King: I'm really an entertainment anchor

Chapter 18 Lu Hua's Counter Tactics

Chapter 18 Lu Hua's Counter Tactics

Although the predecessor Lu Hua was not a famous anchor.

But because he is particularly good at organizing activities, he has received relatively high attention.

The key point is his handsome and good-looking id.

It has never been changed.

This also has a result.

Every time there is a live broadcast, someone will come and crash the car.

This is also an important reason why the predecessor Lu Hua's peak score has been difficult to increase.

According to the deduction just now, Lu Hua can basically conclude.

The jungler on the opposite side must be watching his live broadcast.

Because I just started to contact the live broadcast today.

Lu Hua didn't know that the game live broadcast would need to be delayed.

But now that the live broadcast room has been opened, if you turn on the delay now, it will definitely affect the viewing effect.

After much deliberation, Lu Hua finally had an idea.

Since the opponent likes to use their vision to catch people, it's better to use their tactics to their advantage.

Use the point of looking at the live broadcast room from the opposite side to find a view.

Lead the snake out of the hole.

After a wave of team battles just broke out on the development road, the blue team did not have the previous arrogance.

Instead, he began to be wretched under the tower.

Develop peacefully with the red side.

The time gradually came to more than six minutes.

Lu Hua suddenly turned on the microphone and started communicating with his teammates.

"Sikong Zhen on the other side is a little naughty. The jungler and the mage come up and help me catch him!"

The blue side's jungler Dongfang Yao and Qiqi's Angela heard Lu Hua's request for help.

They all agreed.

On the other side, Yun Zhongjun and Sikong Zhen, who had been following Lu Hua's live broadcast room, suddenly had their eyes lit up.

"This Lu Bu called the middle field to the confrontation road again. In this wave, we will go to the development road. Grab the opposite shooter directly to death. As long as our Jia Luo can develop, they will have no advantage in the later stage."

Just as they looked at Lu Hua's studio again.

The live broadcast room suddenly went black!

There are only two big English words in the middle of the screen.

"no signal!"

"Is there something wrong in the live broadcast room?"

"Don't worry about him. The equipment of this kind of small anchor is generally relatively cheap, and it's not surprising if something goes wrong occasionally. Just follow our original idea, everyone should find ways to grow."

Just when they were preparing to go to the development road to catch the shooter as planned.

Lu Hua also began to communicate with his teammates.

I just asked my teammates to support me and the sudden black screen in the live broadcast room.

In fact, it was all done on purpose by Lu Hua.

After closing the live broadcast room briefly, if you have anything to say, call your teammates directly.

"All offensive development roads!"

Jungler Dongfang Yao was originally farming in the red zone, and he was relatively close to the development path at this time.

Angela's lane clearing ability is much higher than Shangguan Wan'er's, so her lane transition is much faster than her opponent's.

Because Lu Hua said earlier that he asked Nakano to come to support him, Sikong Zhen had already returned to the tower early and started to wretch.

Angela and Dongfang Yao had already ambushed in the grass near the river on Development Road.

As long as the opposite Nakano came to support.

They can ambush in the grass.

Lu Hua came to the teleportation array on the confrontation road through the grass without exposing his vision.

But he didn't choose to teleport immediately.

Because when teleporting, the whole picture will be exposed.

He is waiting.

Wait for the fighting between the two sides to begin.

Enter the field by yourself.

Give the opponent a big move by surprise.

It must be able to get unexpected results.


On the opposite side, Yun Zhongjun followed Shangguan Wan'er and entered the river through his own blue zone to start supporting the development road.

Yunzhongjun is okay because his passive can ignore the terrain.

So he went directly through the dragon pit and came to the vicinity of the red zone of the blue side.

Shangguan Wan'er walked along the river, trying to meet her auxiliary shooter.

Prepare to attack the blue side's bottom tower directly along the development road.

But just when they thought they had the chance to win.

totally unexpected……

When Shangguan Wan'er was crossing the river, a red fireball suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

That's Angela's second skill!
Because Shangguan Wan'er's summoner skill is flash.

So at this time he was controlled to death by Angela's skills.

Next, Angela directly activated her ultimate move.

Shangguan Wan'er was killed on the spot!

Although the other three were shocked, they quickly reacted.

There is only one Angela in this river.

But there are three of them.

Three-on-one is almost crushing.

Thus, the three of them surrounded Angela from left to right.

Angela's only control skill has also been handed over.

There's just a flash of it that's still in my hand.

But this did not prevent the three of them from killing him.

So Yun Zhongjun decisively gave up the idea of ​​​​attacking the development road.

Turn around and go straight to the river.

Target Angela!
But what he never thought of was.

On the opposite side, the jungler Dongfang Yao who was supposed to support the confrontation lane.

At this time, he was lying in ambush in the grass near the river, motionless.

Just waiting for Yun Zhongjun on the opposite side to take the bait.

The blue side's jungler and shooter saw the opposite mage fall to the ground first.

Know that the opportunity to fight back is coming.

Start attacking along the development road towards the middle river.

Shooters from both sides engage in battle.

Gongsunli's second skill dodged Jia Luo's second skill.

Then with one skill, he suddenly faced madly and leveled A.

Yaomei, the auxiliary on the red side, directly activated her ultimate move and landed on Jialuo.

Jia Luo activated a skill and a big move, although the enhanced general attack only hit Gongsunli with a few arrows.

But the high amount of damage he dealt was still too much for Gongsun Li to bear.

After a wave of blood changes, Jia Luo had the upper hand.

Gongsunli retreated.

After briefly analyzing the situation between the enemy and the enemy, Jia Luo decisively pursued it.

He wants to take this opportunity to demolish the second tower of Development Road on the blue side.

But who knows...

In the teleportation array on the edge of the confrontation road, a blue light suddenly flashed.

Immediately after that, it is near the dragon pit in the lower river.

Lu Bu appears!
On the other hand, Yun Zhongjun was originally going to kill Angela.

Dongfang Yao, who was hiding in the grass, beat him to death.

Relying on his big move and domineering body, he barely escaped with his life.

But just when Yun Zhongjun was about to find a bush to go home to recharge, he happened to run into Lu Bu who had just rushed to support him.

Lu Bu didn't hesitate to wave his hand with a knife.

Yun Zhongjun died on the spot.

At this time, Jia Luo's pursuit of Gongsunli has already gone deep.

Lu Bu, Dongfang Yao and Angela made a direct detour behind them.

The blue side formed a flanking attack from both front and back.

The result can be imagined.

Both sister Jialuo and Yao were killed.

All the heads were given to Gongsunli.

In this regard, this wave of team battles led by Lu Hua played a zero for four.

There was only one Sikong Zhen left on the opposite side, who was weak in guarding the tower.

Only then did Yun Zhongjun understand.

That entertainment anchor, Ahua, has long regarded it as his trick.

There was suddenly no signal in the live broadcast room just now, and he did it on purpose.

The purpose is to lure them into this wave of team battles.

What a painstaking effort!
After the team battle, Lu Hua's broadcast room returned to normal.

"I'm going, no! During the black screen, the blue team directly exchanged zero for four!"

"The red square just collapsed!"

"There's only one Sikong Zhen left, so the red side won't be hit by a wave!"

"Brothers, I have a question, why did Brother Hua cut off the live broadcast room for such a critical team battle? Could it be that he just opened something?!"

"Same question, same question, is Brother Hua Zi open?"

Yun Zhongjun stared at the unashamed but slightly arrogant man on the screen in the live broadcast room.

Weakly sighed.

Then open the equipment page of both parties.

The blue economy is far ahead of the red economy.

2000 yuan.

"If this one is gone, just throw it! Don't waste any more time, hurry up and open the next one."

Without the slightest hesitation, Yun Zhongjun gave his teammates the last advice.

This is proxy betting, as long as we see that our general situation is gone, we must stop losses in time.

After all, time is money for them.

It's just that he really can't understand why the entertainment anchor A Hua can respond so quickly?
Didn’t he say he was terrible at cooking?
Could it be that he has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
 Brothers, today the author tweeted.

  I want to ask you a little thing, brothers.

  Please be sure to read the latest chapters and don't keep books.

  Every follow-up reading is extremely important to the author!
  Thank you!
  You can scold me, you can chase after me, but don't stop reading my book.

(End of this chapter)

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