now, He will not be suspected, and he is just the right candidate."

Well, there is no need to continue guessing, it must be following Qian Renxue.

"After you pass this time, you can contact Snake Lance Douluo directly, and he will arrange everything for you."

As Qian Renxue is a descendant of an angel, it is naturally impossible for Qian Daoliu to let her fall into the trap alone.

Although Bibi Dong doesn't like her daughter, she even hates it.

But after all, it was her own daughter, and she couldn't be cruel enough to kill her, so she secretly sent many strong men to protect her.

And the leader among them is Snake Lance Douluo, who is also an elder of Wuhun Hall.

The other Douluo was the Porpoise Douluo who had appeared in the competition not long ago.

Usually he is like Snake Lance Douluo, lurking in the Heaven Dou Empire, the last time he came back, in fact, was to choose a talented Douluo, hoping to go to the Heaven Dou Empire to assist Qian Renxue.

After some explanations, Ma Hongjun also roughly understood the current situation within the Dou Empire.

As early as five years ago, Wuhundian had already begun to infiltrate.

And Qian Renxue has already successfully replaced Xue Qinghe, and began to eliminate dissidents, one by one who will affect his future sitting on the throne of emperor.

However, Snake Lance and Dolphin Douluo could only hide in the dark after all. As the elders of the Spirit Hall, it is impossible for the Heaven Dou Empire to have no information about them.Once discovered, it will definitely become suspicious.

Especially the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School of No. [-] High School is very close to the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire. Qian Renxue even worships Ning Fengzhi as her teacher, and often goes to and out of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

And at this stage, it is impossible for Snake Spear and the others to sneak in.

After all, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were not weak, and if they were discovered, a big battle would be unavoidable.

"Just by Xue Qinghe's side?" Ma Hongjun asked again in doubt.

After all, he didn't know what the current relationship between Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue was. What if his purpose was actually to be a spy, responsible for spying on Qian Renxue's every move?

Of course, it was impossible for Ma Hongjun to ask these words directly.

"That's right, if you go, in the name of a genius you accidentally discovered in the countryside, you will be taken back to the palace after being spotted by Xue Qinghe."

Bibi Dong also considered that his previous status at Francis Academy could no longer be used, after all, people in Barak Kingdom already knew that he had joined the Spirit Hall.

If it appeared in the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire now, it would definitely arouse suspicion.

Although the elf guards of Barak Kingdom are protecting the royal family, the distribution of personnel is very mixed.

"Understood His Majesty the Pope, so when do I need to go there?" Ma Hongjun asked.

"Three days later, this time, there is a message from the porpoise that Renxue will go to the surrounding counties during the Chinese New Year to investigate, and you can take this opportunity to join when the time comes."

In fact, the plan has already been arranged, but the candidate has not been determined.

After all, Hu Liena and the others are already 14 years old. It is really unrealistic that they have not been found in the village at this time.

"Follow the order of His Majesty the Pope!" Ma Hongjun bowed respectfully, as he agreed.

And this time, Dellu will send him there, and then he will live in a village near the Heaven Dou Empire, in the home of a hunter in the mountains.

This Orion is also a member of the Wuhun Temple, and will be responsible for helping him conceal his identity...


"Okay, the matter is settled like this. The elders and I still have something to discuss, so you can go back first, pack up your things, and leave in three days." Bibi Dongyu waved her hand, indicating that Ma Hongjun could step back.


After returning home, at the dinner table, Ma Hongjun told Teacher Tia, his parents and sister the news.

Of course, he just said that he was going to perform the task.

As for what the specific task content is, it doesn't mention a word.

After all, this is also the top secret of the Spirit Hall, let alone him, almost no one below the elder level of the Spirit Hall knows about it.

"Go again?!?"

When Ma Xiaoxiao heard that Ma Xiaopang had to leave again in three days, Shuiliang's eyes widened, her cheeks puffed up, and she shouted dissatisfied: "What kind of pope is this? He asked you to leave just after he came back. It’s the Chinese New Year, can’t we leave after the Chinese New Year!?!”

"Be careful!" Tia on the side stopped Ma Xiaoxiao and said, "This is Wuhun City, and the pope is the supreme being, don't say anything disrespectful to the pope here, if someone else hears it and reports it , it’s not a joke.”

"That's right, you little girl, why don't you hurry up and sit down!" Mother Ma panicked, and hurriedly took Ma Xiaoxiao to sit down, covering her greasy mouth, to prevent her from saying any more outrageous words .

"Okay, sister Xiaoxiao, who told you that your brother is a genius."

Ma Hongjun waved his hands amusedly, and said, "Mom, let go of Miss Xiaoxiao quickly, and then cover her. I don't think she will be caught before she is caught, but she will be suffocated by you first."


At this moment, Mother Ma realized that she seemed to be covering her too tightly, so she quickly let go of her hands, and then subconsciously wiped the greasy hands on Ma Xiaoxiao's clothes.

Ma Xiaoxiao opened her big eyes, panting heavily there.

Tia: "..."

Ma Xiaopang: "..."


At the dinner table, facing a table full of rich dishes, Ma Xiaoxiao was not interested at all.

"Is it true that I'm leaving in three days, brother?" Ma Xiaoxiao asked again: "Can't it be a few days later, no matter how old the year is!"

Ma Xiaopang shook his head amusedly, and said: "It's really impossible, sister Xiaoxiao, the task above has been set, if I leave late, it cannot be completed."

"OK then…"

Recalling the last New Year, I went shopping in a good way, but encountered an unexpected incident.

I thought that this year, my younger brother would be able to accompany me to go out for a stroll, but who would have thought that I would leave before the end of the year...

"Then you can go out with me tomorrow."

Ma Xiaopang raised his head, looked at Ma Xiaoxiao's hopeful eyes, there was an indescribable emotion in his eyes, and he nodded immediately.

"Okay, I'll take you out for a stroll in these two days!"


Ma Xiaoxiao was as happy as a four or five-year-old girl, although judging from her figure, she was no longer a girl at all.

After all, how can a little girl already have a bulging figure?

Looking at the family's happy and harmonious appearance, Ma Xiaopang seemed to have a depression in his heart.

Hahaha, isn't this kind of life what I want?

Ma Hongjun turned his head, looked at Teacher Tia who was concentrating on eating, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Teacher Tia..."

Tia looked up suspiciously...

(I’ve been conceiving a new book for the past two days, and wrote the beginning of Uncle Jiu’s article. Don’t worry, this book will end normally, although it may be a bit slow.)
(End of this chapter)

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