Konoha: I went from ninja to the strongest ninja!

Chapter 66, 66, and the third exam.

Chapter 66, 66, and the third exam.

After Naruto had eaten and drank enough, he followed Anbu's ninjas to the office of the Third Hokage.

"Three generations old man!" As soon as Naruto entered the office, he greeted Hiruzaru Sarutobi carelessly.

"Oh! Little Naruto, you are finally here!"

As soon as Yuan Feiri saw Naruto, he immediately smiled.

"Come here! Come here and let me take a good look. Grandpa, I went to your house not long ago and gave you living expenses and milk. But looking at you now, it seems so strange. Your strength has improved. But it surprised me!"

The three-generation old man said, and patted Naruto's shoulder affectionately.

Sandai Hokage deserves to be a successful politician.

She may be very hypocritical, and he may be very scheming, but you have to say that his way of dealing with people and speaking is very friendly.

With a calm voice, he followed Naruto softly, talking, patted him on the shoulder from time to time, and even talked about Naruto's childhood.

Let me mention my concern for Naruto when he was a child.

In order to shorten the distance between each other.

Then he mentioned Asma and his grandson, Konoha Maru, as if talking about family matters.

As he spoke, he pulled Naruto to sit on the sofa with a kind face.

"Recently, you are busy practicing, and you don't often come to see me, grandpa. I haven't seen you for a few days, but I miss you a little bit."

Three generations of old men kept talking without saying a word, but they always wanted to talk about cultivation.

I always want to get some words out of Naruto's mouth, and figure out why Naruto suddenly became so strong.

You know, the three-generation old man has a lot of experience, but even he really can't figure out why a person's body has undergone such a huge change. A 12-year-old guy, his physical skills are so powerful that he can suppress shadow-level powerhouses .

Even he was very curious.

Naruto didn't say much, just one sentence: "The result of hard work!"

Can you say I don't work hard?

I worked so hard to beat my classmates, teachers, and even contestants from other countries. Isn’t it just to become stronger?

I work harder than everyone else!

Seeing that nothing came out of Naruto's mouth, the three-generation old man rambled about the Chunin exam.

In the second round of the Chunin exam, candidates from other countries directly lost [-]%, and the death forest was destroyed by Naruto, and even the high tower in the middle was cut into ruins.

The second test naturally ended.

And other people's minds are not at all on this little Chunin exam.

The leading teachers in some countries have begun to secretly use their secret contact information to spread the news that Konoha has a 12-year-old Kage-class strongman.

After all, Konoha has a new Kage-level powerhouse, and he is only 12 years old. This is a huge matter, and it is natural to pass it back as soon as possible.

In fact, if Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that Naruto was really that strong.He won't let Naruto take part in this Chunin exam. He is so strong that he can keep it as a hole card. When necessary, he can use it to make a blockbuster when he is in battle!
But now that Naruto's strength has been exposed, it's useless to say such things now, so the three-generation old man even thought in his heart, should all the ninjas who survived the second time count as them to pass the level?Then go to take the third test and let Naruto completely shock them?
Of course, Naruto readily accepts this kind of thing. As long as it allows him to fight more, he will of course agree. After all, more battles means that he can earn more experience points. Who is not happy?

Hearing that Naruto readily agreed, the three-generation old man burst out laughing.

Praise Naruto for his strength and win glory for Konoha Village, and even reward him with 1 taels, let him eat something delicious and replenish his energy.

Hearing that he was going to reward himself with 1 taels, Naruto was naturally happier.

He said that such battles can be a little more, not only can you gain experience points for yourself, but also get money. Is there anything better in the world than this?

The two chatted very harmoniously, and then the three-generation old man asked Naruto to go back to rest.

After Naruto left, the gentle smile on the face of the three-generation old man slowly faded, and he began to calm down.

Then he asked the ninja beside him: "You have been monitoring him since childhood, have you really found nothing abnormal?"

The two ninjas monitoring Naruto knelt down on one knee and told the three-generation old man. "Report Hokage-sama didn't find anything unusual. That guy, I usually don't see him come into contact with suspicious people. The only change is that he started to like to practice boxing two years ago. However, his strength seems to have changed since then. Strong. It seems to be exactly what he said. Is it really the result of hard work?"


The three-generation old man sighed, he actually knew that, asking, these two ninjas couldn't ask anything, because he had already asked this question several times.

Naruto's changes are indeed very big, but no one knows when he became so strong.

And he really had no contact with suspicious people.

It is possible that, as he said, it is the progress made by relying on one's own hard work.


This kind of progress is really too big, it is simply unacceptable!

"Okay, okay, go down, from now on, you must be more careful to stare at the celebrity, now he is very powerful, you have to be careful, don't be discovered by her, besides, the celebrity at this moment has become our The important trump card in the village, you must not let him have any problems! Don't let other suspicious people approach her, once any suspicious people approach her, come and report to me immediately, especially Shimura Danzo!"

The three-generation old man gave instructions to the two Anbu ninjas.

After all, Naruto's strength now has the effect of suppressing Kage-class.

Such a powerful ninja, no matter which country it is in?They are all very important cards.

What's more, he is only 12 years old, maybe there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the celebrity is safe and will not be approached secretly by people from other countries, or even shot at him secretly.

"Obey, Hokage-sama, we will do our duty and keep staring at him!" The two ninjas bowed their heads and obeyed.

"By the way, Naruto-sama..." said one of the Anbe ninjas.

"What's wrong?" asked the three-generation old man.

"Shimura Danzo seems to have sent his people to investigate Naruto's situation and even monitor Naruto." Another Anbu ninja said.

"Let him go, as long as he doesn't face Naruto forcibly. The old man will turn a blind eye." The three-generation old man waved his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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