Konoha: I went from ninja to the strongest ninja!

Chapter 5 5, You can't graduate without ninjutsu

Chapter 5 5, You can't graduate without ninjutsu

Today, he successfully upgraded his prestige to subdue others to level three.

When I got home, I ate a bowl of ramen, and made myself the spokesperson of Yile Ramen, and got the condition of eating free ramen in the future. It can be said that I have gained a lot, and Naruto is in a good mood.

Anyway, the so-called spokesperson is just taking a picture of showing off his muscles and hanging it in the ramen restaurant.

This is no loss for him.

It can even play a propaganda role for itself, letting more people in the village know about itself.

You know, even the third Hokage couldn't let his photo hang in the most popular ramen restaurant in Konoha Ninja Village!

Back at the residence, Naruto fell asleep soundly.


The next day, he went directly to practice boxing in the grove behind the village by himself.

He has long since stopped going to the ninja school. He only goes to school during the test, and usually practices outside alone.

After all, there was nothing he could learn in that school.

Due to the existence of Nine-Tails, his chakra is very disordered. It is too energy-consuming to learn ninjutsu, and he has this skill lottery system, so he simply gave up the practice of ninjutsu and turned to practice. own other skills.

After all, who said a ninja has to know ninjutsu?
Didn't the taijutsu ninja Maitekai almost kick the finale with his own kick?
Naruto felt that he could conquer the entire ninja world with just his fists!


"Bang bang bang!"

Naruto's fist, punch by punch, hit the tree trunk.

In an instant, deep fist marks were left on the huge tree trunk.

The sound resounded through the entire forest.

At this time, suddenly a ninja wearing a standard ninja uniform flashed to his side and leaned against the big tree he hit.He said to Naruto with a relaxed expression:

"Yo, Naruto-kun, are you practicing here alone again? You are such a hardworking fellow!"

"Does it need to be said? After all, genius is one point of talent, plus 99 points of sweat. Although my talent is amazing, but I also understand that if I don't work hard, I can't become a real strong person." Naruto looked Without looking at the other party, he replied directly.

Because he is familiar with the plot and knows that this guy is not a good person, and he is not as amiable as it appears.

The reason why he cares so much about himself is because he wants to use himself.

This ninja is Mizuki.

The graduation exam was about to take place, and Mizuki couldn't bear it anymore.

Prepare to use this opportunity to persuade Naruto to steal the sealed book.

So he pretended to be concerned and said:
"The graduation exam is coming soon, Naruto, are you ready? Although your strength is indeed very strong. Your physical skills are unrivaled in the school, even surpassing most of the teachers.

But you have to understand that the assessment of ninjas is not just about physical skills.

Ninjutsu is the most important part, and you seem to have not mastered a ninjutsu until now..."

"And, yesterday's latent test, you beat Irukaka very hard! He is still lying in the hospital, but he has a lot of complaints against you. He might deliberately block you during the graduation exam. You won't be allowed to graduate smoothly..."

"Although Mizuki-sensei, I want to help you, but. But in the graduation exam, three Chunin teachers must be required. Once you agree, you can graduate smoothly.

Even if I agree with you to graduate, if Iruka and another teacher disagree, you still won't be able to graduate..."

"So?" Naruto asked indifferently, watching Mizuki's performance quietly.

"I know a method that will allow you to graduate smoothly. As for whether you are willing to do it or not? It's up to you." Mizuki showed a mysterious expression on purpose, and let it go.

"I don't want to." Naruto replied directly.

Mizuki: "????"

He was choked by Naruto directly.

Originally, he was still waiting for Naruto to ask him what method was full of excitement.

Then I pretended to say it mysteriously, and asked him to steal the sealed book.

In this way, the plan can be completed.

But he didn't expect the other party to directly say that he didn't want to?

These three words directly choked Mizuki.


Naruto landed a final punch on the tree trunk.

The big tree with a diameter of more than one meter suddenly made a crackling sound, split from the middle, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Naruto closed his fist, then looked at Mizuki and said:

"I have already thought about the method of graduation. You don't need to worry about it, teacher.

By the way, Mr. Mizuki, you are here too, why don't you just compete with me?Always hitting dead things like tree trunks, I always feel a bit awkward..."

Mizuki looked at the broken trunk with a diameter of more than one meter.

Couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

Quickly shook his head and said:
"No, can't you? Since you already have a way to graduate, I won't bother you anymore. I still have something to do. Let's go first, Naruto, work hard!"

"Teacher Mizuki! You're here, how can you refuse the students' enthusiasm for advice? Come on, don't be afraid of hurting me, I'm very strong!"

As Naruto said, he rushed towards Mizuki with his fists clenched.

Mizuki complained endlessly in his heart: Am I afraid of hurting you?I'm afraid you accidentally beat me to death!

He backed away again and again, but Naruto didn't let him leave.He jumped up and rushed directly in front of him.

"Teacher, my fist is very big, bear with it!"


A fist the size of a casserole slammed into his face, instantly breaking his head into pieces.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Hint: Get +20 experience points! +20! +20..."

"Naruto! Stop it! Stop it! The teacher surrendered!" After being punched a few times, Mizuki was a little confused, and quickly shouted for Naruto to stop.

After a total of seven or eight punches, Naruto stopped.

At this moment, Mizuki's face was swollen into a pig's head.

He got up and spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

I secretly groaned in my heart.

Originally, he came to Naruto this time to confuse him to steal the sealed book, but he didn't expect that the goal was not achieved, and instead he was beaten severely, what a shame!
He made up his mind in his heart that he must beat Naruto in the graduation exam and not let this guy graduate!
Seeing the teacher get up, Naruto rubbed his fist, and said hypocritically: "Teacher, why don't you fight back? Although I am a student, you don't have to take care of me too much. When you compete with me in the future, You must do your best!"

After hearing this, Mizuki almost spat out another mouthful of old blood.

Am I taking care of you?
I couldn't see the speed of your punching at all, so I couldn't resist!

He asked Naruto:

"By the way, Naruto, what's your method of passing the graduation exam?"

The reason why he asked this was because only by understanding the other party's methods, could he think of countermeasures better, and prevent the other party from graduating.

Naruto grinned, and said with a big grin: "The method is very simple. I will challenge any teacher who won't let me pass the exam every day until I graduate from school... Teacher, do you think I can graduate?"

This is how this guy works?

When Mizuki heard this, he subconsciously looked at Naruto's fist.

I feel a tremor in my heart.

Hastily said:

"Of course, a student as strong as Naruto, even if he doesn't know ninjutsu, can become an excellent ninja by relying on taijutsu! Your graduation exam, Mizuki-sensei will definitely pass with both hands!"

he thought.

Whoever loves cards gets cards!
Such a plague god should graduate from school quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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