Konoha: I went from ninja to the strongest ninja!

Chapter 75 Chapter 75, too much confidence.

Chapter 75 Chapter 75, too much confidence.

Three generations of Hokage said that he had a headache.

The Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Wind launched an attack at the same time, and the other small countries probably would not sit idly by.

There is a good saying, which is called "the wall falls, the crowd pushes the drum, and the drum breaks the tens of thousands of people beat it."

Konoha Ninja Village is now known as the most powerful ninja village in the ninja world.

But once it starts to be targeted, any small country will probably want to get a piece of it!

When the time comes, will Konoha really be able to handle it?
"Master Hokage, our Konoha Ninja Village has been recharging its energy for a while, why should we be afraid of other villages? Since the other party deliberately finds fault, then let's beat them up and be honest, otherwise, they will never Thought we were paper tigers!"

Hyuga Hizuki continued.

The families of the other major families even nodded.

It was a compromise made by the Japanese family back then.It is a last resort.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion made it hard for Konoha to recover from the heavy damage.

This allowed the Kingdom of Thunder to take advantage of a loophole.

Now, the other party intends to repeat the same trick, isn't that the same as getting on the nose?
If we compromise again this time, will there be a third time?The fourth time, the fifth time, and more and more demands?
The heads of other families are not fools either.

When the Hinata family had an accident, he didn't help, but the Hinata family talked.Then when the hammer falls on his head, who will speak for him?
Therefore, these major families will unite the front and support the Hyuga family.

If a village can't protect the various families in it, then why does the village need to be protected?

First there is a small family, and then there is a big family.

I am the head of a family first, and the ninja of Konoha Ninja Village second.

As the head of the family, the most important thing is to be responsible for your family!
To be honest, the sacrifice of the Hyuga family back then has chilled their hearts.

How could something like this happen a second time?
Lu Jiu said: "The Kingdom of Thunder has repeated it again and again, and it is indeed a bit of an insult. I don't think we should compromise this time!"

Akido Dingzuo also said: "Do those guys really think that Konoha is a soft persimmon? It's time to give them some color!"

Shimura Danzo: "I think what you said is right. Although we don't like deliberately causing wars, we are not afraid of wars. If the other party wants to fight, let's fight!"

Seeing everyone's fighting enthusiasm so high, although the third Hokage didn't want to fight, they couldn't say anything more.

Having made such a decision, one order after another began to be sent out.

Recall the ninjas on missions, open the arsenal, suspend all outing missions, and all Konoha ninjas are ready for the big battle.

Each family also received their own orders.

They also immediately went back to start preparing.

On Hinata Hidetsu's serious and calm face, there was a look of excitement.

The battle in the Land of Thunder, right?

I have been waiting for this day for a long time!

The humiliation of the past, the hatred of my brother, will be returned together now!
Watching everyone leave, the three-generation old man sighed.

It seems that it is really not easy for my old bones to enjoy my old age in peace!
If only facing the country of thunder, or only facing the country of wind, relying on Konoha's current strength.Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't feel any pressure.


Once the battle starts, the other surrounding countries will definitely not stand by.

This time, I don't know if Konoha can win again!

He thumped his old waist, and was the last one to walk out of the meeting room.

My old bones are old too.

Maybe it's time to abdicate as well.

Originally, I wanted to wait a few more years to let Asmado experience it.

Now it seems that there is no chance!

After all, that guy Asma was still a little short of qualifications.

Kakashi is the same as Asma.


That guy Jiraiya was originally the best candidate, but he didn't seem interested in this position.

If he is allowed to take over Hokage's position, when he gets tired of being Hokage, Asma should have grown up by then, right?
As for the others in the village...

After all, it still feels a bit off...

Just after he walked out of the conference room while thinking, he suddenly saw a familiar figure:

"Three-generation old man! I heard that there is going to be a big war, isn't it?"

A voice came, and there was actually some excitement in the tone.

Sandai Hokage looked up, and met the other party's cheerful eyes.

It turned out to be Naruto Uzumaki?

"Huh? Naruto? Have you been waiting for me here?" Third Hokage asked strangely.

Naruto has just become a Chunin, so naturally he cannot participate in meetings that only high-level and elites can attend.

So he has been waiting at the door of the conference room.

"Yeah, I heard from Hinata, it seems that the country of Lei is deliberately picking on the Hinata family, right? Is there going to be a war?" Naruto said excitedly.

The Kingdom of Thunder?What is it?Dare to find fault with my wife?
See if I don't beat you to death!

The old man of three generations sighed: "It's not as simple as you imagined! Naruto!"

The war in the ninja world is not just as simple as talking.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen had already made a series of preparations, he was not sure that he would be able to win this time.

War competition is about combat power, financial resources, and material resources!

There is also the number of excellent ninjas in the new generation.

Each item is very expensive.

Of course, a ninja like Naruto who has just graduated from ninja school has never experienced a war, so it is normal to be curious and worried about war.

As Hokage, it is naturally necessary to do their psychological work well.

He raised his hand, patted Naruto's shoulder, and said in as gentle a tone as possible. "What's the matter? Naruto, are you worried about war?"

"Don't worry! Our Konoha Ninja Village won the first ninja war and the second ninja war. We are still full of confidence in this battle—"

"Of course I'm worried! I'm really afraid those people won't come!" Naruto said excitedly:

"Three generations of old men, whichever battlefield is the most fiercely fought and has the most enemies, you can send me to that battlefield! What is the country of thunder, the country of wind, the country of water, and the country of earth? It is best for them to join forces! Kill them to death! And those lands of grass, land of rain, and land of iron come together too! I'll kill them together!"

Naruto excitedly pulled a bunch of them.All the other national forces that can be said in my memory are divided into the enemy's side.

Sarutobi Hiruza: "????"

A country of thunder plus a country of wind is enough to give me a headache.

Plus the other two major countries and those small countries?Do you just want Konoha to perish completely?

Although Konoha claims to be the most powerful ninja village on the surface, we are at most one-on-one and not afraid of other villages.

Are you trying to fight one against a hundred?

Sarutobi Hiruza, I really don't know what to say.

Although it is a good thing for young ninjas to have confidence in their village, you are too confident, right?

If Naruto knew what the three-generation old man was thinking, he would definitely say it. "I don't have confidence in the village, I just have confidence in myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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