Konoha: I went from ninja to the strongest ninja!

Chapter 45 45, kill Konoha's hole card.

Chapter 45 45, kill Konoha's hole card.

At this time, Naruto's waist was pinned to a short sword given to him by Kakashi.

Although this short sword is not a high-level item.

However, the requirements for weapons are not high for piercing through the air and drawing swords.

Even a kitchen knife can still pull out the effect.

He even thought, if these people had just entered the forest and before they dispersed, they would have drawn their swords and slashed across, and within a radius of 5000 meters, everyone would have been cut into two sections, wouldn't he have passed the level directly?

But in that case.Konoha's ninjas will also be killed.

Some of them are still his classmates, Naruto always feels that such words are a bit immoral.

So I dismissed that idea.

"Sakura, Hinata, let's go in too." Naruto said to the two teammates beside him.

"Well! We will try our best to keep up with Naruto-kun!" The two girls nodded.

Follow in Naruto's footsteps.

As Naruto's teammates, they naturally did a lot of homework and preparation in advance.

Try to help Naruto get a better record in this exam.

Three people entered the arena, instantly attracting the attention of other ninjas.

After all, Naruto's height and appearance are too prominent.

At first glance, I thought he was someone who had been repeated for more than ten years.

But if you look closely, you will find that his face is actually just the face of a child.

A child's face, coupled with such a strong body, is very elusive.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Seeing other Konoha ninjas and Konoha's examiners, it's not hard to imagine their attitude towards him.

I'm afraid this guy is Konoha's hole card!

"That's the kid, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's him. Konoha's ninjas and examiners seem to care about him very much. I'm afraid there are some unimaginable plans on him."

"No matter what the plan is? After entering the Death Forest, find a way to kill him immediately. As long as you kill him, no matter how careful the plan is, it won't work!" Teacher Mizuno Ninja said to his students arrive.

"Yes! Teacher! After entering the forest, we will definitely unite and find a way to kill him in the first place!" Those students nodded repeatedly.

At the same time, their eyes kept looking at Naruto.

Is this guy Konoha's trump card?

The Chunin Exam already has some political implications in it, and of course every village will arrange the most elite of the Chunin as their hole cards.

The purpose of Konoha Ninja Village holding this Chunin exam is to flex its muscles in the exam and deter other countries, but why don't other countries have the same idea?

Naturally, they also want to send the most powerful people to win glory for the country.

Every ninja village has an important hole card.

The other candidates have to prepare around this hole card.

For example, the Gaara team in the Land of Winds is their most important trump card team.

Lei Zhiguo and Lei Zhiguo in the Land of Water also have a similar trump card team.

They were all expected to win the first place in this test, while the other teams had to make way for them, and even sacrificed for it.

It's just that such a trump card team is usually hidden, making it difficult to find and guess.

Only when it is not targeted by others, can such hole card equipment be able to exert a perfect effect in the end.

But Konoha's trump card team seems to be hard to hide!
You are a head taller than others just because of your height, how do you want to hide it?
Look at his confident and arrogant face.

Coupled with that strong muscle.

It's hard not to notice, he is the protagonist this time!
and so.

You have exposed your trump card team, so it is only natural that you are targeted.

The ninjas from other countries all gave a mocking look.

Konoha Ninja Village is too arrogant and careless.

He exposed his hole cards early, isn't this courting death?
They all smiled slightly.

He has already made up his mind that after entering the forest, he must find Naruto immediately and kill him completely.


in the forest of death.

Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata have already entered it. At this moment, they are walking in the forest.

However, they walked with ease and walked slowly, without any sense of tension at all.

It's as leisurely as a walk in the park.

"Hehe... Is this Konoha's hole card? Isn't this too careless? It seems that we are lucky this time! We should be the first team to spot them!"

above the trees.A ninja wearing a grass ninja village forehead sneered.

According to the teacher's order, they entered the forest again, and immediately began to track in the direction of Naruto's team.

Although the death forest is indeed very large, they entered here following the Naruto team.

The distance between the two teams is not very far, so as long as they track with their heart, they will be able to track each other soon. What's more, the other party is still so leisurely, and has no intention of hiding his whereabouts at all?

"This group of guys seem to be out for a walk. Are Konoha's ninjas at this level? The ninjas raised by the country known as the most powerful are such rubbish. It's really a shame for them!" Another People, the ninjas of Kusanagi Village also said mockingly.

Grass Ninja Village is a small village.

It cannot be compared with a big ninja village like Konoha Ninja Village.

And this time, they only had one team to take the exam.

Compared with Konoha Ninja Village, there is a huge gap in strength.

But if we kill the ace team of Konoha Ninja Village, wouldn't we be famous from now on?
He will definitely be treated as a hero by the village!
Now is an era of peace, as long as you let yourself get credit and glory for the village, then this multinational ninja exam is the best opportunity!

Taking the lead in the grass ninja village, the ninja gritted his teeth.

Then he raised his hand and swung it down.

"It's now! Do it!"


The next second, they were ready to attack, and they all launched, and countless kunai flew towards Naruto and the others.

And there is a detonating talisman tied behind each Kunai!

At the same time, at the moment when Kunai was launched, the three people jumped out from three directions instantly, blocked Naruto and their route instantly, and used his strongest ninjutsu to attack them attacked.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Wind escape! Lanqie!"

"Tu Dun! Earth Flow Wall!"

The three ninjas cooperated very well.

With the cooperation of Feng Dun, Huo Dun burned violently, and the earth flow wall of Tu Dun directly blocked Naruto and his escape route.

"Successful! He hasn't reacted yet!"

Seeing that the attack had already been launched, but the opponent was belatedly aware of it, the faces of the three ninjas showed complacent expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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